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thought of the day 23.04.2020

#151: The best thing about a hug is that when you give one away you still have an endless supply.

#152: Just as in nature where the antidote and the poison grow side by side, you'll never be given a dream without the ability to make it happen.

#153: Success looks at adversity as a step to something greater, not a wall to stop progress. #154: Choose consciously and wisely. You are only one choice away from changing your world. #155: Nothing in life is to be feared--it is only to be understood.
#156: One of the amazing things about this chess game called "life", is that we get to choose if we want to be the chess master or the pawn.

#157: Even if life is a bumpy road or your dreams are taking a circuitous route, take time to live in the moment and enjoy the scenery along the way.

#158: Someone in the world is better otoday because of something you've done.

#159: Know that there is enough for all of us--enough money, enough opportunity, enough love for all of us to be happy.

#160: Adversity happens to everyone and it is not an excuse for abandoning our dreams.

#161: We may not choose our circumstances but we do choose our attitude and our response.

#162: Make a choice. Change your thoughts=Change your world.

#163: We make the greatest dierence in the world when we find a cause that's bigger than our fears and step forward with faith.

#164: Love eradicates fear like light dispels darkness, so shine your love on the world!

#165: Each day, do your best and let go of the rest.

#166: You are not the troubles that happen to you. You are magnificence unfolding. Allow it to happen.

#167: Life works best when we focus on where we're going rather than where we've been.

#168: The number one way to improve your life is through the conscious practice of gratitude. #169: On your deathbed, regrets are usually of things you didn't do, not things you did! So, go do it! #170: Adversity is the Universe's way of directing us down a dierent path.
#171: Happiness and love are choices that we get to make in each and every moment.

#172: Let your thoughts and actions come only from a place of love.

#173: If you've hit a wall or the door has closed, keep looking until you find the window, for there's always a solution.

#174: When the dream is BIG enough, we find the motivation to get through the tough times.

#175: Give to others with no expectation of receiving anything in return.

#176: ALL people have adversity. What separates the good from the great is how we choose to react to it.

#177: Blessings happen more frequently when we take the time to notice them.

#178: The quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the level of your gratitude.

#179: Be not afraid to surrender your beliefs on how things “should” be, to the greater will of the Universe.

#180: Love is all there is.

#181: You were born an infinite being with unlimited potential--and you still are that magnificence.

#182: You can only do one thing at any time--dream, plan or worry. Kinda makes worry a silly third choice, no?

#183: Sometimes the only change we need is a change in how we see the world.

#184: More forward with confidence, knowing in the core of your being that you have the power to achieve your dreams.

#185: When the purpose is big enough, we find the courage to move mountains.

#186: Take love with you in all things that you do and leave only ripples of kindness behind you.

#187: Today, please share appreciation, spread the love and happiness and watch what happens.

#188: Just as the birds receive what they need each day, live your life knowing that abundance is already yours.

#189: Adversity provides the opportunity for the best part of us to shine.

#190: When you accept that you're exactly where you're supposed to be in this moment and that you have all that you need, miracles happen.

#191: Take responsibility for your actions and inactions, realizing that at all times, you get to choose how to act or react.

#192: Inspiration is the rocket fuel that makes ordinary days extraordinary.

#193: Love everyone. Life is just too short for anything else.

#194: Live in the present. It's the only thing that truly exists. Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.

#195: All things are possible--if you never give up!

#196: Don't put ountil tomorrow that which you can enjoy today!

#197: Challenge is nothing more than a seed of opportunity.

#198: Play BIG, make it fun or don't play at all. Might as well make it worth the eort, no?

#199: There are few things in life that can't be solved by a bubble bath.

#200: Dream big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day. Follow your passion. Believe in yourself.

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