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The Mahabharata, of ,Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa ,BOOK 2 (Digvijaya Parva), SECTION LIII


  The Mahabharata, of ,Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa ,BOOK 2  (Digvijaya Parva), 


"Dhritrashtra said,--Thou art my eldest son and born also of my eldest
wife. Therefore, O son, be not jealous of the Pandavas. He that is
jealous is always unhappy and suffereth the pangs of death. O bull of the
Bharata race, Yudhishthira knoweth not deception, possesseth wealth equal
unto thine, hath thy friends for his, and is not jealous of thee. Why
shouldst thou, therefore, be jealous of him? O king, in respect of
friends and allies thou art equal unto Yudhishthira. Why shouldst thou,
therefore, covet, from folly, the property of thy brother? Be not so.
Cease to be jealous. Do not grieve. O bull of the Bharata race, it thou
covetest the dignity attaching to the performance of a sacrifice, let the
priests arrange for thee the great sacrifice, called the Saptatantu. The
kings of the earth will then, cheerfully and with great respect, bring
for thee also much wealth and gems and ornaments. O child, coveting
other's possessions is exceedingly mean. He, on the other hand, enjoyeth
happiness, who is content with his own being engaged in the practices of
his own order. Never striving to obtain the wealth of others, persevering
in one's own affairs, and protecting what hath been earned,--these are
the indications of true greatness. He that is unmoved in calamity,
skilled in his own business, ever exerting vigilant and humble, always
beholdeth prosperity. The sons of Pandu are as thy arms. Do not lop off
those arms of thine. Plunge not into internal dissensions for the sake of
that wealth of thy brothers. O king, be not jealous of the sons of Pandu.
Thy wealth is equal unto that of thy brothers in his entirety. There is
great sin in quarrelling with friends. They that are thy grandsires are
theirs also. Give away in charity on occasions of sacrifices, gratify
every dear object of thy desire, disport in the company of women freely,
and enjoy thou peace.'"


"Duryodhana said,--'He that is devoid of intellect but hath merely heard
of many things, can scarcely understand the real import of the
scriptures, like the spoon that hath no perception of the taste of the
soup it toucheth. Thou knowest everything, but yet confoundest me. Like a
boat fastened to another, thou and I are tied to each other. Art thou
unmindful of thy own interests? Or, dost thou entertain hostile feeling
towards me? These thy sons and allies are doomed to destruction, inasmuch
as they have thee for their ruler, for thou describest as attainable in
the future what is to be done at the present moment. He often trippeth
whose guide acts under the instructions of others. How then can his
followers expect to come across a right path? O king, thou art of mature
wisdom; thou hast the opportunity to listen to the words of old, and thy
senses also are under thy control. It behoveth thee not to confound us
who are ready to seek our own interests. Vrihaspati hath said that the
usage of kings are different from those of common people. Therefore kings
should always attend to their own interests with vigilance. The
attainment of success is the sole criterion that should guide the conduct
of a Kshatriya. Whether, therefore, the means is virtuous or sinful, what
scruples can there be in the duties of one's own order? He that is
desirous of snatching the blazing prosperity of his foe, should, O bull
of the Bharata race, bring every direction under his subjection like the
charioteer taming the steeds with his whip. Those used to handling
weapons say that, a weapon is not simply an instrument that cuts but is a
means, whether covert or overt, that can defeat a foe. Who is to be
reckoned a foe and who a friend, doth not depend on one's figure or
dimensions. He that paineth another is, O king, to be regarded a foe by
him that is pained. Discontent is the root of prosperity. Therefore, O
king, I desire to be discontented. He that striveth after the acquisition
of prosperity is, O king, a truly politic person. Nobody should be
attached to wealth and affluence, for the wealth that hath been earned
and hoarded may be plundered. The usages of kings are even such. It was
during a period of peace that Sakra cut off the head of Namuchi after
having given a pledge to the contrary, and it was because he approved of
this eternal usage towards the enemy that he did so. Like a snake that
swalloweth up frogs and other creatures living in holes, the earth
swalloweth up a king that is peaceful and a Brahmana that stirreth not
out of home. O king, none can by nature be any person's foe. He is one's
foe, and not anybody else, who hath common pursuits with one. He that
from folly neglecteth a growing foe, hath his vitals cut off as by a
disease that he cherished without treatment. A foe, however
insignificant, if suffered to grow in prowess, swalloweth one like the
white ants at the root of a tree eating off the tree itself. O Bharata, O
Ajamida, let not the prosperity of the foe be acceptable to thee. This
policy (of neglecting the foe) should always be borne on their heads by
the wise even like a load. He that always wisheth for the increase of his
wealth, ever groweth in the midst of his relatives even like the body
naturally growing from the moment of birth. Prowess conferreth speedy
growth. Coveting as I do the prosperity of the Pandavas. I have not yet
made it my own. At present I am a prey to doubts in respect of my
ability. I am determined to resolve those doubts of mine. I will either
obtain that prosperity of theirs, or lie down having perished in battle.
O king when the state of my mind is such, what do I care now for life,
for the Pandavas are daily growing while our possessions know no


