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The Mahabharata, of, Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, BOOK 3, (Nalopakhyana Parva) SECTION LXII


The Mahabharata, of, Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, BOOK 3, (Nalopakhyana Parva)


"Nala said, 'Surely, thy father's kingdom is as my own. But thither I
will not, by any means, repair in this extremity. Once I appeared there
in glory, increasing thy joy. How can I go there now in misery,
augmenting thy grief?'

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'Saying this again and again unto Damayanti, king
Nala, wrapped in half a garment, comforted his blessed wife. And both
attired in one cloth and wearied with hunger and thirst, in course of
their wanderings, at last they came to a sheltered shed for travellers.
And arrived at this place, the king of the Nishadhas sat down on the bare
earth with the princes of Vidarbha. And wearing the same piece of cloth
(with Damayanti), and dirty, and haggard, and stained with dust, he fell
asleep with Damayanti on the ground in weariness. And suddenly plunged in
distress, the innocent and delicate Damayanti with every mark of good
fortune, fell into a profound slumber. And, O monarch, while she slept,
Nala, with heart and mind distraught, could not slumber calmly as before.
And reflecting on the loss of his kingdom, the desertion of his friends,
and his distress in the woods, he thought with himself, 'What availeth my
acting thus? And what if I act not thus? Is death the better for me now?
Or should I desert my wife? She is truly devoted to me and suffereth this
distress for my sake. Separated from me, she may perchance wander to her
relatives. Devoted as she is to me, if she stayeth with me, distress will
surely be hers; while it is doubtful, if I desert her. On the other hand,
it is not unlikely that she may even have happiness some time.'
Reflecting upon this repeatedly, and thinking of it again and again, he
concluded, O monarch, that the desertion of Damayanti was the best course
for him. And he also thought, 'Of high fame and auspicious fortune, and
devoted to me, her husband, she is incapable of being injured by any one
on the way on account of her energy.' Thus his mind that was influenced
by the wicked Kali, dwelling upon Damayanti, was made up for deserting
her. And then thinking of his own want of clothing, and of her being clad
in a single garment, he intended to cut off for himself one half of
Damayanti's attire. And he thought, 'How shall I divide this garment, so
that my beloved one may not perceive?' And thinking of this, the royal
Nala began to walk up and down that shed. And, O Bharata, pacing thus to
and fro, he found a handsome sword lying near the shed, unsheathed. And
that repressor of foes, having, with that sword cut off one half of the
cloth, and throwing the instrument away, left the daughter of Vidharbha
insensible in her sleep and went away. But his heart failing him, the
king of the Nishadhas returned to the shed, and seeing Damayanti (again),
burst into tears. And he said, 'Alas! that beloved one of mine whom
neither the god of wind nor the sun had seen before, even she sleepeth
to-day on the bare earth, like one forlorn. Clad in this severed piece of
cloth, and lying like one distracted, how will the beauteous one of
luminous smiles behave when she awaketh? How will the beautiful daughter
of Bhima, devoted to her lord, all alone and separated from me, wander
through these deep woods inhabited by beasts and serpents? O blessed one,
may the Adityas and the Vasus, and the twin Aswins together with the
Marutas protect thee, thy virtue being thy best guard.' And addressing
thus his dear wife peerless on earth in beauty, Nala strove to go, reft
of reason by Kali. Departing and still departing, king Nala returned
again and again to that shed, dragged away by Kali but drawn back by
love. And it seemed as though the heart of the wretched king was rent in
twain, and like a swing, he kept going out from cabin and coming back
into it. At length after lamenting long and piteously, Nala stupefied and
bereft of sense by Kali went away, forsaking that sleeping wife of his.
Reft of reason through Kali's touch, and thinking of his conduct, the
king departed in sorrow, leaving his, wife alone in that solitary


Vrihadaswa said, "O king, after Nala had gone away, the beauteous
Damayanti, now refreshed, timorously awoke in that lonely forest. And O
mighty monarch, not finding her lord Naishadha, afflicted with grief and
pain, she shrieked aloud in fright, saying, 'O lord? O mighty monarch! O
husband, dost thou desert me? Oh, I am lost and undone, frightened in
this desolate place. O illustrious prince, thou art truthful in speech,
and conversant with morality. How hast thou then, having pledged thy
word, deserted me asleep in the woods? Oh, why hast thou deserted thy
accomplished wife, even devoted to thee, particularly one that hath not
wronged thee, though wronged thou hast been by others? O king of men, it
behoveth thee to act faithfull, according to those words thou hadst
spoken unto me before in the presence of the guardians of the worlds. O
bull among men, that thy wife liveth even a moment after thy desertion of
her, is only because mortals are decreed to die at the appointed time. O
bull among men, enough of this joke! O irrepressible one, I am terribly
frightened. O lord, show thyself. I see thee! I see thee, o king! Thou
art seen, O Naishadha, Hiding thyself behind those shrubs, why dost thou
not reply unto me? It is cruel of thee, O great king, that seeing me in
this plight and so lamenting, thou dost not, O king, approach and comfort
me. I grieve not for myself, nor for anything else. I only grieve to
think how thou wilt pass thy days alone, O king. In the evening oppressed
with hunger and thirst and fatigue, underneath the trees, how wilt it
take with thee when thou seest me not?' And then Damayanti, afflicted
with anguish and burning with grief, began to rush hither and thither,
weeping in woe. And now the helpless princess sprang up, and now she sank
down in stupor; and now she shrank in terror, and now she wept and wailed
aloud. And Bhima's daughter devoted to her husband, burning in anguish
and sighing ever more, and faint and weeping exclaimed, 'That being
through whose imprecation the afflicted Naishadha suffereth this woe,
shall bear grief that is greater than ours. May that wicked being who
hath brought Nala of sinless heart this, lead a more miserable life
bearing greater ills.'

