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though of the day

#101: Abundance isn't something that you have; it's who you already are.

#102: Adversity could be the greatest gift in our life, in retrospect.

#103: Push yourself to do one thing outside your comfort zone today.

#104: A decision is nothing more than a choice to eliminate other options and follow your path with determination.

#105: We imagine the worst. If you're going to use your imagination, imagine GOOD things happening!

#106: Choose to love with all your heart, even if it sometimes breaks.

#107: We're only here to learn to love.

#108: What's happening on the outside doesn't have the power the aect what's happening on the inside, unless we allow it to.

#109: When Universal timing and our timing are dierent, that doesn't mean that things aren't working. Trust the process.

#110: What other people think about you isn't about you. It's about them.

#111: May you be blessed with thoughts and opportunities and take action that will create abundance in your life.

#112: Your thoughts become things. You decide. You rule. That's pretty cool.

#113: Beating yourself up doesn't benefit anyone. Focus on what you choose to create instead.

#114: Being kind to you is really being kind to me, for we are but individual parts of the same whole.

#115: Illusions can appear real but we get to choose whether or not to buy into them.

#116: When we learn to find the blessing in any situation, we've mastered this journey called "life".

#117: What would you do if you knew that your wildest dreams could come true and that you couldn't fail?

#118: Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.

#119: With belief and action all things are possible.

#120: Sometimes the fastest way to reach your dream is to help someone else reach his or her dream.

#121: If you don't ask for what you want, the answer is already NO. Why not ask, and maybe the answer will be YES!?

#122: The two most powerful words in any language--“Thank you!”

#123: Realize that you have the power to do, be or create anything in your life. Anything.

#124: Nobody's perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up, learn from our mistakes and move on!

#125: You can't worry yourself out of a bad situation, but you can believe yourself out of it!

#126: How we see ourselves determines how we see the world.

#127: Gratitude, kindness and caring are more powerful than any problem you think you have.

#128: Life works better when we go with the flow rather than fight the current.

#129: Love is letting others know how much you appreciate them.

#130: Forget early--there are enough worms for all of us.

#131: Adversity forces us to focus on things we need to learn.

#132: We can't choose the number of our age, but we CAN choose the age of our attitude.

#133: Change is inevitable and those who adapt quickly are most likely to succeed. #134: Worry is the #1 thief of our time and has the power to rob you of beauty of today. #135: Live well, laugh often, love deeply.
#136: With laughter or love, the more you give the more you'll receive.

#137: Sometimes we may forget who we are. But what matters most is how quickly we remember our magnificence.

#138: When you surround yourself with people who support your dreams, you will achieve success more quickly.

#139: You will go through pain in your life, but how you choose to respond to it is your choice.

#140: Even the largest of fires starts from a tiny spark. That same potential is within you, so set your dreams on fire!

#141: Laughter is not only contagious, but is experienced in a deeper way when it is shared.

#142: Life is magical when we are bold and have the courage to move forward into the unknown, rather than backwards into security.

#143: Kindness is God's reminder that we see through our eyes but connect through our hearts.

#144: Realize that what’s happening around you doesn't define who you are.

#145: Instead of cursing the darkness, be the one to light a candle.

#146: Change your attitude to “I’ll see it when I believe it ”--not the other way around.

#147: Pain may be inevitable but remember, suering is optional.

#148: You are Divine energy in human form--you are only as limited as your thoughts.

#149: Make your life a garden where you plant seeds of possibility and water them with gratitude.

#150: You are an unlimited being filled with infinite possibility--with the power to be, do or create anything that you desire in your life.

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