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5 Daily Habits to Improve Productivity


5 Daily Habits to Improve Productivity

Personally, I’m a big fan of deep, meaningful work. However, the number of hours you spend decreasing your capacity for deep work- is larger than you may think.

In today’s world, ignoring distractions is impossible. For that reason, minimizing the to as few as possible- is critical for producing more in half the time.

In my personal life, I’ve implemented 5-habits that most people know are crucial for improving your work-life, yet you may be incapable of adopting them since they’re challenging.

Your brain will go as far as possible for you not to adopt these habits since they’re challenging to implement in your daily life. For instance, one of the habits is boredom (spoiler alert… blah blah blah). Now, we’re so used to constantly being distracted that we forget what being bored can achieve.

When you’re bored, you think of the next meaningful step in your business. When you’re bored, you think about which relationship you want to invest more of your time into nurturing.

This story will demonstrate 5 of these habits. Implementing even one of them and performing it consistently will dramatically improve your ability to enter states of deep work.

#1- Eliminating distractions

The results from this and her similar experiments were clear: “People experiencing attention residue after switching tasks are likely to demonstrate poor performance on that next task,” and the more intense the residue, the worse the performance.

If there’s a single habit I would desire for you to adopt- it is eliminating all distractions. Unfortunately, becauseUnfortunately, because it’s the most valuable one out of all the following ones, it’s also the most challenging to implement in your life.

Eliminating distractions is as difficult as it is since we’re used to being distracted all the time. At a given moment, we’re focusing on our work, yet, a second later, we’re checking our phone notifications (maybe we’ve received a message from my crush so I must check it- NOW).

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

As you can tell, I’m not the biggest fan of being distracted. In fact, I’m the biggest fan of focusing most of your brain capacity on producing meaningful, creative and work that any person in the world can’t replicate.

At the beginning of this section, the quote is what you should primarily try and remember. Multi-tasking is as harmful as performing these two tasks simultaneously. Picture yourself writing a story for Medium while simultaneously driving a car; impossible.

At last, to be more productive, you must eliminate or minimize all distractions. That includes not having your phone around you and not checking for any notifications anywhere. That’s the only way you’ll be able to produce double results in half the time.

#2- Meditation

This habit closely correlates with each of the following and the previous habit. Eventually, our goal is to let our brains think. Unfortunately, mostUnfortunately, most people don’t let their minds wander. As a result, they’re incapable of thinking about any meaningful or creative work.

Let’s examine why meditation boosts productivity and lets you be more bored than ever before.

Meditation is the art of letting your mind wander while returning to the present. To meditate appropriately, one must adopt a mantra; in our case, it’s focusing on our breathing. Then, you focus on your breathing,, and your mind will begin to wander. That’s when you return to focusing on your mantra, which is breathing.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Eventually, meditating boosts productiveness since you’ll get used to being undistracted. You’ll focus on your breathing more than you could handle,, so your mind will begin wandering. That’s natural and effective for our purpose.

Begin by meditating for 5-minutes a day and amp the pace when you’re ready. Eventually, sitting and breathing for over 30-minutes isn’t far-fetched.

#3- Boredom

Today, most people lack the fundamental skill of boredom since they’re constantly distracted. I’ll be honest, I’m constantly distracted by some relationship thoughts. I can’t completely concentrate on this story, as I’m distracted. To return to a deep state, you and I must execute a quick meditation session to calm our minds. (That’s what I’m currently doing).

Boredom is a daily habit everyone should perform since it’s the best time to come with beneficial conclusions. Yet, most people are constantly distracted by the infinite distractions all around us, including our phones, thoughts, minds, and even other people.

Photo by THABANG MADNSELA on Unsplash

I wrote the last paragraph while completely focusing my brain capacity on this subject. As a result, I believe it came out better than if I were to think about my relationship problems while performing the same action. Not only that, but it would also take me longer.

Now you can see the correlation between boredom, focus, deep work, and all the habits I mentioned and will mention in this story. You must let your brain wander and think- regardless of what you’re trying to achieve.

Begin by staring at your wall for some time throughout the day. Later, you’ll notice your brain begins to wander, similar to meditation. Once you get good at it, continue to eliminate distraction even when you’re not working. That way, your mind becomes more capable of focusing for lengthier periods.

#4- Focus on the deep work

Every business has some type of work that's most important for success. Let’s take me as an example, I own a website (a blog) for over a year. I found that there’s a single action that produces the most results; that’s writing more high-quality, valuable, and creative articles.

However, doing that- requires me to enter states of deep more often than not. As a result, I must let my mind concentrate on what’s important, which means eliminating all distractions. Consequently, I’ll become capable of improving my attention span.

Think with yourself; what’s the one action that leads to most of the results? It doesn’t have to correlate with business. Let’s take another example.

I began my fitness journey 7-years ago. First, I began by optimizing my workout routine. Now, that was my entire focus. However, what’s the one actions that’ll lead to most of the results? Working out more often.

If I were to know how important focusing on the deep, meaningful work is, I would cease my optimization and focus entirely on working out more often. I can say with complete confidence that it would have lead me to more results than what I initially achieved.

If you focus on what’s important, you’ll boost your productivity by a bunch. As a result, you'll produce more in less time. I would go as far as to say that this goes hand-in-hand with the first habit (eliminating all distractions).

#5- Journaling

The final habit I’d like to mention is journaling. Essentially, it’s the same as meditation but with a different way. You’ll notice similar benefits and same results when you journal or meditate. Doing both will allow you to increase your attention span by plenty.

There’s one way I fancy the most when I journal, it goes as follows; First, you take a notebook and a pen (not on your computer; have real notebook and a pen- it’s a critical step). Next, begin by spilling your thoughts. Write everything including everything- no filtering.

Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

By spilling your thoughts to a notebook, you guide your thinking. Your brain wants to think about specific matters. However, since you’re distracted, you’re not allowing it to do so. Conesquently, your mind never addressed these thoughts, so your attention span decreases

Take a notebook and a pen and simply fill a page. Trust me, it’s easier than it sounds. In fact, you may want to continue after the first page- since it’s a natural action.

When you’re done journaling, you’ll notice you can focus your entire brain capacity. You may desire writing more and that’s natural. But, if you positively spill your thoughts, you’ll begin improving your attention span effortlessly.

Final words

Producing more in less time is a desirable trait in today’s world. Paritcularly today, many people are constantly distracted. As a result, they reduce their attention spans by plenty the more distracted they are.

The book Deep Work- by Cal Newport is a fantastic piece of research you should read. You’ll learn everything you ought to know about entering states of deep work if you read it. I did and it changed my entire living routine.

Eventually, these 5-habits will allow you to improve your productivity by improving your attention span. By doing so, you become capable of entering states of deep work often. Thus producing high-quality, valuable, and creative results will come frequently. Next, producing double the results in half the time isn’t as far as one may think.

Liron levi

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