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The Mahabharata, of, Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, BOOK 3, (Tirtha-yatra Parva), SECTION CLIII

 The Mahabharata, of, Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, BOOK 3, (Tirtha-yatra Parva), 


"Bhima said, 'I am the son of Pandu, and next by birth to Yudhishthira
the just, and my name is Bhimasena. O Rakshasas, I have come with my
brothers to the jujube named Visala. At that place, Panchali saw an
excellent Saugandhika lotus, which, of a certainty, was carried thither
by the wind from this region. She wisheth to have those flowers in
abundance. Know ye, ye Rakshasas, that I am engaged in fulfilling the
desire of my wedded wife of faultless features, and have come hither to
procure the flowers. Thereat the Rakshasas said, 'O foremost of men, this
spot is dear unto Kuvera, and it is his sporting region. Men subject to
death cannot sport here. O Vrikodara. the celestial sages, and the gods
taking the permission of the chief of the Yakshas, drink of this lake,
and sport herein. And, O Pandava, the Gandharvas and the Apsaras also
divert themselves in this lake. That wicked person who, disregarding the
lord of treasures, unlawfully attempteth to sport here, without doubt,
meeteth with destruction. Disregarding him, thou seekest to take away the
lotuses from this place by main force. Why then dost thou say that thou
art the brother of Yudhishthira the just? First, taking the permission of
the lord of Yakshas, do thou drink of this lake and take away the
flowers. If thou dost not do this, thou shall not be able even to glance
at a single lotus Bhimasena said, 'Ye Rakshasas, I do not see the lord of
wealth here And even if I did see that mighty king, I would not beseech
him Kshatriyas never beseech (any body). This is the eternal morality;
and I by no means wish to forsake the Kshatriya morality. And, further
this lotus-lake hath sprung from the cascades of the mountain; it hath
not been excavated in the mansion of Kuvera. Therefore it belongeth
equally to all creatures with Vaisravana. In regard to a thing of such a
nature, who goeth to beseech another?"

Vaisampayana said, "Having said this unto the Rakshasas, the mighty-armed
and exceedingly unforbearing Bhimasena of great strength plunged into the
lotus-lake. Thereat that powerful one was forbidden by the Rakshasas,
saying, 'Do not do this;' and they from all sides began to abuse him in
anger. But slighting these Rakshasas, that mighty one of dreadful prowess
plunged (farther and farther). Now they all prepared for opposing him.
And with eyes rolling, they upraised their arms, and rushed in wrath at
Bhimasena, exclaiming, 'Seize him!' 'Bind him! Hew him! We shall cook
Bhimasena, and eat him up!' Thereupon that one of great force, taking his
ponderous and mighty mace inlaid with golden plates, like unto the mace
of Yama himself, turned towards those, and then said, 'Stay!' At this,
they darted at him with vehemence, brandishing lances, and axes, and
other weapons. And wishing to destroy Bhima, the dreadful and fierce
Krodhavasas surrounded Bhima on all sides. But that one, being endued
with strength, had been begotten by Vayu in the womb of Kunti; and he was
heroic and energetic, and the slayer of foes, and ever devoted to virtue
and truth, and incapable of being vanquished by enemies through prowess.
Accordingly this high-souled Bhima defeating all the manoeuveres of the
foes, and breaking their arms, killed on the banks of the lake more than
a hundred, commencing with the foremost. And then witnessing his prowess
and strength, and the force of his skill, and also the might of his arms;
and unable to bear (the onset), those prime heroes all of a sudden fled
on all sides in bands.

"Beaten and pierced by Bhimasena, those Krodhavasas quitted the field of
battle, and in confusion quickly fled towards the Kailasa cliff,
supporting themselves in the sky. Having thus by the exercise of his
prowess defeated those hosts, even as Sakra had defeated the armies of
Daityas and Danavas, he (Bhima), now that he had conquered the enemy,
plunged into the lake and began to gather the lotuses, with the object of
gaining his purpose. And as he drank of the waters, like unto nectar, his
energy and strength were again fully restored; and he fell to plucking
and gathering Saugandhika lotuses of excellent fragrance. On the other
hand, the Krodhavasas, being driven by the might of Bhima and exceedingly
terrified, presented themselves before the lord of wealth, and gave an
exact account of Bhima's prowess and strength in fight. Hearing their
words, the god (Kuvera) smiled and then said, 'Let Bhima take for Krishna
as many lotuses as he likes. This is already known to me.' Thereupon
taking the permission of the lord of wealth, those (Rakshasas) renouncing
anger, went to that foremost of the Kurus, and in that lotus-lake beheld
Bhima alone, disporting in delight."


