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Rigveda Mandal 1 Sukta 1,2,3, Sanskrit And English Explanation

ऋग्वेद मंडल 1- सूक्त 1

 अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवं रत्वीजम । होतारं रत्नधातमम ।।

I invoke and worship Agni light of life, self refulgent lord of the universe, foremost leader and inspirer, blazing light of yajnic creation, high-priest of cosmic dynamics, controller of natural evolution, and most generous giver of the treasures of life

अग्निः पूर्वेभिर्र्षिभिरीड्यो नूतनैरुत । स देवानेह वक्षति ।।

Agni, lord of light and power, is ever adorable by the saints and scholars of old and modern times. May He bless us with divine vision, knowledge and power in this world.

अग्निना रयिमश्नवत पोषमेव दिवे-दिवे । यशसं वीरवत्तमम ।।

By virtue of Agni, light and energy of the universe, one advances in health and wealth day by day, blest with honour and fame of the highest order of heroes.

अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वतः परिभूरसि । स इद्देवेषु गछति ।।

Agni, lord pervasive of yajna, you are all round protector and promoter of all yajnic acts of love, compassion and creation. May the yajna advance and expand among the noblest powers of nature and humanity.

अग्निर्होता कविक्रतुः सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तमः। देवो देवेभिरा गमत ।।

Agni, self-refulgent lord of the universe, high priest of nature, poetic creator of cosmic yajna, wondrous and most resounding, come and bless us with the noblest gifts of life.

यदङग दाशुषे तवमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि । तवेत तत सत्यमङगिरः ।।

Agni, life of life, surely you would do good to the person who is generous and giving. Dear as the breath of life, this is ever true of your divine nature.

उप तवाग्ने दिवे-दिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम । नमो भरन्त एमसि ।।

Agni, lord omniscient, day by day, night and day, with all our heart and soul we come to you bearing gifts of homage in faith and humility.

राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपां रतस्य दीदिविम । वर्धमानंस्वे दमे ।।

Bearing gifts of homage with faith and humility, we come to Agni, self-refulgent ruling lord of yajnic acts of love and compassion, protector of the earth and the environment and illuminator of the Divine Word and the universal law, immanently growing with the expansive universe of His own creation.

स नः पितेव सूनवे.अग्ने सूपायनो भव । सचस्वा नः सवस्तये ।।

As a father is ever one with his child in love, so may Agni, lord of life and light and father guardian of His creation, be ever close to us in love and benediction. Father of us all, give us the grace of life divine.

ऋग्वेद मंडल 1- सूक्त 2

वायवा याहि दर्शतेमे सोमा अरंक्र्ताः । तेषां पाहि शरुधी हवम ।।

Vayu, lord of grace and majesty, come, listen to our prayer, and protect and promote these somas vitalized as nectar and adorned in beauty.

वाय उक्थेभिर्जरन्ते तवामछा जरितारः । सुतसोमा अहर्विदः ।।

Vayu, lord of life and majesty, the celebrants who know the time and season of yajnic ecstasy, having distilled the soma nectar of life, sing songs of joy in praise of your glory.

वायो तव परप्र्ञ्चती धेना जिगाति दाशुषे । उरूची सोमपीतये ।।

Vayu, breath of life and love, your voice of omniscience resounding across heaven and earth overflows like the mother cow for the generous yajnic soul and gives him a surfeit of soma, drink of immortality.

इन्द्रवायू इमे सुता उप परयोभिरा गतम । इन्दवो वामुशन्ति हि ।।

Indra, lord of light, and Vayu, breath of life and energy, distilled are these vital essences with joyous experiments of yajna. They manifest and glorify your divine light and power. Come and bless us.

वायविन्द्रश्च चेतथः सुतानां वाजिनीवसू । तावा यातमुप दरवत ।।

Vayu and Indra, Lord’s powers of breath and light, you vitalise and illuminate the objects of creation with strength, energy and intelligence. Divinities of creation, come and inspire life and nature farther at the fastest.

वायविन्द्रश्च सुन्वत आ यातमुप निष्क्र्तम । मक्ष्वित्था धिया नरा ।।

Vayu and Indra, divine breath of life and divine light of intelligence, both divinities of nature, inspire the objects of creation with the sap of life. So do they invest the human being with spirit and intelligence and thus accomplish their creative yajna of evolution.

