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The Mahabharata, of, Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, BOOK 3, (Nalopakhyana Parva) SECTION LXVII


The Mahabharata, of, Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, BOOK 3, (Nalopakhyana Parva)


"Vrihadaswa said, 'After the snake had vanquished, Nala, the ruler of the
Nishadhas, proceeded, and on the tenth day entered the city of Rituparna.
And he approached the king, saying, 'My name is Vahuka. There is no one
in this world equal to me in managing steeds. My counsel also should be
sought in matters of difficulty and in all affairs of skill. I also
surpass others in the art of cooking. In all those arts that exists in
this world, and also in every thing difficult of accomplishment, I will
strive to attain success, O Rituparna, do thou maintain me.' And
Rituparna replied, 'O Vahuka, stay with me! May good happen to thee. Thou
wilt even perform all this. I have always particularly desired to be
driven fast. Do thou concert such measures that my steeds may become
fleet. I appoint thee the superintendent of my stables. Thy pay shall be
ten thousand (coins). Both Varshneya and Jivala shall always be under thy
direction. Thou wilt live pleasantly in their company. Therefore, O
Vahuka, stay thou with me.'"

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'Thus addressed by the king, Nala began to dwell
in the city of Rituparna, treated with respect and with Varshneya and
Jivala as his companions. And residing there, the king (Nala),
remembering the princess of Vidarbha, recited every evening the following
sloka: 'Where lieth that helpless one afflicted with hunger and thirst
and worn with toil, thinking of that wretch? And upon whom also doth she
now wait?' And once as the king was reciting this in the night, Jivala
asked him saying, 'O Vahuka, whom dost thou lament thus daily? I am
curious to hear it. O thou blest with length of days, whose spouse is she
whom thus lamentest?' Thus questioned, king Nala answered him, saying, 'A
certain person devoid of sense had a wife well-known to many. That wretch
was false in his promises. For some reason that wicked person was
separated from her. Separated from her, that wretch wandered about
oppressed with woe, and burning with grief he resteth not by day or
night. And at night, remembering her, he singeth this sloka. Having
wandered over the entire world, he hath at last found a refuge, and
undeserving of the distress that hath befallen him, passeth his days,
thus remembering his wife. When calamity had overtaken this man, his wife
followed him into the woods. Deserted by that man of little virtue, her
life itself is in danger. Alone, without knowledge of ways, ill able to
bear distress, and fainting with hunger and thirst, the girl can hardly
protect her life. And, O friend, she hath been deserted by that man of
small fortune and having little sense, with the wide and terrible forest,
ever abounding in beasts of prey'--

"Thus remembering Damayanti, the king of the Nishadhas continued to live
unknown in the abode of that monarch!"