Vaisampayana said, "Then, O best of the Bharatas, Bhima began to collect
those rare unearthly, variegated and fresh flowers in abundance.

"And it came to pass that a high and violent wind, piercing to the touch,
and blowing about gravels, arose, portending battle. And frightful
meteors began to shoot, with thundering sounds. And being enveloped by
darkness, the sun became pale, his rays being obscured. And on Bhima
displaying his prowess, dreadful sounds of explosion rang through the
sky. And the earth began to tremble, and dust fell in showers. And the
points of the heavens became reddened. And beasts and birds began to cry
in shrill tones. And every thing became enveloped in darkness; and
nothing could be distinguished. And other evil omens besides these
appeared there. Witnessing these strange phenomena, Dharma's son
Yudhishthira, the foremost of speakers, said, 'Who is it that will
overcome us? Ye Pandavas who take delight in battle, good betide you! Do
ye equip yourselves. From what I see, I infer that the time for the
display of our prowess hath drawn nigh'. Having said this, the king
looked around. Then not finding Bhima, that represser of foes, Dharma's
son, Yudhishthira, enquired of Krishna and the twins standing near
regarding his brother, Bhima, the doer of dreadful deeds in battle,
saying, 'O Panchali, is Bhima intent upon performing some great feat, or
hath that one delighting in daring deeds already achieved some brave
deed? Portending some great danger, these omens have appeared all around,
indicating a fearful battle.' When Yudhishthira said this, his beloved
queen, the high-minded Krishna of sweet smiles, answered him, in order to
remove his anxiety. 'O king, that Saugandhika lotus which to-day had been
brought by the wind. I had out of love duly shown unto Bhimasena; and I
had also said unto that hero, If thou canst find many of this species,
procuring even all of them, do thou return speedily,--O Pandava, that
mighty armed one, with the view of gratifying my desire, may have gone
towards the north-east to bring them.' Having heard these words of hers,
the king said unto twins, 'Let us together follow the path taken by
Vrikodara. Let the Rakshasas carry those Brahmanas that are fatigued and
weak. O Ghatotkacha, O thou like unto a celestial, do thou carry Krishna.
I am convinced and it is plain that Bhima hath dived into the forest; for
it is long since he hath gone, and in speed he resembleth the wind, and
in clearing over the ground, he is swift like unto Vinata's son, and he
will ever leap into the sky, and alight at his will. O Rakshasas, we
shall follow him through your prowess. He will not at first do any wrong
to the Siddhas versed in the Vedas. O best of the Bharatas, saying, 'So
be it,' Hidimava's son and the other Rakshasas who knew the quarter where
the lotus lake of Kuvera was situated, started cheerfully with Lomasa,
bearing the Pandavas, and many of the Brahmanas. Having shortly reached
that spot, they saw that romantic lake covered with Saugandhika and other
lotuses and surrounded by beautiful woods. And on its shores they beheld
the high-souled and vehement Bhima, as also the slaughtered Yakshas of
large eyes, with their bodies, eyes, arms and thighs smashed, and their
heads crushed. And on seeing the high-souled Bhima, standing on the shore
of that lake in an angry mood, and with steadfast eyes, and biting his
lip, and stationed on the shore of the lake with his mace upraised by his
two hands, like unto Yama with his mace in his hand at the time of the
universal dissolution. Yudhishthira the just, embraced him again and
again, and said in sweet words, 'O Kaunteya, what hast thou done? Good
betide thee! If thou wishest to do good unto me, thou shouldst never
again commit such a rash act, nor offend the gods.' Having thus
instructed the son of Kunti, and taken the flowers those god-like ones
began to sport in that very lake. At this instant, the huge-bodied
warders of the gardens, equipped with rocks for weapons, presented
themselves at the spot. And seeing Yudhishthira the just and the great
sage Lomasa and Nakula and Sahadeva and also the other foremost of
Brahmanas, they all bowed themselves down in humility. And being pacified
by Yudhishthira the just, the Rakshasas became satisfied. And with the
knowledge of Kuvera, those foremost of Kurus for a short time dwelt
pleasantly at that spot on the slopes of the Gandhamadana, expecting