"Sakuni said,--O thou foremost of victorious persons, I will snatch (for
thee) this prosperity of Yudhishthira, the son of Pandu, at the sight of
which thou grievest so. Therefore, O king, let Yudhishthira the son of
Kunti be summoned. By throwing dice a skilful man, himself uninjured, may
vanquish one that hath no skill. Know, O Bharata, that betting is my bow,
the dice are my arrows, the marks on them my bow-string, and the
dice-board my car.

"Duryodhana said,--'This Sukuni skilled at dice, is ready, O king, to
snatch the prosperity of the son of Pandu by means of dice. It behoveth
thee to give him permission.

"Dhritarashtra said,--'I am obedient to the counsels of my brother, the
illustrious Vidura. Consulting with him, I shall tell what should be done
in this matter.

"Duryodhana said,--'Vidura is always engaged in doing good to the sons of
Pandu. O Kaurava, his feelings towards us are otherwise. He will,
therefore, without doubt, withdraw thy heart from the proposed act. No
man should set himself to any task depending upon the counsels of
another, for, O son of Kuru's race, the minds of two persons seldom agree
in any particular act. The fool that liveth shunning all causes of fear
wasteth himself like an insect in the rainy season. Neither sickness nor
Yama waiteth till one is in prosperity. So long, therefore, as there is
life and health, one should (without waiting for prosperity) accomplish
his purpose.'

"Dhritarashtra said,--'O son, hostility with those that are strong, is
what never recommendeth itself to me. Hostility bringeth about a change
of feelings, and that itself is a weapon though not made of steel. Thou
regardest, O Prince, as a great blessing what will bring in its train the
terrible consequences of war. What is really fraught with mischief. If
once it beginneth, it will create sharp swords and pointed arrows.'

"Duryodhana replied,--'Men of the most ancient times invented the use of
dice. There is no destruction in it, nor is there any striking with,
weapons. Let the words of Sakuni, therefore, be acceptable to thee, and
let thy command be issued for the speedy construction of the assembly
house. The door of heaven, leading us to such happiness, will be opened
to us by gambling. Indeed, they that betake to gambling (with such aid)
deserve such good fortune. The Pandavas then will become thy equals
(instead of, as now, superiors); therefore, gamble thou with the Pandavas.

"Dhritarashtra said.--'The words uttered by thee do not recommend
themselves to me. Do what may be agreeable to thee, O ruler of men. But
thou shall have to repent for acting according to these words; for, words
that are fraught with such immorality can never bring prosperity in the
future. Even this was foreseen by the learned Vidura ever treading the
path of truth and wisdom. Even the great calamity, destructive of the
lives of the Kshatriyas, cometh as destined by fate.'"