"Thus lamenting, the crowned consort of the illustrious (king) began to
seek her lord in those woods, inhabited by beasts of prey. And the
daughter of Bhima, wailing bitterly, wandered hither and thither like a
maniac, exclaiming, 'Alas! Alas! Oh king!' And as she was wailing loudly
like a female osprey, and grieving and indulging in piteous lamentations
unceasingly, she came near a gigantic serpent. And that huge and hungry
serpent thereupon suddenly seized Bhima's daughter, who had come near and
was moving about within its range. And folded within serpent's coils and
filled with grief, she still wept, not for herself but for Naishadha. And
she said 'O lord, why dost thou not rush towards me, now that I am
seized, without anybody to protect me, by this serpent in these desert
wilds? And, O Naishadha, how will it fare with thee when thou rememberest
me? O lord, why hast thou gone away, deserting me today in the forest?
Free from thy course, when thou wilt have regained thy mind and senses
and wealth, how will it be with thee when thou thinkest of me? O
Naishadha, O sinless one, who will soothe thee when thou art weary, and
hungry, and fainting, O tiger among kings?' And while she was wailing
thus, a certain huntsman ranging the deep woods, hearing her
lamentations, swiftly came to the spot. And beholding the large-eyed one
in the coils of the serpent, he rushed towards it and cut off its head
with his sharp weapon. And having struck the reptile dead, the huntsman
set Damayanti free. And having sprinkled her body with water and fed and
comforted her. O Bharata, he addressed her saying, 'O thou with eyes like
those of a young gazelle, who art thou? And why also hast thou come into
the woods? And, O beauteous one, how hast thou fallen into this extreme
misery' And thus accosted, O monarch, by that man, Damayanti, O Bharata,
related unto him all that had happened. And beholding that beautiful
woman clad in half a garment, with deep bosom and round hips, and limbs
delicate and faultless, and face resembling the full moon, and eyes
graced with curved eye-lashes, and speech sweet as honey, the hunter
became inflamed with desire. And afflicted by the god of love, the
huntsman began to soothe her in winning voice and soft words. And as soon
as the chaste and beauteous Damayanti, beholding him understood his
intentions, she was filled with fierce wrath and seemed to blaze up in
anger. But the wicked-minded wretch, burning with desire became wroth,
attempted to employ force upon her, who was unconquerable as a flame of
blazing fire. And Damayanti already distressed upon being deprived of
husband and kingdom, in that hour of grief beyond utterance, cursed him
in anger, saying, 'I have never even thought of any other person than
Naishadha, therefore let this mean-minded wrath subsisting on chase, fall
down lifeless.' And as soon as she said this, the hunter fell down
lifeless upon the ground, like a tree consumed by fire." 131