"Vaisampayana said, 'After Nala, despoiled of his kingdom, had, with his
wife, become a bondsman, Bhima with the desire of seeing Nala sent out
Brahmanas to search for him. And giving them profuse wealth, Bhima
enjoined on them, saying, 'Do ye search for Nala, and also for my
daughter Damayanti. He who achieveth this task, viz., ascertaining where
the ruler of the Nishadhas is, bringeth him and my daughter hither, will
obtain from me a thousand kine, and fields, and a village resembling a
town. Even if failing to bring Damayanti and Nala here, he that succeeds
learning their whereabouts, will get from me the wealth represented by a
thousand kine.' Thus addressed, the Brahmanas cheerfully went out in all
directions seeking Nala and his wife in cities and provinces. But Nala or
his spouse they found not anywhere. Until at length searching in the
beautiful city of the Chedis, a Brahmana named Sudeva, during the time of
the king's prayers, saw the princess of Vidarbha in the palace of the
king, seated with Sunanda. And her incomparable beauty was slightly
perceptible, like the brightness of a fire enveloped in curls of smoke.
And beholding that lady of large eyes, soiled and emaciated he decided
her to be Damayanti, coming to that conclusion from various reasons. And
Sudeva said, 'As I saw her before, this damsel is even so at present. O,
I am blest, by casting my eyes on this fair one, like Sree herself
delighting the worlds! Resembling the full moon, of unchanging youth, of
well-rounded breasts, illumining all sides by her splendour, possessed of
large eyes like beautiful lotuses, like unto Kama's Rati herself the
delight of all the worlds like the rays of the full moon, O, she looketh
like a lotus-stalk transplanted by adverse fortune from the Vidarbha lake
and covered with mire in the process. And oppressed with grief on account
of her husband, and melancholy, she looketh like the night of the full
moon when Rahu hath swallowed that luminary, or like a stream whose
current hath dried up. Her plight is very much like that of a ravaged
lake with the leaves of its lotuses crushed by the trunks of elephants,
and with its birds and fowls affrighted by the invasion. Indeed, this
girl, of a delicate frame and of lovely limbs, and deserving to dwell in
a mansion decked with gems, is (now) like an uprooted lotus-stalk
scorched by the sun. Endued with beauty and generosity of nature, and
destitute of ornaments, though deserving of them, she looketh like the
moon 'new bent in haven' but covered with black clouds. Destitute of
comforts and luxuries, separated from loved ones and friends, she liveth
in distress, supported by the hope of beholding her lord. Verily, the
husband is the best ornament of a woman, however destitute of ornaments.
Without her husband beside her, this lady, though beautiful, shineth not.
It is a hard feat achieved by Nala in that he liveth without succumbing
to grief, though separated from such a wife. Beholding this damsel
possessed of black hair and of eyes like lotus-leaves, in woe though
deserving of bliss, even my heart is pained. Alas! when shall this girl
graced with auspicious marks and devoted to her husband, crossing this
ocean of woe, regain the company of her lord, like Rohini regaining the
Moon's? Surely, the king of the Nishadhas will experience in regaining
her the delight that a king deprived of his kingdom experienceth in
regaining his kingdom. Equal to her in nature and age and extraction,
Nala deserveth the daughter of Vidarbha, and this damsel of black eyes
also deserveth him. It behoveth me to comfort the queen of that hero of
immeasurable prowess and endued with energy and might, (since) she is so
eager to meet her husband. I will console this afflicted girl of face
like the full moon, and suffering distress that she had never before
endured, and ever meditating on her lord.'

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'Having thus reflected on these various
circumstances and signs, the Brahmana, Sudeva, approached Damayanti, and
addressed her, saying, 'O princess of Vidarbha, I am Sudeva, the dear
friend of thy brother. I have come here, seeking thee, at the desire of
king Bhima. Thy father is well, and also thy mother, and thy brothers.
And thy son and daughter, blessed with length of days, are living in
peace. Thy relatives, though alive, are almost dead on thy account, and
hundreds of Brahmanas are ranging the world in search of thee."

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'O Yudhishthira, Damayanti recognising Sudeva,
asked him respecting all her relatives and kinsmen one after another.
And, O monarch, oppressed with grief, the princess of Vidarbha began to
weep bitterly, at the unexpected sight of Sudeva, that foremost of
Brahmanas and the friend of her brother. And, O Bharata, beholding
Damayanti weeping, and conversing in private with Sudeva, Sunanda was
distressed, and going to her mother informed her, saying, 'Sairindhri is
weeping bitterly in the presence of a Brahmana. If thou likest, satisfy
thyself.' And thereupon the mother of the king of the Chedis, issuing
from the inner apartments of the palace, came to the place where the girl
(Damayanti) was with that Brahmana. Then calling Sudeva, O king, the
queen-mother asked him, 'Whose wife is this fair one, and whose daughter?
How hath this lady of beautiful eyes been deprived of the company of her
relatives and of her husband as well? And how also hast thou come to know
this lady fallen into such a plight? I wish to hear all this in detail
from thee. Do truly relate unto me who am asking thee about this damsel
of celestial beauty.' Then, O king, thus addressed by the queen-mother,
Sudeva, that best of Brahmanas, sat at his ease, and began to relate the
true history of Damayanti.'"


"Sudeva said, 'There is a virtuous and illustrious ruler of the
Vidarbhas, Bhima by name. This blessed lady is his daughter, and widely
known by the name of Damayanti. And there is a king ruling the Nishadhas,
named Nala, the son of Virasena. This blessed lady is the wife of that
wise and righteous monarch. Defeated at dice by his brother, and
despoiled of his kingdom, that king, accompanied by Damayanti, went away
without the knowledge of any one. We have been wandering over the whole
earth in search of Damayanti. And that girl is at last found in the house
of thy son. No woman existeth that is her rival in beauty. Between the
eye-brows of this ever-youthful damsel, there is an excellent mole from
birth, resembling a lotus. Noticed by us (before) it seems to have
disappeared, covered, (as her forehead is) with (a coat of) dust even
like the moon hid in clouds. Placed there by the Creator himself as an
indication of prosperity and wealth, that mole is visible faintly, like
the cloud-covered lunar crescent of the first day of the lighted
fortnight. And covered as her body is with dust, her beauty hath not
disappeared. Though careless of her person, it is still manifest, and
shineth like gold. And this girl--goddess-like--capable of being
identified by this form of hers and that mole, hath been discovered by me
as one discovereth a fire that is covered, by its heat!'