Vaisampayana said, "Once upon a time Yudhishthira, while living at that
place, addressed Krishna, his brother, and the Brahmanas, saying, 'By us
have been attentively seen one after another sacred and auspicious
tirthas, and woods, delightful to beheld, which had ere this been visited
by the celestials and the high-souled sages, and which had been
worshipped by the Brahmanas. And in various sacred asylums we have
performed ablutions with Brahmanas, and have heard from them the lives
and acts of many sages, and also of many royal sages of yore, and other
pleasant stories. And with flowers and water have the gods been
worshipped by us. And with offerings of fruits and roots as available at
each place we have gratified the pitris. And with the high-souled ones
have we performed ablutions in all sacred and beautiful mountains and
lakes, and also in the highly sacred ocean. And with the Brahmanas we
have bathed in the Ila, and in the Saraswati, and in the Sindhu, and in
the Yamuna, and in the Narmada, and in various other romantic tirthas.
And having passed the source of the Ganga, we have seen many a lovely
hill and the Himalaya mountains, inhabited by various species of birds,
and also the jujube named Visala, where there is the hermitage of Nara
and Narayana. And (finally) we have beheld this unearthly lake, held in
veneration by the Siddhas, the gods and the sages. In fact, O foremost of
Brahmanas, we have one by one carefully seen all celebrated and sacred
spots in company with the high-souled Lomasa. Now, O Bhima, how shall we
repair to the sacred abode of Vaisravana, inhabited by the Siddhas? Do
thou think of the means of entering (the same)."

Vaisampayana said, "When that king had said this, an aerial voice spake,
saying. 'Thou will not be able to go to that inaccessible spot. By this
very way, do thou repair from this region of Kuvera to the place whence
thou hadst come even to the hermitage of Nara and Narayana, known by the
name of Vadari. Thence, O Kaunteya. thou wilt repair to the hermitage of
Vrishaparva, abounding in flowers and fruit, and inhabited by the Siddhas
and the Charanas. Having passed that, O Partha, thou wilt proceed to the
hermitage of Arshtisena, and from thence thou wilt behold the abode of
Kuvera.' Just at that moment the breeze became fresh, and gladsome and
cool and redolent of unearthly fragrance; and it showered blossoms, And
on hearing the celestial voice from the sky, they all were amazed,--more
specially those earthly rishis and the Brahmanas. On hearing this mighty
marvel, the Brahmana Dhaumya, said, 'This should not be gainsaid. O
Bharata, let this be so.' Thereupon, king Yudhishthira obeyed him. And
having returned to the hermitage of Nara and Narayana, he began to dwell
pleasantly, surrounded by Bhimasena and his other brothers, Panchali the


Vaisampayana continued, "Thus dwelling with the Brahmanas in that best of
mountains, in expectation of Arjuna's return, when the Pandavas had grown
confident and when all those Rakshasas together with Bhima's son had
departed, one day while Bhimasena was away, a Rakshasa all of a sudden
carried off Yudhishthira the just and the twins and Krishna. That
Rakshasa (in the guise of a Brahmana) had constantly remained in the
company of the Pandavas, alleging that he was a high-class Brahmana,
skilled in counsel, and versed in all the Sastras. His object was to
possess himself of the bows, the quivers and the other material
implements belonging to the Pandavas; and he had been watching for an
opportunity of ravishing Draupadi. And that wicked and sinful one was
named Jatasura. And, O king of kings, Pandu's son (Yudhishthira) had been
supporting him, but knew not that wretch like unto a fire covered with