"Vrihadaswa continued, 'Having destroyed that hunter Damayanti of eyes
like lotus leaves, went onwards through that fearful and solitary forest
ringing with the chirp of crickets. And it abounded with lions, and
leopards, and Rurus and tigers, and buffaloes, and bears and deer. And it
swarmed with birds of various species, and was infested by thieves and
mlechchha tribes. And it contained Salas, and bamboos and Dhavas, and
Aswatthas, and Tindukas and Ingudas, and Kinsukas, and Arjunas, and
Nimvas, and Tinisas and Salmalas, and Jamvus, and mango trees, and
Lodhras, and the catechu, and the cane, and Padmakas, and Amalahas, and
Plakshas, and Kadamvas, and Udumvaras and Vadaris, and Vilwas, and
banians, and Piyalas, and palms, and date-trees, and Haritakas and
Vibhitakas. And the princess of Vidarbha saw many mountains containing
ores of various kinds, and groves resounding with the notes of winged
choirs, and many glens of wondrous sight, and many rivers and lakes and
tanks and various kinds of birds and beasts. And she saw numberless
snakes and goblins and Rakshasas of grim visage, and pools and tanks and
hillocks, and brooks and fountains of wonderful appearance. And the
princess of Vidarbha saw there herds of buffaloes. And boars, and bears
as well as serpents of the wilderness. And safe in virtue and glory and
good fortune and patience, Damayanti wandered through those woods alone,
in search of Nala. And the royal daughter of Bhima, distressed only at
her separation from her lord, was not terrified at aught in that fearful
forest. And, O king, seating herself down upon a stone and filled with
grief, and every limb of hers trembling with sorrow on account of her
husband, she began to lament thus: 'O king of the Nishadhas, O thou of
broad chest and mighty arms, whither hast thou gone, O king, leaving me
in this lone forest? O hero, having performed the Aswamedha and other
sacrifices, with gifts in profusion (unto the Brahmanas), why hast thou,
O tiger among men, played false with me alone? O best of men, O thou of
great splendour, it behoveth thee. O auspicious one, to remember what
thou didst declare before me, O bull among kings! And, O monarch, it
behoveth thee also to call to mind what the sky-ranging swans spake in
thy presence and in mine. O tiger among men, the four Vedas in all their
extent, with the Angas and the Upangas, well-studied, on one side, and
one single truth on the other, (are equal). Therefore, O slayer of foes,
it behoveth thee, O lord of men, to make good what thou didst formerly
declare before me. Alas, O hero! warrior! O Nala! O sinless one being
thine, I am about to perish in this dreadful forest. Oh! wherefore dost
thou not answer me? This terrible lord of the forest, of grim visage and
gaping jaws, and famishing with hunger, filleth me with fright. Doth it
not behove thee to deliver me? Thou wert wont to say always, 'Save thee
there existeth not one dear unto me.' O blessed one, O king, do thou now
make good thy words so spoken before. And, O king, why dost thou not
return an answer to thy beloved wife bewailing and bereft of sense,
although thou lovest her, being loved in return? O king of the earth, O
respected one, O represser of foes, O thou of large eyes, why dost thou
not regard me, emaciated, and distressed and pale, and discoloured, and
clad in a half piece of cloth, and alone, and weeping, and lamenting like
one forlorn, and like unto a solitary doe separated from the herd? O
illustrious sovereign, it is, I, Damayanti, devoted to thee, who, alone
in this great forest, address thee. Wherefore, then, dost thou not reply
unto me? Oh, I do not behold thee today on this mountain, O chief of men,
O thou of noble birth and character with every limb possesed of grace! In
this terrible forest, haunted by lions and tigers, O king of the
Nishadhas, O foremost of men, O enhancer of my sorrows, (Wishing to know)
whether thou art lying down, or sitting, or standing, or gone, whom shall
I ask, distressed and woe-stricken on thy account, saying, 'Hast thou
seen in this woods the royal Nala?' Of whom shall I in this forest
enquire alter the departed Nala, handsome and of high soul, and the
destroyer of hostile arrays? From whom shall I today hear the sweet
words, viz., 'That royal Nala, of eyes like lotus-leaves, whom thou
seekest, is even here?' Yonder cometh the forest-king, that tiger of
graceful mien, furnished with four teeth and prominent cheeks. Even him
will I accost fearlessly: Thou art the lord of all animals, and of this
forest the king. Know me for Damayanti, the daughter of the king of the
Vidarbhas, and the wife of Nala, destroyer of foes, and the king of the
Nishadhas. Distressed and woe-stricken, I am seeking my husband alone in
these woods. Do thou, O king of beasts, comfort me (with news of Nala) if
thou hast seen him. Or, O lord of the forest, if thou cannot speak of
Nala, do thou, then, O best of beasts, devour me, and free me from this
misery. Alas! hearing my plaintive appeal in the wilderness, this king of
mountains, this high and sacred hill, crested with innumerable [...?-JBH]
rolleth towards the sea. Let me, then, for tidings of the king, ask this
king of mountains, this high and sacred hill, crested with innumerable
heaven-kissing and many-hued and beauteous peaks, and abounding in
various ores, and decked with gems of diverse kings, and rising like a
banner over this broad forest, and ranged by lions and tigers and
elephants and boars and bears and stags, and echoing all around with (the
notes of) winged creatures of various species, and adorned with kinsukas
and Asokas and Vakulas and Punnagas, with blossoming Karnikaras, and
Dhavas and Plakshas, and with streams haunted by waterfowls of every
kind, and abounding in crested summits, O sacred one! O best of
mountains! O thou of wondrous sight! O celebrated hill! O refuge (of the
distressed)! O highly auspicious one! I bow to thee, O pillar of the
earth! Approaching, I bow to thee. Know me for a king's daughter, and a
king's daughter-in-law, and king's consort, Damayanti by name that lord
of earth who ruleth the Vidarbhas, that mighty warrior-king Bhima by
name, who protecteth the four orders, is my sire. That best of kings
celebrated the Rajasuya and Aswamedha sacrifices, with profuse gifts to
the Brahmanas. Possessed of beautiful and large eyes, distinguished for
devotion to the Vedas, of unblemished character, truth-telling, devoid of
guile, gentle, endued with prowess, lord of immense wealth, versed in
morality, and pure, he having vanquished all his foes, effectually
protecteth the inhabitants of Vidarbha. Know me, O holy one, for his
daughter, thus come to thee. That best of men--the celebrated ruler of
the Nishadha--known by the name of Virasena of high fame, was my
father-in-law. The son of that king, heroic and handsome and possessed of
energy incapable of being baffled, who ruleth well the kingdom which hath
descended to him from his father, is named Nala. Know, O mountain, that
of that slayer of foes, called also Punyasloka, possessed of the
complexion of gold, and devoted to the Brahmanas, and versed in the
Vedas, and gifted with eloquence,--of that righteous and Soma-quaffing
and fire-adoring king, who celebrateth sacrifices and is liberal and
warlike and who adequately chastiseth (criminals), I am the innocent
spouse--the chief of his queens--standing before thee. Despoiled of
prosperity and deprived of (the company of my) husband without a
protector, and afflicted with calamity, hither have I come, O best of
mountains, seeking my husband. Hast thou, O foremost of mountains, with
thy hundreds of peaks towering (into the sky) seen king Nala in this
frightful forest? Hast thou seen my husband, that ruler of the Nishadhas,
the illustrious Nala, with the tread of a mighty elephant, endued with
intelligence, long-armed, and of fiery energy, possessed of prowess and
patience and courage and high fame? Seeing me bewailing alone,
overwhelmed with sorrow, wherefore, O best of mountains, dost thou not
today soothe me with thy voice, as thy own daughter in distress? O hero,
O warrior of prowess, O thou versed in every duty, O thou adhering to
truth--O lord of the earth, if thou art in this forest, then, O king,
reveal thyself unto me. Oh, when shall I again hear the voice of Nala,
gentle and deep as that of the clouds, that voice, sweet as Amrita, of
the illustrious king, calling me Vidharva's daughter, with accents
distinct, and holy, and musical as the chanting of the Vedas and rich,
and soothing all my sorrows. O king, I am frightened. Do thou, O virtuous
one, comfort me.'

