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yjur veda mantra translarion

O Ye men, increase the store of goods acquired by honest and fair means to be used in the service of humanity. May your life, be constantly dedicated to this principle. May the spiritually minded people, also, not give up this humanitarian work. May your lives be constantly consecrated to the performance of five daily duties. The heat of the sun destroys dirt and odor, and draws substances consigned to fire, in their atomic form for the purification of air.
In this universe created by the All Effulgent God, I realize
the power and influence of the sun and moon, feel the inhalation and exhalation of life-giving breath, appreciate the efforts made by the votaries of knowledge for mastering science of electricity. I follow the researches made by the learned in the applications of water and fire.
I resort to agriculture and craft for removing poverty and
ministering happiness to all. May I feel joy in my domestic life. May our houses be sufficiently commodious, airy, fully comfortable, and built in the middle of an open space. May our life be in conformity with Vedic teachings. O Lord we pray unto Thee to preserve and protect whatever gives us happiness.
O learned persons, just as in this world created by God, inhaling and exhaling breaths are purified by the faultless and pure rays of the sun, just as charming and beautiful waters, which run to the ocean and go up in the atmosphere and nourish medicines are purified by these rays, so do ye perform Homa with pure substances. I always promote
this yajna, and sanctify the worshiper with pure mind and strong body, the worshiper full of learning and noble qualities.
O performers of yajnas, as the sun receives the aforesaid
waters and the air to dispel clouds, and absorbs them for the fast moving clouds, hence ye should always perform yajnas.
We all should perform agreeable yajnas, for the attainment of God, for noble acts, for the acquisition of fine virtues and for temporal and spiritual advancement. With the aid of yajnas purify all substances and human beings. Yajnas will remove all your physical and mental defects. I, the Revealer of the Veda, advance this purificatory act of yours.
May your house be comfortable. It should afford no shelter to the wicked and the uncharitable. May your house serve on as skin of the Earth. May all persons acquire such a house through the grace of God. Clouds receive moisture from forests, reside in the vast space, and receive water from air. May God impart you this knowledge of clouds and building houses. May the learned understand the building of houses, which serve as skin of the earth.

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