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The Mahabharata stories

The Stories of Mahabharata


1.     Duhshanta and Shakuntala

2.     Yayati

3.     The story of Tapati

4.     The story of Vasishtha

5.     The story of Aurva

6.     The story of Sunda and Upasunda

7.     Shvetaki and Agni

8.     The story of Saranga birds

9.     The construction and inauguration of Maya Sabha in Indraprastha

10.The story of Nala

11.The story of killing the Saubha

12.The story of Agastya


14.King Bhagiratha brings Ganga to fill the empty ocean

15.The story of Rishyashringa

16.The Story of Mandhata

17.The Story of Parashurama

18.The Story of Somaka

19.The story of Raibhya

20.The story of Ushinara

21.The Story of Savitri

22.Conquering Mrityu: The story of Sudarshana and Oghavati

23.Vishwamitra: How a Kshatriya attained Brahminhood

24.The story of Indra and a compassionate parrot

25.Fruits of good deeds

26.Sarama (the celestial bitch)

27.Disciples of Rishi Ayoda- Dhaumya-1

28.Ayoda-Dhaumya's disciples was Upamanyu.- 2

29.Veda the other disciple of Ayoda-Dhaumya-3

30.The story of Puloma

31.The Story of Ruru

32.The Story of Astika

33.The story of Dundubha

34.Two Sister Kadru Vinata And her Suns Part -1

35.Two Sister Kadru Vinata And her Suns Part -2

36.Two Sister Kadru Vinata and her Suns Part -3

37.The story Of Son’s Vinita and his plan

38.Jaratkaru and his sun Astika Part -1

39.Jaratkaru and his sun Astika Part -2

40.Jaratkaru and his sun Astika Part -3

41.Jaratkaru and his sun Astika Part -4

42.The story of instinctive Satyavati and Vedas Vyas

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