"Having addressed that foremost of mountain thus, Damayanti then went in
a northerly direction. And having proceeded three days and nights, that
best of women came to an incomparable penance grove of ascetics,
resembling in beauty a celestial grove. And the charming asylum she
beheld was inhabited and adorned by ascetics like Vasishtha and Bhrigu
and Atri, self-denying and strict in diet, with minds under control,
endued with holiness, some living on water, some on air, and some on
(fallen) leaves, with passions in check, eminently blessed, seeking the
way to heaven, clad in barks of trees and deer-skins, and with senses
subdued. And beholding that hermitage inhabited by ascetics, and
abounding in herds of deer and monkeys, Damayanti was cheered. And that
best of women, the innocent and blessed Damayanti, with graceful
eye-brows, and long tresses, with lovely hips and deep bosom, and face
graced with fine teeth and with fine black and large eyes, in her
brightness and glory entered that asylum. And saluting those ascetics
grown old in practising austerities, she stood in an attitude of
humility. And the ascetics living in that forest, said, 'Welcome!' And
those men of ascetic wealth, paying her due homage, said, 'Sit ye down,
and tell us what we may do for thee.' That best of women replied unto
them, saying, 'Ye sinless and eminently blessed ascetics, is it well with
your austerities, and sacrificial fire, and religious observances, and
the duties of your own order? And is it well with the beasts and birds of
this asylum? And they answered, 'O beauteous and illustrious lady,
prosperity attendeth us in every respect. But, O thou of faultless limbs,
tell us who thou art, and what thou seekest. Beholding thy beauteous form
and thy bright splendour, we have been amazed. Cheer up and mourn not.
Tell us, O blameless and blessed one, art thou the presiding deity of
this forest, or of this mountain, or of this river?' Damayanti replied
unto those ascetics, saying, 'O Brahmanas, I am not the goddess of this
forest, or of this mountain, or of this stream. O Rishis of ascetic
wealth, know that I am a human being. I will relate my history in detail.
Do ye listen to me. There is a king--the mighty ruler of the
Vidarbhas--Bhima by name. O foremost of regenerate ones, know me to be
his daughter. The wise ruler of the Nishadhas, Nala by name, of great
celebrity, heroic, and ever victorious in battle, and learned, is my
husband. Engaged in the worship of the gods, devoted to the twice-born
ones, the guardian of the line of the Nishadhas, of mighty energy,
possessed of great strength, truthful, conversant with all duties, wise,
unwavering in promise, the crusher of foes, devout, serving the gods,
graceful, the conqueror of hostile towns, that foremost of kings, Nala by
name, equal in splendour unto the lord of celestials, the slayer of foes,
possessed of large eyes, and a hue resembling the full moon, is my
husband. The celebrator of great sacrifices, versed in the Vedas and
their branches, the destroyer of enemies in battle, and like unto the sun
and the moon in splendour, is he. That king devoted to truth and religion
was summoned to dice by certain deceitful persons of mean mind and
uncultured soul and of crooked ways, and skilful in gambling, and was
deprived of wealth and kingdom. Know that I am the wife of that bull
among kings, known to all by the name of Damayanti, anxious to find out
my (missing) lord. In sadness of heart am I wandering among woods, and
mountains, and lakes, and rivers, and tanks and forests, in search of
that husband of mine--Nala, skilled in battle, high-souled, and
well-versed in the use of weapons, O hath king Nala, the lord of the
Nishadhas, come to this delightful asylum of your holy selves? It is for
him, O Brahmanas, that I have come to this dreary forest full of terrors
and haunted by tigers and other beasts. If I do not see king Nala within
a few days and nights, I shall seek my good by renouncing this body. Of
what use is my life without that bull among men? How shall I live
afflicted with grief on account of my husband?'

