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God is there, He is watching all of us

  God is there, He is watching all of us, He sees our every action every moment, And praises us, He also encourages us, He wants to save us from falling again and again. He observes us very carefully in our every little act, and also rebukes us, because He is sitting in our heart, how much He tolerates and tolerates us.

    We have lost our way in this world by taking ourselves, we have been enslaved by worldly dirty habits, these worldly diseases are going to bring sorrow and failure in our life, we are not able to control ourselves completely. We are proving unsuccessful, we never accept our faults, we always complain that we don't have this, we don't have that, why is this happening to us, why isn't this happening. What are we doing, does our attention ever go to this. When we look carefully, we come to know very well that God has given us a lot, but we are not able to use it properly.

    What has he not given us, giving us food to eat, clothes to wear, house to live in, and so many small and big resources for entertainment. This life is given to do something so that we can prove ourselves to be the representative of God.

    God has not given us in this world to spend our life in vain, that by eating well, wearing luxury and making our life and body sick, one day leave this human body, to be human It is only for this that man has to practice to become a human being, have you ever paid attention to your actions, whether your actions are worthy of a human being, if you do a subtle investigation with impartiality, you will find that most of your life you will be doing such actions only. Let alone humans, they prove you worse than animals.

    You want many things in this world, but what are you doing for the world, have you ever paid attention to it. Such work has to be done in the world so that the world becomes more beautiful and pure, people in the world are happy and happy. You are the only one sad and upset in the world. You keep on flowing your sorrows and pains in the world, if you flow happiness and joy in the world, then it can never happen that you do not have happiness and joy, is it ever possible that your You have sorrow and pain, in return you are giving happiness, joy and peace in the world, the truth is that whatever we have, we are distributing the same thing in the world, there is anger in me and you. There is jealousy, there is greed, in return of which work, anger, greed and jealousy continue to increase in our lives.

    Every man wants to make himself happy and prosperous in this world, but have you noticed, how many people are successful in making themselves happy and prosperous in this world, most of the people are unhappy, unhappy and unsuccessful, the main reason for this is It happens, our thoughts present in our heart. The idea of ​​work has taken root in our heart, it slowly destroys all of us, just as a termite moves a strong tree and destroys it in a short time, in the same way, this work destroys all of us very slowly. Dharashai is doing Zamidosh. That's why Lord Krishna tells Arjuna in the Gita, O Arjuna, kill this Kama because it is very powerful, it never gets old, even after eating a lot, it always remains hungry. Today this disease is spreading very fast in our world. By converting this work, we have to put our mind towards Ram, only then our life will be successful.

    From work to Ram means we have to put our heart in God, only then we will be well, otherwise we have prepared the path of many destruction by ourselves, God himself cannot save us even if he wants to, because we He himself has taken an oath to go against God.

    We are giving birth to such a humanity which is increasing day by day its struggle against God, it wants to end God, in fact God is never ending, we must commit ourselves in the tune of ending it. We can save ourselves from this famine, this will be the biggest contribution of this man on humanity, so that he can protect himself, today man is not paying attention to protect himself. He is killing himself for the sake of worldly things, we have prepared an army of men who are marching very fast towards their collective annihilation.

    Because such thoughts are being filled in the entire human mind, which incites a human to become a demon, there is not much difference between a human and a demon, a human being who is self-centered, and a demon who is not self-centered, who has no center. The second is, that is, he does not develop his own consciousness, he works to extinguish the consciousness of others, because when there is darkness in our life, how can we spread light in someone's life. Darkness spreads darkness, light spreads light it's a very simple principle, even a small child understands it, the problem is not what we understand, because we understand it all too well, what good what is bad, what is auspicious and what is inauspicious Or is it, the problem is that we say that this work is auspicious, but we are never able to edit any auspicious work, because there are big obstacles in doing that auspicious work, which we are unable to overcome. Only they spend their lives. And in this way, obstacles are often present in auspicious work, and inauspicious work continues to be edited with great intensity without any hindrance. For example, how many people are fighting poverty fiercely, and are constantly clamoring to free themselves from it, but just when they see a way out of it, they faint. , And because of their sanskar, they fail to take a step towards success, in this way they work hard, but after coming very close to success, they sit in their consciousness considering poverty as their fate. As another example, there is a man who knows that he calls himself a devotee of God, and he wears the cover of being a devotee of God, but his actions are worse than those of a householder, he commits adultery.

    I have seen many householders who are like a monk sensual-minded and lead a very austere life, and I have seen many monks who are very close to sleep who are not even eligible to be a householder in any degree. Because he always talks about knowledge, talks about God, talks about religion and brahmacharya, great knowledge of Brahmacharya, although he himself never follows any religion or meditates in his life. They neither do samadhi, nor do yoga, nor do they recite mantras of the holy Vedas, although they do all the opposite things, they are all very sensual minded, lust and adultery are completely in their cry. The right would have been taken.

    Often such sensual people keep crying out for renunciation, celibacy and religion, to whom the common people never listen carefully, they make fun of them behind their back and give them a lot of respect in front of them. By getting this false respect, those who call themselves righteous, their ego becomes strong, and they make themselves sinners.

    I know such a sinful soul, it is none other than myself, but I also know that there is a virtuous soul in me, which always struggles, I see it, often the sinful soul. Only the pious soul wins, every time the mind is left with a feeling, there is a third one who interviews these two, in this way I find myself a devotee in three forms, who says that he is one, this is untrue, I I have interviewed the truth, there are three entities, one is God, the other is the soul, the third is Prakriti, my form of God sees everything, the soul suffers in an unbiased sense, all kinds of sorrows and happiness together, he saves himself from sorrow. It also wants, the third entity is Prakriti, it always wants to dominate the creature and God, it often dominates the creature, but it can never dominate God.

    Here God instructs the soul to do only one thing, that you control this nature i.e. your physical energy, otherwise this physical energy will control you, and this is the universal truth, you can see how Since then the ordinary human being is being crushed by these material things, today man himself has reached such a pathetic state due to the weight of these material things, will he ever be able to take possession of these natural resources of this material world, which he has Having done this, he will become God on the same day. It is a possibility, only a possibility, just as a tiny seed has the potential to grow into a huge tree.

    Right now man is using natural forces only as a toy, he does not know that it is not a toy, his own existence depends on it, to play with it and use it for fun is destructive of his own existence. Nothing more than adding a new chapter to the storybook.

    If you want to write a book, then write on the subject of creativity, this means adding new chapters to the book of Vinashlila, and daily, the author who wrote Vinashlila will be finished. Because there is another aspect of it which is called creativity, it is creativity that makes a human, otherwise he becomes a demon naturally, there is no doubt about it, but there is doubt in becoming human, because Here the demon has to be controlled, and the one who has the same authority over both this human and the demon, is equal to God, he is the only observer of everything, he is neither human nor he is a demon, He is neither a sinful soul nor a virtuous soul; The state which the Brahmagyan of the Vedas says is consciousness. The witness between these two is the state where neither life has to be dependent, nor on death considering both to be equal, and to establish oneself in its witness is to be God. And this work is the most difficult for the human being of this world, although this work has become my nature, this work is the easiest for me. And it is easy, that's why I say, that you also make yourself happy and happy by doing this simple work.



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