मित्रं हुवे पूतदक्षं वरुणं च रिशादसम । धियं घर्ताचीं साधन्ता ।।

I invoke, with dedication, Mitra the sun, pure, generous and sanctifying, and Varuna, pranic energy of nature, nourishing and immunizing, both divine agents of cosmic intelligence and natural powers of human evolution (in science and art)

ऋतेन मित्रावरुणाव रताव्र्धाव रतस्प्र्शा । करतुं बर्हन्तमाशाथे ।।

By virtue of the divine law, Mitra and Varuna, sun and pranic energy, both extend the operation of the natural law of cosmic evolution and inspire the human intelligence to reach unto divine realisation. They both pervade and energize the mighty yajna of the expanding universe.

कवी नो मित्रावरुणा तुविजाता उरुक्षया । दक्षं दधाते अपसम ।।

Creative, illuminative and inspiring, Mitra and Varuna, sun and pranic energy, like the breath of life, are universally pervasive and mighty potent, and both wield the divine power of versatile action.

ऋग्वेद मंडल 1 सूक्त 3

अश्विना यज्वरीरिषो दरवत्पाणी शुभस पती । पुरुभुजाचनस्यतम ।।

Ashvins, fire and water, are powers of the Divine for quick motion through yajnic science. They are sources of splendour, food and energy, comfort and joy. Men of learning and science, let the two be developed in a spirit of delight and dedication.

अश्विना पुरुदंससा नरा शवीरया धिया । धिष्ण्या वनतं गिरः ।।

Ashvins, divine powers of creative energy working through fire and water, are wondrous heroic achievers of mighty deeds with relentless acts of scientific study and research. Rich and generous, may they respond to our invocations and grant our voice of hope and prayer.

दस्रा युवाकवः सुता नासत्या वर्क्तबर्हिषः । आ यातंरुद्रवर्तनी ।।

Scholars of distinction dedicated to divine science, experts of natural metabolism, seated on the sacred vedi of scientific yajna, working on the marvellous powers of theAshvins, fire and water, eternal media of divine power, for the elimination of suffering, let the gifts of divinity come (for the benefit of humanity).

इन्द्रा याहि चित्रभानो सुता इमे तवायवः । अण्वीभिस्तना पूतासः ।।

Indra, Lord Supreme of wondrous light and power, come and bless us. All these sacred objects in existence, created, energised and extended over spaces from the subtlest causes by you are sustained in your divine power.

इन्द्रा याहि धियेषितो विप्रजूतः सुतावतः । उप बरह्माणि वाघतः ।।

Indra, Lord Supreme of light and life, meditated by the pure at heart, realised by the enlightened, distilled from the Veda and the world of existence by the visionaries, come and inspire the cha

इन्द्रा याहि तूतुजान उप बरह्माणि हरिवः । सुते दधिष्वनश्चनः ।।

Indra, lord and breath of life, energy and speech, come fast at the speed of light, vitalise our songs of praise in yajna and bless us with food for the body, mind and soul.

ओमासश्चर्षणीध्र्तो विश्वे देवास आ गत । दाश्वांसो दाशुषः सुतम ।।

Come ye, lovers of Om, lord creator and protector of the universe, masters of light and lovers of humanity, noblest visionaries of the world, generous givers and benefactors of all, come and give us the essence and wisdom distilled from life and literature.

विश्वे देवासो अप्तुरः सुतमा गन्त तूर्णयः । उस्रा इवस्वसराणि ।।

Visionaries of the world, generous givers, wise scholars of life and literature, fast as winds and eager as dawn for the day and mother-cow for the calf in the stall, come to your own and bring us the essences of knowledge and wisdom.

विश्वे देवासो अस्रिध एहिमायासो अद्रुहः । मेधं जुषन्त वह्नयः ।।

Divinities of the world, unerring and unfouling lovers of Omniscience, free from hate and fear, come at the fastest and join the ecstasies of the brilliant fires of the yajna of love, compassion and knowledge.

पावका नः सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनीवती । यज्ञं वष्टु धियावसुः ।।

May Sarasvati, goddess of divine speech, mother knowledge of arts, science and divinity, come with gifts of food for the mind and intellect and purify us with the light of knowledge. May the mother grace our yajna of arts and sciences and bless us with the light divine.

चोदयित्री सून्र्तानां चेतन्ती सुमतीनाम । यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती ।।

Sarasvati, mother stream of eternal knowledge and divine speech, inspires the seekers of universal truth and cosmic law and enlightens the admirers of noble wisdom and understanding. The divine flow of light and knowledge carries on the universal yajna of nature and humanity.

महो अर्णः सरस्वती पर चेतयति केतुना । धियो विश्वा वि राजति ।।

Sarasvati, mighty ocean flow of mother knowledge and divine speech, shines with her radiance of omniscience and illuminates the universal mind and the minds of humanity across the worlds of existence.

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