Unto Bhima's daughter, Damayanti, lamenting forlorn in that forest, the
truth-telling ascetics replied, saying, 'O blessed and beauteous one, we
see by ascetic power that the future will bring happiness to thee, and
that thou wilt soon behold Naishadha. O daughter of Bhima, thou wilt
behold Nala, the lord of the Nishadhas, the slayer of foes, and the
foremost of the virtuous freed from distress. And O blessed lady, thou
wilt behold the king--thy lord--freed from all sins and decked with all
kinds of gems, and ruling the selfsame city, and chasting his enemies,
and striking terror into the hearts of foes, and gladdening the hearts of
friends, and crowned with every blessing.'

"'Having spoken unto that princess--the beloved queen of Nala--the
ascetics with their sacred fires and asylum vanished from sight. And
beholding that mighty wonder, the daughter-in-law of king Virasena,
Damayanti of faultless limbs, was struck with amazement. And she asked
herself, 'Was it a dream that I saw? What an occurrence hath taken place!
Where are all those ascetics? And where is that asylum? Where, further,
is that delightful river of sacred waters--the resort of diverse kinds of
fowls? And where, again, are those charming trees decked with fruits and
flowers?' And after thinking so for some time, Bhima's daughter,
Damayanti of sweet smiles melancholy and afflicted with grief on account
of her lord, lost the colour of her face (again). And going to another
part of the wood, she saw an Asoka tree. And approaching that first of
trees in the forest, so charming with blossoms and its load of foliage,
and resounding with the notes of birds, Damayanti, with tears in her eyes
and accents choked in grief, began to lament, saying, 'Oh, this graceful
tree in the heart of the forest, decked in flowers, looketh beautiful,
like a charming king of hills. O beauteous Asoka, do thou speedily free
me from grief. Hast thou seen king Nala, the slayer of foes and the
beloved husband of Damayanti,--freed from fear and grief and obstacles?
Hast thou seen my beloved husband, the ruler of the Nishadhas, clad in
half a piece of cloth, with delicate skin, that hero afflicted with woe
and who hath come into this wilderness? O Asoka tree, do thou free me
from grief! O Asoka, vindicate thy name, for Asoka meaneth destroyer of
grief. And going round that tree thrice, with an afflicted heart, that
best of women, Bhima's daughter, entered a more terrible part of the
forest. And wandering in quest of her lord, Bhima's daughter beheld many
trees and streams and delightful mountains, and many beasts and birds,
and caves, and precipices, and many rivers of wonderful appearance. And
as she proceeded she came upon a broad way where she saw with wonder a
body of merchants, with their horses and elephants, landing on the banks
of a river, full of clear and cool water, and lovely and charming to
behold, and broad, and covered with bushes of canes, and echoing with the
cries of cranes and ospreys and Chakravakas, and abounding in tortoises
and alligators and fishes, and studded with innumerable islets. And as
soon as as she saw that caravan, the beauteous and celebrated wife of
Nala, wild like a maniac, oppressed with grief, clad in half a garment,
lean and pale and smutted, and with hair covered with dust, drew near and
entered into its midst. And beholding her, some fled in fear, and some
became extremely anxious, and some cried aloud, and some laughed at her,
and some hated her. And some, O Bharata, felt pity for, and even
addressed, her, saying, 'O blessed one, who art thou, and whose? What
seekest thou in woods? Seeing thee here we have been terrified. Art thou
human? Tell us truly, O blessed one if thou art the goddess of this wood
or of this mountain or of the points of the heaven. We seek thy
protection. Art thou a female Yaksha, or a female Rakshasa, or a
celestial damsel? O thou of faultless features, do thou bless us wholly
and protect us. And, O blessed one, do thou so act that his caravan may
soon go hence in prosperity and that the welfare of all of us may be
secured.' Thus addressed by that caravan, the princess Damayanti, devoted
to her husband and oppressed by the calamity that had befallen her,
answered, saying, 'O leader of the caravan, ye merchants, ye youths, old
men, and children, and ye that compose this caravan, know me for a human
being. I am the daughter of a king, and the daughter in-law of a king,
and the consort also of a king, eager for the sight of my lord. The ruler
of the Vidarbhas is my father, and my husband is the lord of the
Nishadhas, named Nala. Even now I am seeking that unvanquished and
blessed one. If ye have chanced to see my beloved one, king Nala, that
tiger among men, that destroyer of hostile hosts, O tell me quick.'
Thereupon the leader of that great caravan, named Suchi, replied unto
Damayanti of faultless limbs, saying, 'O blessed one, listen to my words.
O thou of sweet smiles, I am a merchant and the leader of this caravan. O
illustrious lady, I have not seen any man of the name of Nala. In this
extensive forest uninhabited by men, there are only elephants and
leopards and buffaloes, and tigers and bears and other animals. Except
thee, I have not met with any man or woman here, so help us now
Manibhadra, the king of Yakshas!' Thus addressed by them she asked those
merchants as well as the leader of the host saying, 'It behoveth you to
tell me whither this caravan is bound.' The leader of the band said, 'O
daughter of a great king, for the purpose of profit this caravan is bound
direct for the city of Suvahu, the truth-telling ruler of the Chedis.'"