Vaisampayana continued--"Having said this, the weak-minded Dhritarashtra
regarded fate as supreme and unavoidable. And the king deprived of reason
by Fate, and obedient to the counsels of his son, commanded his men in
loud voice, saying--'Carefully construct, without loss of time, an
assembly house of the most beautiful description, to be called the
crystal-arched palace with a thousand columns, decked with gold and lapis
lazuli, furnished with a hundred gates, and full two miles in length and
in breadth the same.' Hearing those words of his, thousands of artificers
endued with intelligence and skill soon erected the palace with the
greatest alacrity, and having erected it brought thither every kind of
article. And soon after they cheerfully represented unto the king that
the palace had been finished, and that it as delightful and handsome and
furnished with every kind of gems and covered with many-coloured carpets
inlaid with gold. Then king Dhritarashtra, possessed of learning,
summoning Vidura the chief of his ministers, said:--'Repairing, (to
Khandavaprastha), bring prince Yudhishthira here without loss of time.
Let him come hither with his brothers, and behold his handsome assembly
house of mine, furnished with countless jewels and gems, and costly beds
and carpets, and let a friendly match at dice commence here.'"


Vaisampayana said,--"King Dhritarashtra, ascertaining the inclinations of
his son and knowing that Fate is inevitable, did what I have said.
Vidura, however, that foremost of intelligent men, approved not his
brother's words and spoke thus, 'I approve not, O king, of this command
of thine. Do not act so. I fear, this will bring about the destruction of
our race. When thy sons lose their unity, dissension will certainly ensue
amongst them. This I apprehend, O king, from this match at dice.'

"Dhritarashtra said,--'If Fate be not hostile, this quarrel will not
certainly grieve me. The whole universe moveth at the will of its
Creator, under the controlling influence of Fate. It is not free.
Therefore, O Vidura, going unto king Yudhishthira at my command, bring
thou soon that invincible son of Kunti.'"


Vaisampayana said,--"Vidura then, thus commanded against his will by king
Dhritarashtra, set out, with the help of horses of high mettle and endued
with great speed and strength, and quiet and patient, for the abode of
the wise sons of Pandu. Possessed of great intelligence, Vidura proceeded
by the way leading to the capital of the Pandavas. And having arrived at
the city of king Yudhishthira, he entered it and proceeded towards the
palace, worshipped by numberless Brahmanas. And coming to the palace
which was even like unto the mansion of Kuvera himself, the virtuous
Vidura approached Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma. Then the illustrious
Ajamida devoted to truth and having no enemy on earth, reverentially
saluted Vidura, and asked him about Dhritarashtra and his sons. And
Yudhishthira said, "O Kshatta, thy mind seemeth to be cheerless. Dost
thou come here in happiness and peace? The sons of Dhritarashtra, I hope,
are obedient to their old father. The people also, I hope, are obedient
to Dhritarashtra's rule.'

"Vidura said,--'The illustrious king, with his sons, is well and happy,
and surrounded by his relatives he reigneth even like Indra himself. The
king is happy with his sons who are all obedient to him and hath no
grief. The illustrious monarch is bent on his own aggrandisement. The
king of the Kurus hath commanded me to enquire after thy peace and
prosperity, and to ask thee to repair to Hastinapore with thy brothers
and to say, after beholding king Dhritarashtra's newly erected palace,
whether that one is equal to thy own. Repairing thither, O son of Pritha,
with thy brothers, enjoy ye in that mansion and sit to a friendly match
at dice. We shall be glad if thou goest, as the Kurus have already
arrived there. And thou wilt see there those gamblers and cheats that the
illustrious king Dhritarashtra hath already brought thither. It is for
this, O king, that I have come hither. Let the king's command be approved
by thee.

"Yudhishthira said,--'O Kshatta, if we sit to a match at dice, we may
quarrel. What man is there, who knowing all this, will consent to gamble?
What dost thou think fit for us? We all are obedient to thy counsels.'

"Vidura said,--'I know that gambling is the root of misery, and I strove
to dissuade the king from it. The king, however, hath sent me to thee.
Having known all this, O learned one, do what is beneficial.

