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How to Produce MORE in LESS Time


How to Produce MORE in LESS Time

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

As we speak, Infinite distractions surround us. They vary from your phone, internet, and even your family. While some have no influence, some are incredibly harmful to your attention.

When I was at the beginning of my journey, I wanted to find ways to produce more in less time. So I dared to question my values and surroundings- to optimize my work-life balance. Frankly, I had no urge to work every day for the rest of my life.

Today, I use the principles I learned to work 2–3 hours a day while producing more than I ever had. Not only that, but I also enjoy my time as a creator and a writer. Frankly, you can do too- by following the principles I followed and that I’ll present in the following sections.

To understand how you can improve productivity by 400%, we must understand some basic terminology, such as deep and shallow work. If you comprehend these terms, you’ll become capable of transforming your life 180-degrees.

Next, we’ll begin by discussing deep work and why it is as powerful as it is.

Deep work

One of the rarest resources known to humanity in today’s world is deep work. Checking my phone every 2–5 minutes while working was typical. Honestly, I didn’t know any better. So today, I begin my day by not checking my phone until I’m done with the first batch of work.

Okay, that’s plenty of information. But, first, Let’s see what deep work is.

Deep work is the production of creative and valuable work, which takes complete concentration to produce. For instance, checking your social media isn’t considered such. Moreover, such work is usually hard to replicate and, therefore, valuable.

Indulging in deep work often will allow you to quadruple your output. As of right now, I can create double the work in half the time. If you implement it into your work area, you’ll be surprised as to how much that is.

In today’s constantly changing world, we feel the urge to change our attention to many tasks. While that may benefit some, it’s incredibly harmful to the rest. If you’re any content creator, you must indulge in deep work to create creative and valuable work, which will assist you in reaching your full brain’s potential.

Why is deep work valuable?

As we’ll discuss in the next section, distractions are infinite. Our attentions are constantly jumping to get more dopamine from all the different types of indulgence. Instagram is an excellent example since its algorithm is built on the fact that humans want to consume content- and a lot of it.

Consequently, our attention spans decrease every day- you’re not indulging in deep work.

Deep work is valuable since it’s rarer than ever. More people’s focus is on consuming rather than creating. Because of that, it’s as tricky as ever to produce high-quality, creative, and valuable content- with an emphasis on the valuable.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Most knowledge workers check their emails more frequently than they drink water. Because of that, they can’t be productive enough to produce high-quality work. Although they all work for 8-hours (9–5s), they do valuable work in 30–60 minutes of their day.

If that doesn’t frighten you, I don’t know what will. You may be working for 1/10 the time you actually are. Shallow work (as discussed in the last section) is as useless as mopping the ocean. Usually, it doesn’t lead to any concrete results.

The power of distractions

They’re all around us. You may think you have control over distractions- but you don’t. Heck, I don’t- and that’s my entire focus in the past period. Consequently, they stop you from creating valuable work, which, as we discussed, is crucial to improving your productivity.

Distractions control us, and so we must prevent them from doing so. If we don’t, we won’t be capable of entering states of deep work, which are extremely valuable.

You have infinite distractions surrounding you

Think of all the distractions that you thought about when reading this story. If you reach this far, you most likely have an above-average attention span. Yet, most people won’t reach thus far since they get bored quickly.

Stop reading right now and think of all the distractions around you. It may be your phone, the laptop, the internet, people, objects, and thoughts. You can see how they may stop us entirely from concentrating on a given task. If you want to control them, you must minimize their effects on you.

Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

To produce more in less time, you must become capable of sitting on your bottom and doing the work. If you stop for even a bit, your brain will begin indulging in distractions. As we speak, my brain is trying to get me to open my Whatsapp, so I can check what my girlfriend sent me. Yet, I’d prefer writing this article, as I hope it’ll be more valuable to you, the reader.

If you can produce your work in one sitting, you’ll become capable of working less and making more results. For instance, as a writer, I must continue my train of thought to write faster and higher-quality content. If I stop for even a second, my attention will wonder about my next meal.

Removing all shallow work

The last step to this article is removing all shallow work from your life. But, first, let’s define what’s shallow and what’s not.

Shallow work is work that’s easy to replicate. Moreover, often, it’s invaluable and therefore doesn’t require your complete concentration. Lastly, one can multitask while performing shallow work.

You most likely have some examples that popped through your head. For me, writing this article requires complete attention. Additionally, replicating it- may be difficult for others. Hence it’s deep work.

On the other hand, anything that has to do with social media is, more often than not- shallow. Therefore, indulging in such behavior will lower your attention span drastically. Thus reaching states of deep work becomes more challenging than ever.

To boost your productivity by 400%, you must minimize indulging in such shallow work. Thus removing all distractions from your life- is critical to seeing concrete results. I hope I have made my point and motivated you to make the slightest change possible; even removing your phone from your sight while working is a positive step towards our goal.

Final words

There’s no doubt in my mind that you can make the changes we discussed. However, if you want to produce higher-quality work in less time, you can do so by reaching states of deep work. Therefore, such a position requires your full attention and is rare, with distractions surrounding us everywhere we head.

I now produce double the results in half the time. I don’t work for more than 4-hours in a day, since it’ll be useless. I recommend reading the book Deep Work- by Cal Newport since it explains everything about reaching such states.

I hope you’ll take a minor step towards success. Such small steps are the beginning of every significant change in any area of your life. Good luck.

liron levi

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