"Vrihadaswa said, 'Having heard the words of the leader of that caravan,
Damayanti of faultless limbs proceeded with that caravan itself anxious
to behold her lord. And after having proceeded for many days the
merchants saw a large lake fragrant with lotuses in the midst of that
dense and terrible forest. And it was beautiful all over, and exceedingly
delightful, (with banks) abounding in grass and fuel and fruits and
flowers. And it was inhabited by various kinds of fowls and birds, and
fall of water that was pure and sweet. And it was cool and capable of
captivating the heart. And the caravan, worn out with toil, resolved to
halt there. And with the permission of their leader, they spread
themselves around those beautiful woods. And that mighty caravan finding
it was evening halted at that place. And (it came to pass that) at the
hour of midnight when everything was hushed and still and the tired
caravan had fallen asleep, a herd of elephants in going towards a
mountain stream to drink of its water befouled by their temporal juice,
saw that caravan as also the numerous elephants belonging to it. And
seeing their domesticated fellows the wild elephants infuriated and with
the temporal juice trickling down rushed impetuously on the former, with
the intention of killing them. And the force of the rush of those
elephants was hard to bear, like the impetuosity of peaks lessened from
mountain summits rolling towards the plain. The rushing elephants found
the forest paths to be all blocked up, for the goodly caravan was
sleeping obstructing the paths around that lake of lotuses. And the
elephants all of a sudden, began to crush the men lying insensible on the
ground. And uttering cries of 'Oh!' and 'Alas!' the merchants, blinded by
sleep, fled, in order to escape that danger, to copses and woods for
refuge. And some were slain by the tusks, and some by the trunks, and
some by the legs of those elephants. And innumerable camels and horses
were killed, and crowds of men on foot, running in fright, killed one
another. And uttering loud cries some fell down on the ground, and some
in fear climbed on trees, and some dropped down on uneven ground. And, O
king, thus accidentally attacked by that large herd of elephants, that
goodly caravan suffered a great loss. And there arose a tremendous uproar
calculated to frighten the three worlds, 'Lo! a great fire hath broken
out. Rescue us.

Do ye speedily fly away. Why do ye fly? Take the heaps of jewels
scattered around. All this wealth is a trifle. I do not speak falsely, 'I
tell you again, (exclaimed some one) think on my words, O ye distracted
one!' With such exclamation they ran about in fright. And Damayanti awoke
in fear and anxiety, while that terrible slaughter was raging there. And
beholding slaughter capable of awaking the fear of all the worlds, and
which was so unforeseen, the damsel of eyes like lotus leaves rose up,
wild with fright, and almost out of breath. And those of the caravan that
had escaped unhurt, met together, and asked one another, 'Of what deed of
ours is this the consequence? Surely, we have failed to worship the
illustrious Manibhadras, and likewise the exalted and graceful
Vaisravana, the king of the Yaksha. Perhaps, we have not worshipped the
deities that cause calamities, or perhaps, we have not paid them the
first homage. Or, perhaps, this evil is the certain consequence of the
birds (we saw). Our stars are not unpropitious. From what other cause,
then hath this disaster come?' Others, distressed and bereft of wealth
and relatives, said, 'That maniac-like woman who came amongst this mighty
caravan in guise that was strange and scarcely human, alas, it is by her
that this dreadful illusion had been pre-arranged. Of a certainty, she is
a terrible Rakshasa or a Yaksha or a Pisacha woman. All this evil is her
work, what need of doubts? If we again see that wicked destroyer of
merchants, that giver of innumerable woes, we shall certainly slay that
injurer of ours, with stones, and dust, and grass, and wood, and cuffs.'
And hearing these dreadful words of the merchants, Damayanti, in terror
and shame and anxiety, fled into the woods apprehensive of evil. And
reproaching herself she said, 'Alas! fierce and great is the wrath of God
on me. Peace followeth not in my track. Of what misdeed is this the
consequence? I do not remember that I did ever so little a wrong to any
one in thought, word, or deed. Of what deed, then, is this the
consequence? Certainly, it is on account of the great sins I had
committed in a former life that such calamity hath befallen me, viz., the
loss of my husband's kingdom, his defeat at the hands of his own kinsmen,
this separation from my lord and my son and daughter, this my unprotected
state, and my presence in this forest abounding in innumerable beasts of