"Yudhishthira said,--'Besides the sons of Dhritarashtra what other
dishonest gamblers are there ready for play? Tell us, O Vidura, who they
are and with whom we shall have to play, staking hundreds upon hundreds
of our possessions.'

"Vidura said,--'O monarch, Sakuni, the king of Gandhara, an adept at
dice, having great skill of hand and desperate in stakes, Vivingati, king
Chitrasena, Satyavrata, Purumitra and Jaya, these, O king, are there.'

"Yudhishthira said,--'It would seem then that some of the most desperate
and terrible gamblers always depending upon deceit are there. This whole
universe, however, is at the will of its Maker, under the control of
fate. It is not free. O learned one, I do not desire, at the command of
king Dhritarashtra to engage myself in gambling. The father always
wisheth to benefit his son. Thou art our master, O Vidura. Tell me what
is proper for us. Unwilling as I am to gamble, I will not do so, if the
wicked Sakuni doth not summon me to it in the Sabha? If, however, he
challengeth me, I will never refuse. For that, as settled, is my eternal

Vaisampayana continued,--"King Yudhishthira the just having said this
unto Vidura, commanded that preparations for his journey might be made
without loss of time. And the next day, the king accompanied by his
relatives and attendants and taking with him also the women of the
household with Draupadi in their midst, set out for the capital of the
Kurus. 'Like some brilliant body falling before the eyes, Fate depriveth
us of reason, and man, tied as it were with a cord, submitteth to the
sway of Providence,' saying this, king Yudhishthira, that chastiser of
the foe, set out with Kshatta, without deliberating upon that summons
from Dhritarashtra. And that slayer of hostile heroes, the son of Pandu
and Pritha, riding upon the car that had been given him by the king of
Valhika, and attired also in royal robes, set out with his brothers. And
the king, blazing as it were with royal splendour, with Brahmanas walking
before him, set out from his city, summoned by Dhritarashtra and impelled
by what hath been ordained by Kala (Time). And arriving at Hastinapore he
went to the palace of Dhritarashtra. And going there, the son of Pandu
approached the king. And the exalted one then approached Bhishma and
Drona and Karna, and Kripa, and the son of Drona, and embraced and was
embraced by them all. And the mighty-armed one, endued with great
prowess, then approached Somadatta, and then Duryodhana and Salya, and
the son of Suvala, and those other kings also that had arrived there
before him. The king then went to the brave Dusshasana and then to all
his (other) brothers and then to Jayadratha and next to all the Kurus one
after another. And the mighty-armed one, then surrounded by all his
brothers, entered the apartment of the wise king Dhritarashtra. And then
Yudhishthira beheld the reverend Gandhari, ever obedient to her lord, and
surrounded by her daughters-in-law like Rohini by the stars. And saluting
Gandhari and blessed by her in return, the king then beheld his old
uncle, that illustrious monarch whose wisdom was his eye. King
Dhritarashtra then, O monarch, smelt his head as also the heads of those
four other princes of the Kuru race, viz., the sons of Pandu with
Bhimasena as their eldest. And, O king, beholding--the handsome Pandava
those tigers among men, all the Kurus became exceedingly glad. And
commanded by the king, the Pandavas then retired to the chambers allotted
to them and which were all furnished with jewels and gems. And when they
had retired into the chambers, the women of Dhritarashtra's household
with Dussala taking the lead visited them. And the daughters-in-law of
Dhritarashtra beholding the blazing and splendid beauty and prosperity of
Yajnaseni, became cheerless and filled with jealousy. And those tigers
among men, having conversed with the ladies went through their daily
physical exercises and then performed the religious rites of the day. And
having finished their daily devotions, they decked their persons with
sandal paste of the most fragrant kind. And desiring to secure good luck
and prosperity they caused (by gifts) the Brahmanas to utter
benedictions. And then eating food that was of the best taste they
retired to their chambers for the night. And those bulls among the Kurus
then were put to sleep with music by handsome females. And obtaining from
them what came in due succession, those subjugators of hostile towns
passed with cheerful hearts that delightful night in pleasure and sport.
And waked by the bards with sweet music, they rose from their beds, and
having passed the night thus in happiness, they rose at dawn and having
gone through the usual rites, they entered into the assembly house and
were saluted by those that were ready there for gambling."