"O king, hearing these words of Sudeva, Sunanda washed the dust that
covered the mole between Damayanti's eye-brows. And thereupon it became
visible like the moon in the sky, just emerged from the clouds. And
seeing that mole, O Bharata, Sunanda and the queen-mother began to weep,
and embracing Damayanti stood silent for a while. And the queen-mother,
shedding tears as she spoke, said in gentle accents, 'By this thy mole, I
find that thou art the daughter of my sister. O beauteous girl, thy
mother and I are both daughters of the high-souled Sudaman, the ruler of
the Dasarnas. She was bestowed upon king Bhima, and I on Viravahu. I
witnessed thy birth at our father's palace in the country of the
Dasarnas. O beautiful one, my house is to thee even as thy father's. And
this wealth, O Damayanti, is thine as much as mine.' As this, O king,
Damayanti bowing down to her mother's sister with a glad heart, spake
unto her these words, 'Unrecognised, I have still lived happily with
thee, every want of mine satisfied and myself cared for by thee. And
happy as my stay hath been, it would, without doubt, be happier still.
But, mother, I have long been an exile. It behoveth thee, therefore, to
grant me permission (to depart). My son and daughter, sent to my father's
palace, are living there. Deprived of their father, and of their mother
also, how are they passing their days stricken with sorrow. If thou
wishest to do what is agreeable to me, do thou without loss of time,
order a vehicle, for I wish to go to the Vidarbhas.' At this, O king, the
sister to (Damayanti's) mother, with a glad heart, said, 'So be it'. And
the queen-mother with her son's permission, O chief of the Bharatas, sent
Damayanti in handsome litter carried by men, protected by a large escort
and provided with food and drink and garments of the first quality. And
soon enough she reached the country of the Vidarbhas. And all her
relatives, rejoicing (in her arrival) received her with respect. And
seeing her relatives, her children, both her parents, and all her maids,
to be well, the illustrious Damayanti, O king, worshipped the gods and
Brahmanas according to the superior method. And the king rejoiced at
beholding his daughter gave unto Sudeva a thousand kine and much wealth
and a village. And, O king, having spent that night at her father's
mansion and recovered from fatigue, Damayanti addressed her mother,
saying, 'O mother, if thou wishest me to live, I tell thee truly, do thou
endeavour to bring Nala, that hero among men.' Thus addressed by
Damayanti, the venerable queen became filled with sorrow. And bathed in
tears, she was unable to give any answer. And beholding her in that
plight, all the inmates of the inner apartments broke out into
exclamation of 'Oh!' And 'Alas'! and began to cry bitterly. And then the
queen addressed the mighty monarch Bhima, saying, 'Thy daughter Damayanti
mourneth on account of her husband. Nay, banishing away all bashfulness,
she hath herself, O king, declared her mind to me. Let thy men strive to
find out (Nala) the righteous.' Thus informed by her the king sent the
Brahmanas under him in all directions, saying, 'Exert ye to discover
Nala.' And those Brahmanas, commanded by the ruler of the Vidarbhas (to
seek Nala) appeared before Damayanti and told her of the journey they
were about to undertake. And Bhima's daughter spake unto them saying, 'Do
ye cry in every realm and in every assembly, 'O beloved gambler, where
hast thou gone cutting off half of my garment, and deserting the dear and
devoted wife asleep in the forest? And that girl, as commanded by thee
stayeth expecting thee, clad in half a piece of cloth and burning with
grief! O king, O hero, relent towards, and answer, her who incessantly
weepeth for that grief. This and more ye will say, so that he may be
inclined to pity me. Assisted by the wind, fire consumeth the forest.
(Further, ye will say that) the wife is always to be protected and
maintained by the husband. Why then, good as thou art and acquainted with
every duty, hast thou neglected both the duties? Possessed of fame and
wisdom, and lineage, and kindness, why hast thou be unkind? I fear, this
is owing to the loss of my good luck! Therefore, O tiger among men, have
pity on me. O bull among men! I have heard it from thee that kindness is
the highest virtue. Speaking so, if anybody answereth you, that person
should by all means, be known, and ye should learn who he is, and where
he dwelleth. And ye foremost of regenerate ones, do ye bring me the words
of him who hearing this your speech will chance to answer. Ye should also
act with such care that no one may know the words ye utter to be at my
command, nor that ye will come back to me. And ye should also learn
whether that answers is wealthy, or poor, or destitute of power, in fact
all about him.'