"The next day, O king, the remnant of that caravan left the place
bewailing the destruction that had overtaken them and lamenting for their
dead brothers and fathers and sons and friends. And the princess of
Vidarbha began to lament, saying, 'Alas! What misdeed have I perpetrated!
The crowd of men that I obtained in this lone forest, hath been destroyed
by a herd of elephants, surely as a consequence of my ill luck. Without
doubt, I shall have to suffer misery for a long time. I have heard from
old men that no person dieth ere his time; it is for this that my
miserable self hath not been trodden to death by that herd of elephants.
Nothing that befalleth men is due to anything else than Destiny, for even
in my childhood I did not commit any such sin in thought, word, or deed,
whence might come this calamity. Methinks, I suffer this severance from
my husband through the potency of those celestial Lokapalas, who had come
to the Swayamvara but whom I disregarded for the sake of Nala.' Bewailing
thus, O tiger among kings, that excellent lady, Damayanti, devoted to her
husband, went, oppressed with grief and (pale) as the autumnal moon, with
those Brahmanas versed in the Vedas that had survived the slaughter of
the caravan. And departing speedily, towards evening, the damsel came to
the mighty city of the truth-telling Suvahu, the king of the Chedis. And
she entered that excellent city clad in half a garment. And the citizens
saw her as she went, overcome with fear, and lean, melancholy, her hair
dishevelled and soiled with dust, and maniac-like. And beholding her
enter the city of the king of the Chedis, the boys of the city, from
curiosity, began to follow her. And surrounded by them, she came before
the palace of the king. And from the terrace the queen-mother saw her
surrounded by the crowd. And she said to her nurse, 'Go and bring that
woman before me. She is forlorn and is being vexed by the crowd. She hath
fallen into distress and standeth in need of succour. I find her beauty
to be such that it illumineth my house. The fair one, though looking like
a maniac, seemeth a very Sree with her large eyes.' Thus commanded, the
nurse went out and dispersing the crowd brought Damayanti to that
graceful terrace. And struck with wonder, O king, she asked Damayanti,
saying, 'Afflicted though thou art with such distress, thou ownest a
beautiful form. Thou shinest like lightning in the midst of the clouds.
Tell me who thou art, and whose. O thou possessed of celestial splendour,
surely, thy beauty is not human, bereft though thou art of ornaments. And
although thou art helpless, yet thou art unmoved under the outrage of
these men.' Hearing these words of the nurse, the daughter of Bhima said,
Know that I am a female belonging to the human species and devoted to my
husband. I am a serving woman of good lineage. I live wherever I like,
subsisting on fruit and roots, and whom a companion, and stay where
evening overtaketh me. My husband is the owner of countless virtues and
was ever devoted to me. And I also, on my part, was deeply attached to
him, following him like his shadow. It chanced that once he became
desperately engaged at dice. Defeated at dice, he came along into the
forest. I accompanied my husband into the woods, comforting the hero clad
in a single piece of cloth and maniac-like and overwhelmed with calamity.
Once on a time for some cause, that hero, afflicted with hunger and
thirst and grief, was forced to abandon that sole piece of covering in
the forest. Destitute of garment and maniac-like and deprived of his
senses as he was, I followed him, myself in a single garment. Following
him, I did not sleep for nights together. Thus passed many days, until at
last while I was sleeping, he cut off half of my cloth, and forsook me
who had done him no wrong. I am seeking my husband but unable to find him
who is of hue like the filaments of the lotus, without being able to cast
my eyes on that delight of my heart, that dear lord who owneth my heart
and resembleth the celestials in mien, day and night do I burn in grief."