Vaisampayana said,--"The sons of Pritha with Yudhishthira at their head,
having entered that assembly house, approached all the kings that were
present there. And worshipping all those that deserved to be worshipped,
and saluting others as each deserved according to age, they seated
themselves on seats that were clean and furnished with costly carpets.
After they had taken their seats, as also all the kings, Sakuni the son
of Suvala addressed Yudhishthira and said, 'O king, the assembly is full.
All had been waiting for thee. Let, therefore, the dice be cast and the
rules of play be fixed, O Yudhishthira.'

'Yudhishthira replied, 'Deceitful gambling is sinful. There is no
Kshatriya prowess in it. There is certainly no morality in it. Why, then,
O king, dost thou praise gambling so? The wise applaud not the pride that
gamesters feel in deceitful play. O Sakuni, vanquish us, not like a
wretch, by deceitful means.'

Sakuni said,--'That high-souled player who knoweth the secrets of winning
and losing, who is skilled in baffling the deceitful arts of his
confrere, who is united in all the diverse operations of which gambling
consisteth, truly knoweth the play, and he suffereth all in course of it.
O son of Pritha, it is the staking at dice, which may be lost or won that
may injure us. And it is for that reason that gambling is regarded as a
fault. Let us, therefore, O king, begin the play. Fear not. Let the
stakes be fixed. Delay not!'

"Yudhishthira said,--'That best of Munis, Devala, the son of Asita, who
always instructeth us about all those acts that may lead to heaven, hell,
or the other regions, hath said, that it is sinful to play deceitfully
with a gamester. To obtain victory in battle without cunning or stratagem
is the best sport. Gambling, however, as a sport, is not so. Those that
are respectable never use the language of the Mlechchas, nor do they
adopt deceitfulness in their behaviour. War carried on without
crookedness and cunning, this is the act of men that are honest. Do not,
O Sakuni, playing desperately, win of us that wealth with which according
to our abilities, we strive to learn how to benefit the Brahmanas. Even
enemies should not be vanquished by desperate stakes in deceitful play. I
do not desire either happiness or wealth by means of cunning. The conduct
of one that is a gamester, even if it be without deceitfulness, should
not be applauded.'

"Sakuni said,--'O Yudhishthira, it is from a desire of winning, which is
not a very honest motive, that one high-born person approacheth another
(in a contest of race superiority). So also it is from a desire of
defeating, which is not a very honest motive, that one learned person
approacheth another (in a contest of learning). Such motives, however,
are scarcely regarded as really dishonest. So also, O Yudhishthira, a
person skilled at dice approacheth one that is not so skilled from a
desire of vanquishing him. One also who is conversant with the truths of
science approacheth another that is not from desire of victory, which is
scarcely an honest motive. But (as I have already said) such a motive is
not really dishonest. And, O Yudhishthira, so also one that is skilled in
weapons approacheth one that is not so skilled; the strong approacheth
the weak. This is the practice in every contest. The motive is victory, O
Yudhishthira. If, therefore, thou, in approaching me, regardest me to be
actuated by motives that are dishonest, if thou art under any fear,
desist then from play.'

"Yudhishthira said,--'Summoned, I do not withdraw. This is my established
vow. And, O king, Fate is all powerful. We all are under the control of
Destiny. With whom in this assembly am I to play? Who is there that can
stake equally with me? Let the play begin.'

"Duryodhana said,--'O monarch, I shall supply jewels and gems and every
kind of wealth. And it is for me that this Sakuni, my uncle, will play.'

"Yudhishthira said,--'Gambling for one's sake by the agency of another
seemeth to me to be contrary to rule. Thou also, O learned one, will
admit this. If, however, thou art still bent on it, let the play begin.'"

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