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The Yajurveda 


1. O, Lord, we resort to Thee for the supply of foodstuffs and
vigour. May the Creator, the fountain of happiness and knowledge,
inspire us for the performance of noblest deeds with our organs. May
the cows, which should never be killed, be healthy and strong. For
the attainment of prosperity and wealth, may the cows be full of calves, free from consumption and other diseases. Maya thief and a  sinner be never born amongst us. May the lord of land and cattle be in constant and full possession of these. May Ye protect the cattle, wealth and progeny of the virtuous soul.

Yajna acts as purifier, makes explicit, true and perfect knowledge,
spread in space through the rays of the sun, purifies the air, is the
mainstay of the universe, and also adds to our comfort through its
exalted office. It behoves us all the learned and their followers not to
give up the performance of yajnas.

The yajna of the Great Lord is the supporter of innumerable
worlds and purifies us all. May the Self-Effulgent Lord, lead us aright
on the path of virtue. May He purify us through the store of true
knowledge and all sciences contained in the Vedas, and elevating selfless
deeds. O ye men which branches of true knowledge do ye want to
comprehend ?

Vedas are the true source of knowledge and their study enables
us to enjoy the full span of life. They contain the detailed instructions
concerning various duties. May we through His grace be firmly convinced
of the utility of industrial achievements, and may He, the
Omnipresent Lord protect our yajnas and the knowledge and means

O God, the Lord of Vows, I will observe the vow. May I have
strength for that. Pray grant me success in the fulfilment of my vow.
I take the vow of renouncing untruth and embracing truth.

6. Who prompts you to do good deeds ? It is He, the Great Lord
Who guides us on the path of virtue. Why does He do so ? For the
performance of noble, virtuous deeds and the fulfilment of the vow of
leading a truthful life. The Lord enjoins the workers and their
organisers, the teacher and the taught to be constantly engaged in
doing good deeds and achieving fine qualities and true knowledge,

7- May we root out the evil tendencies of the wicked, the unsympathetic
and uncharitable exploiters of humanity. May we take to task
the disturbers of peace, and expose the wicked.

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