"Unto Bhima's daughter thus lamenting with tearful eyes, and afflicted
and speaking in accents choked in grief, the queen-mother herself said,
'O blessed damsel, do thou stay with me. I am well pleased with thee. O
fair lady, my men shall search for thy husband. Or, perhaps he may come
here of his own accord in course of his wanderings. And, O beautiful
lady, residing here thou wilt regain thy (lost) lord.' Hearing these
words of the queen mother, Damayanti replied, 'O mother of heroes, I may
stay with thee on certain conditions. I shall not eat the leavings on any
dish, nor shall I wash anybody's feet, nor shall I have to speak with
other men. And if anybody shall seek me (as a wife or mistress) he should
be liable to punishment at thy hands. And, further, should he solicit me
over and over again, that wicked one should be punished with death. This
is the vow I have made. I intend to have an interview with those
Brahmanas that will set out to search for my husband. If thou canst do
all this, I shall certainly live with thee. If it is otherwise, I cannot
find it in my heart to reside with thee.' The queen-mother answered her
with a glad heart, saying, 'I will do all this. Thou hast done well in
adopting such a vow!'"

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'O king, having spoken so unto the daughter of
Bhima, the queen-mother, O Bharata, said to her daughter named Sunanda,
'O Sunanda, accept this lady like a goddess as thy Sairindhri! Let her be
thy companion, as she is of the same age with thee. Do thou, with heart
free from care, always sport with her in joy.' And Sunanda cheerfully
accepted Damayanti and led her to her own apartment accompanied by her
associates. And treated with respect, Damayanti was satisfied, and she
continued to reside there without anxiety of any kind, for all her wishes
were duly gratified.'"


"Vrihadaswa said, 'O monarch, having deserted Damayanti, king Nala saw a
mighty conflagration that was raging in that dense forest. And in the
midst of that conflagration, he heard the voice of some creature,
repeatedly crying aloud, 'O righteous Nala, come hither.' And answering,
'Fear not,' he entered into the midst of the fire and beheld a mighty
Naga lying in coils. And the Naga with joined hands, and trembling, spake
unto Nala, saying, 'O king, that I am a snake, Karkotaka by name. I had
deceived the great Rishi Narada of high ascetic merit, and by him have I
been cursed in wrath, O king of men, even in words such as these: 'Stay
thou here like an immobile thing, until one Nala taketh thee hence. And,
indeed, on the spot to which he will carry thee, there shalt thou he
freed from my curse. It is for that curse of his that I am unable to stir
one step. I will instruct thee in respect of thy welfare. It behoveth
thee to deliver me. I will be thy friend. There is no snake equal to me.
I will be light in thy hands. Taking me up, do thou speedily go hence.'
Having said this, that prince of snakes became as small as the thumb. And
taking him up, Nala went to a spot free from fire. Having reached an open
spot where there was no fire, Nala intended to drop the serpent, upon
which Karkotaka again addressed him, saying, 'O king of the Nishadhas,
proceed thou yet, counting a few steps of thine; meanwhile, O
mighty-armed one, I will do thee great good.' And as Nala began to count
his steps, the snake bit him at the tenth step. And, lo! As he was bit,
his form speedily underwent a change. And beholding his change of form,
Nala was amazed. And the king saw the snake also assume his own form. And
the snake Karkotaka, comforting Nala, spake unto him, 'I have deprived
thee of thy beauty, so that people may not recognise thee. And, O Nala,
he by whom thou hast been deceived and cast into distress, shall dwell in
thee tortured by my venom. And, O monarch, as long as he doth not leave
thee, he will have to dwell in pain in thy body with thee every limb
filled with my venom. And, O ruler of men I have saved from the hands of
him who from anger and hate deceived thee, perfectly innocent though thou
art and undeserving of wrong. And, O tiger among men, through my grace,
thou shalt have (no longer) any fear from animals with fangs from
enemies, and from Brahmanas also versed in the Vedas, O king! Nor shalt
thou, O monarch, feel pain on account of my poison. And, O foremost of
kings, thou shalt be ever victorious in battle. This very day, O prince,
O lord of Nishadhas, go to the delightful city of Ayodhya, and present
thyself before Rituparna skilled in gambling, saying, 'I am a charioteer,
Vahuka by name.' And that king will give thee his skill in dice for thy
knowledge of horses. Sprung from the line of Ikswaku, and possessed of
prosperity, he will be thy friend. When thou wilt be an adept at dice,
thou shalt then have prosperity. Thou wilt also meet with thy wife and
thy children, and regain thy kingdom. I tell thee this truly. Therefore,
let not thy mind be occupied by sorrow. And, O lord of men, when thou
shouldst desire to behold thy proper form, thou shouldst remember me, and
wear this garment. Upon wearing this, thou shalt get back thy own form.'
And saying this, that Naga then gave unto Nala two pieces of celestial
cloth. And, O son of the Kuru race, having thus instructed Nala, and
presented him with the attire, the king of snakes, O monarch, made
himself invisible there and then!'"

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