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The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa BOOK 1 ADI PARVA SECTION LXX

  The Mahabharata of

Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa BOOK 1


(Sambhava Parva continued)

"Vaisampayana said, 'Then the king with his followers, having killed

thousands of animals, entered another forest with a view to hunting. And

attended by a single follower and fatigued with hunger and thirst, he

came upon a large desert on the frontiers of the forest. And having

crossed this herbless plain, the king came upon another forest full of

the retreats of ascetics, beautiful to look at, delightful to the heart

and of cool agreeable breezes. And it was full of trees covered with

blossoms, the soil overgrown with the softest and greenest grass,

extending for many miles around, and echoing with the sweet notes of

winged warblers. And it resounded with the notes of the male Kokila and

of the shrill cicala. And it was full of magnificent trees with

outstretched branches forming a shady canopy overhead. And the bees

hovered over flowery creepers all around. And there were beautiful bowers

in every place. And there was no tree without fruits, none that had

prickles on it, none that had no bees swarming around it. And the whole

forest resounded with the melody of winged choristers. And it was decked

with the flowers of every season. And there were refreshing shades of

blossoming trees.

"Such was the delicious and excellent forest that the great bowman

entered. And trees with branches beautified with clusters began to wave

gently at the soft breeze and rain their flowers over the monarch's head.

And the trees, clad in their flowery attires of all colours, with

sweet-throated warblers perched on them, stood there in rows with heads

touching the very heavens. And around their branches hanging down with

the weight of flowers the bees tempted by the honey hummed in sweet

chorus. And the king, endued with great energy, beholding innumerable

spots covered with bowers of creepers decked with clusters of flowers,

from excess of gladness, became very much charmed. And the forest was

exceedingly beautiful in consequence of those trees ranged around with

flowery branches twining with each other and looking like so many

rainbows for gaudiness and variety of colour. And it was the resort of

bands of Siddhas, of the Charanas, of tribes of Gandharvas, and Apsaras,

of monkeys and Kinnaras drunk with delight. Delicious cool, and fragrant

breezes, conveying the fragrance from fresh flowers, blew in all

directions as if they had come there to sport with the trees. And the

king saw that charming forest gifted with such beauties. And it was

situated in a delta of the river, and the cluster of high trees standing

together lent the place the look of a gaudy pole erected to Indra's


"And in that forest which was the resort of ever cheerful birds, the

monarch saw a delightful and charming retreat of ascetics. And there were

many trees around it. And the sacred fire was burning within it. And the

king worshipped that unrivalled retreat. And he saw seated in it numerous

Yotis, Valakhilyas and other Munis. And it was adorned with many chambers

containing sacrificial fire. And the flowers dropping from the trees had

formed a thick carpet spread over the ground. And the spot looked

exceedingly beautiful with those tall trees of large trunks. And by it

flowed, O king, the sacred and transparent Malini with every species of

water-fowl playing on its bosom. And that stream infused gladness into

the hearts of the ascetics who resorted to it for purposes of ablutions.

And the king beheld on its banks many innocent animals of the deer

species and was exceedingly delighted with all that he saw.

"And the monarch, the course of whose chariot no foe could obstruct, then

entered that asylum which was like unto the region of the celestials,

being exceedingly beautiful all over. And the king saw that it stood on

the margin of the sacred stream which was like the mother of all the

living creatures residing in its vicinage. And on its bank sported the

Chakravaka, and waves of milkwhite foam. And there stood also the

habitations of Kinnaras. And monkeys and bears too disported themselves

in numbers. And there lived also holy ascetics engaged in studies and

meditation. And there could be seen also elephants and tigers and snakes.

And it was on the banks of that stream that the excellent asylum of the

illustrious Kasyapa stood, offering a home to numerous Rishis of great

ascetic merit. And beholding that river, and also the asylum washed by

that river which was studded with many islands and which possessed banks

of so much beauty,--an asylum like unto that of Nara and Narayana laved

by the water of the Ganga--the king resolved to enter into that sacred

abode. And that bull among men, desirous of beholding the great Rishi of

ascetic wealth, the illustrious Kanwa of the race of Kasyapa, one who

possessed every virtue and who, for his splendour, could be gazed at with

difficulty, approached that forest resounding with the notes of maddened

peacocks and like unto the gardens of the great Gandharva, Chitraratha,

himself. And halting his army consisting of flags, cavalry, infantry, and

elephants at the entrance of the forest, the monarch spoke as follows, 'I

shall go to behold the mighty ascetic of Kasyapa's race, one who is

without darkness. Stay ye here until my return!'

"And the king having entered that forest which was like unto Indra's

garden, soon forgot his hunger and thirst. And he was pleased beyond

measure. And the monarch, laying aside all signs of royalty, entered that

excellent asylum with but his minister and his priest, desirous of

beholding that Rishi who was an indestructible mass of ascetic merit. And

the king saw that the asylum was like unto the region of Brahman. Here

were bees sweetly humming and there were winged warblers of various

species pouring forth their melodies. At particular places that tiger

among men heard the chanting of Rik hymns by first-rate Brahmanas

according to the just rules of intonation. Other places again were graced

with Brahmanas acquainted with ordinances of sacrifice, of the Angas and

of the hymns of the Yajurveda. Other places again were filled with the

harmonious strains of Saman hymns sung by vow-observing Rishis. At other

places the asylum was decked with Brahmanas learned in the Atharvan Veda.

At other places again Brahmanas learned in the Atharvan Veda and those

capable of chanting the sacrificial hymns of the Saman were reciting the

Samhitas according to the just rules of voice. And at other places again,

other Brahmanas well-acquainted with the science of orthoepy were

reciting mantras of other kinds. In fact, that sacred retreat resounding

with these holy notes was like unto a second region of Brahman himself.

And there were many Brahmanas skilled in the art of making sacrificial

platforms and in the rules of Krama in sacrifices, conversant with logic

and the mental sciences, and possessing a complete knowledge of the

Vedas. There were those also who were fully acquainted with the meanings

of all kinds of expressions; those that were conversant with all special

rites, those also that were followers of Moksha-Dharma; those again that

were well-skilled in establishing propositions; rejecting superfluous

causes, and drawing right conclusions. There were those having a

knowledge of the science of words (grammar), of prosody, of Nirukta;

those again that were conversant with astrology and learned in the

properties of matter and the fruits of sacrificial rites, possessing a

knowledge of causes and effects, capable of understanding the cries of

birds and monkeys, well-read in large treatises, and skilled in various

sciences. And the king, as he proceeded, heard their voices. And the

retreat resounded also with voice of men capable of charming human

hearts. And the slayer of hostile heroes also saw around him learned

Brahmanas of rigid vows engaged in Japa (the repeated muttering of the

names of gods) and Homa (burnt-offering). And the king wondered much on

beholding the beautiful carpets which those Brahmanas offered to him

respectfully. And that best of monarchs, at the sight of the rites with

which those Brahmanas worshipped the gods and the great Rishis, thought

within himself that he was in the region of Brahman. And the more the

king saw that auspicious and sacred asylum of Kasyapa protected by that

Rishi's ascetic virtues and possessing all the requisites of a holy

retreat, the more he desired to see it. In fact, he was not satisfied

with his short survey. And the slayer of heroes at last, accompanied by

his minister and his priest, entered that charming and sacred retreat of

Kasyapa inhabited all around by Rishis of ascetic wealth and exalted


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