"Thus instructed by Damayanti, O king, the Brahmanas set out in all
directions in search of Nala overtaken with such disaster. And the
Brahmanas, O king, searched for him in cities and kingdoms and villages,
and retreats of ascetics, and places inhabited by cow-herds. And, O
monarch, wherever they went they recited the speeches that Damayanti had
directed them to do."


"Vrihadaswa said, 'After a long time had passed away, a Brahmana named
Parnada returned to the city (of the Vidarbhas), and said unto the
daughter of Bhima, 'O Damayanti, seeking Nala, the king of Nishadhas, I
came to the city of Ayodhya, and appeared before the son of Bhangasura.
And, O best of women, I repeated those words of thine in the presence of
the blessed Rituparna. But hearing them neither that ruler of men, nor
his courtiers, answered anything, although I uttered them repeatedly.
Then, after I had been dismissed by the monarch, I was accosted by a
person in the service of Rituparna, named Vahuka. And Vahuka is the
charioteer of that king, of unsightly appearance and possessed of short
arms. And he is skillful in driving with speed, and well acquainted with
the culinary art. And sighing frequently, and weeping again and again, he
inquired about my welfare and afterwards said these words, 'Chaste women,
although fallen into distress, yet protect themselves and thus certainly
secure heaven. Although they may be deserted by their lords, they do not
yet become angry on that account, for women that are chaste lead their
lives, encased in the armour of virtuous behaviour. It behoveth her not
to be angry, since he that deserted her was overwhelmed with calamity,
and deprived of every bliss. A beauteous and virtuous woman should not be
angry with one that was deprived by birds of his garment while striving
to procure sustenance and who is being consumed with grief. Whether
treated well or ill, such a wife should never indulge in ire, beholding
her husband in that plight, despoiled of kingdom and destitute of
prosperity, oppressed with hunger and overwhelmed with calamity.' Hearing
these words of his, I have speedily come here. Thou hast now heard all.
Do what thou thinkest proper, and inform the king of it.'

"O king, having heard these words of Parnada, Damayanti with tearful eyes
came to her mother, and spake unto her in private, 'O mother, king Bhima
should not, by any means, be made acquainted with my purpose. In thy
presence will I employ that best of Brahmanas, Sudeva! If thou desirest
my welfare, act in such a way that king Bhima may not know my purpose.
Let Sudeva without delay go hence to the city of Ayodhya, for the purpose
of bringing Nala, O mother, having performed the same auspicious rites by
virtue of which he had speedily brought me into the midst of friends.'
With these words, after Parnada had recovered from fatigue, the princess
of Vidarbha worshipped him with profuse wealth and also said, 'When Nala
will come here, O Brahmana, I will bestow on thee wealth in abundance
again. Thou hast done me the immense service which none else, indeed, can
do me, for, (owing to that service of thine), O thou best of the
regenerate ones, I shall speedily regain my (lost) lord.' And thus
addressed by Damayanti, that high-minded Brahmana comforted her, uttering
benedictory words of auspicious import, and then went home, regarding his
mission to have been successful. And after he had gone away, Damayanti
oppressed with grief and distress, calling Sudeva, addressed him, O
Yudhishthira, in the presence of her mother, saying, 'O Sudeva, go thou
to the city of Ayodhya, straight as a bird, and tell king Rituparna
living there, these words: 'Bhima's daughter, Damayanti will hold another
Swayamvara. All the kings and princes are going thither. Calculating the
time, I find that the ceremony will take place tomorrow. O represser of
foes, if it is possible for thee, go thither without delay. Tomorrow,
after the sun hath risen, she will choose a second husband, as she doth
not know whether the heroic Nala liveth or not. And addressed by her, O
monarch thus, Sudeva set out. And he said unto Rituparna, all that he had
been directed to say.'"


"Vrihadaswa continued, 'Having heard the words of Sudeva king Rituparna,
soothing Vahuka with gentle words, said, 'O Vahuka, thou art well-skilled
in training and guiding horses. If it pleases thee, I intend to go to
Damayanti's Swayamvara in course of a single day.' Thus addressed, O son
of Kunti, by that king, Nala felt his heart to be bursting in grief. And
the high-souled king seemed to burn in sorrow. And he thought within
himself, 'Perhaps Damayanti in doing this is blinded by sorrow. Or,
perhaps, she hath conceived this magnificent scheme for my sake. Alas,
cruel is the deed that the innocent princess of Vidarbha intends to do,
having been deceived by my sinful and low self of little sense. It is
seen in the world that the nature of woman is inconstant. My offence also
hath been great; perhaps she is acting so, because she hath no longer any
love for me owing to my separation from her. Indeed, that girl of slender
waist, afflicted with grief on my account and with despair, will not
certainly do anything of the kind, when especially, she is the mother of
offspring (by me). However whether this is true or false, I shall
ascertain with certitude by going thither. I will, therefore, accomplish
Rituparna's and my own purpose also.' Having resolved thus in his mind,
Vahuka, with his heart in sorrow, spake unto king Rituparna, with joined
hands, saying, 'O monarch, I bow to thy behest, and, O tiger among men, I
will go to the city of the Vidarbhas in a single day. O king!' Then, O
monarch, at the command of the royal son of Bhangasura, Vahuka went to
the stables and began to examine the horses. And repeatedly urged by
Rituparna to make haste, Vahuka after much scrutiny and careful
deliberation, selected some steeds that were lean-fleshed, yet strong and
capable of a long journey and endued with energy and strength of high
breed and docility, free from inauspicious marks, with wide nostrils and
swelling cheeks, free from faults as regards the ten hairy curls, born in
(the country of) Sindhu, and fleet as the winds. And seeing those horses,
the king said somewhat angrily, 'What is this, that thou wishest to do?
Thou shouldst not jest with us. How can these horses of mine, weak in
strength and breath, carry us? And how shall we be able to go this long
way by help of these?' Vahuka replied, 'Each of these horses bears one
curl on his forehead, two on his temples, four on his sides, four on his
chest, and one on his back. Without doubt, these steeds will be able to
go to the country of the Vidarbhas. If, O king, thou thinkest of choosing
others, point them out and I shall yoke them for thee.' Rituparna
rejoined, 'O Vahuka, thou art versed in the science of horses and art
also skillful (in guiding them). Do thou speedily yoke those that thou
thinkest to be able.' Thereupon the skillful Nala yoked upon the car four
excellent steeds of good breed that were, besides, docile and fleet. And
after the steeds had been yoked, the king without loss of time mounted
upon the car, when those best of horses fell down upon the ground on
their knees. Then, O king, that foremost of men, the blessed king Nala
began to soothe horses endued with energy and strength. And raising them
up with the reins and making the charioteer Varshneya sit on the car, he
prepared to set out with great speed. And those best of steeds, duly
urged by Vahuka, rose to the sky, confounding the occupant of the
vehicle. And beholding those steeds gifted with the speed of the wind
thus drawing the car, the blessed king of Ayodhaya was exceedingly
amazed. And noticing the rattle of the car and also the management of the
steeds, Varshneya reflected upon Vahuka's skill in guiding horses. And he
thought, 'Is he Matali, the charioteer of the king of the celestials? I
find the same magnificent indications in the heroic Vahuka. Or, hath
Salihotra versed in the science of horses taken this human shape so
beautiful? Or, is it king Nala the reducer of hostile towns that hath
come here? Or, it may be that this Vahuka knoweth the science that Nala
knoweth, for I perceive that the knowledge of Vahuka is equal to that of
Nala. Further, Vahuka and Nala are of the same age. This one, again, may
not be Nala of high prowess, but somebody of equal knowledge. Illustrious
persons, however, walk this earth in disguise in consequence of
misfortune, or agreeably to the ordinance of the scriptures. That this
person is of unsightly appearance need not change my opinion; for Nala, I
think, may even be despoiled of his personal features. In respect of age
this one equals Nala. There is difference, however, in personal
appearance. Vahuka, again is endued with every accomplishment. I think,
therefore, he is Nala.' Having thus reasoned long in his mind, O mighty
monarch, Varshneya, the (former) charioteer of the righteous Nala, became
absorbed in thought. And that foremost of kings Rituparna, also,
beholding the skill of Vahuka in equestrian science experienced great
delight, along with his charioteer Varshneya. And thinking of Vahuka's
application and ardour and the manner of his holding the reins, the king
felt exceedingly glad.'"

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