"And once on a day while that represser of foes, Bhimasena, was out a
hunting, he (the Rakshasa), seeing Ghatotkacha and his followers scatter
in different directions and seeing those vow-observing great rishis, of
ascetic wealth, viz.; Lomasa and the rest, away for bathing and
collecting flowers, assumed a different form, gigantic and monstrous and
frightful; and having secured all the arms (of the Pandavas) as also
Draupadi, that wicked one fled away taking the three Pandavas. Thereupon
that son of Pandu, Sahadeva, extricated himself with exertion, and by
force snatched the sword named Kausika from the grasp of the enemy and
began to call Bhimasena, taking the direction in which that mighty one
had gone. And on being carried off Yudhishthira the just, addressed him
(that Rakshasa), saying, 'O stupid one, thy merit decreaseth (even by
this act of thine). Dost thou not pay heed unto the established order of
nature? Whether belonging to the human race, or to the lower orders, all
pay regard to virtue,--more specially the Rakshasas. In the first
instance, they knew virtue better than others. Having considered all
these, thou ought to adhere to virtue. O Rakshasa, the gods, the pitris,
the Siddhas, the rishis, the Gandharvas, the brutes and even the worms
and ants depend for their lives on men; and thou too liveth through that
agency. If prosperity attendeth the human race, thy race also prospereth;
and if calamities befall the former, even the celestials suffer grief.
Being gratified by offerings, do the gods thrive. O Rakshasa, we are the
guardians, governors and preceptors of kingdoms. If kingdoms become
unprotected, whence can proceed prosperity and happiness? Unless there be
offence, a Rakshasa should not violate a king. O man-eating one, we have
committed no wrong, ever so little. Living on vighasa, we serve the gods
and others to the best of our power. And we are never intent upon bowing
down to our superiors and Brahmanas. A friend, and one confiding, and he
whose food hath been partaken of, and he that hath afforded shelter,
should never be injured. Thou hast lived in our place happily, being duly
honoured. And, O evil-minded one, having partaken of our food, how canst
thou carry us off? And as thy acts are so improper and as thou hast grown
in age without deriving any benefit and as thy propensities are evil, so
thou deservest to die for nothing, and for nothing wilt thou die to-day.
And if thou beest really evil-disposed and devoid of all virtue, do thou
render us back our weapons and ravish Draupadi after fight. But if
through stupidity thou must do this deed, then in the world thou wilt
only reap demerit and infamy O Rakshasa, by doing violence to this female
of the human race, thou hast drunk poison, after having shaken the
vessel.' Thereupon, Yudhishthira made himself ponderous to the Rakshasa.
And being oppressed with the weight, he could not proceed rapidly as
before. Then addressing Draupadi, Nakula and Sahadeva, Yudhishthira said,
'Do ye not entertain any fear of this wretched Rakshasa, I have checked
his speed. The mighty-armed son of the Wind-god may not be far away; and
on Bhima coming up at the next moment, the Rakshasa will not live.' O
king, staring at the Rakshasa bereft of sense, Sahadeva addressed
Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, saying, 'What can be more meritorious for
a Kshatriya than to fall in fight, or defeat a foe? O repressor of foes,
we will fight and either this one will slay us, or we shall slay him, O
mighty-armed one. Verily this is the place and time. O king. And, O thou
of unfailing prowess, the time hath come for the display of our Kshatriya
virtue. It behoveth us to attain heaven either by gaining victory or
being slain. If the sun sets to-day, the Rakshasa living yet, O Bharata,
I will not any more say that I am a Kshatriya. Ho! Ho! Rakshasa. say! I
am Pandu's son, Sahadeva. Either, after having killed me, carry off this
lady, or being slain, lie senseless here.'

"Madri's son, Sahadeva, was speaking thus, when Bhimasena made his
appearance, with a mace in his hand, like unto Vasava himself wielding
the thunder-bolt. And here he saw his two brothers and the noble-minded
Draupadi (on the shoulders of the demon), and Sahadeva on the ground
rebuking the Rakshasa and also that stupid Rakshasa himself deprived of
sense by Fate, going round in different directions through bewilderment
caused by Destiny. And finding his brothers and Draupadi being carried
off, Bhima of mighty strength was fired with wrath, and addressed the
Rakshasa, saying, 'I had ere this found thee out for a wicked wight from
thy scrutiny of our weapons; but as I had no apprehension of thee, so I
had not slain thee at that time. Thou wert in the disguise of a
Brahmana--nor didst thou say anything harsh unto us. And thou didst take
delight in pleasing us. And thou also didst not do us wrong. And,
furthermore, thou wert our guest. How could I, therefore, slay thee, who
wert thus innocent of offence, and who wert in the disguise of a
Brahmana? He that knowing such a one to be even a Rakshasa, slayeth him,
goes to hell. Further, thou canst not be killed before the time cometh.
Surely to-day thou hast reached the fullness of thy time in as much as
thy mind hath been thus turned by the wonder-performing Fate towards
carrying off Krishna. By committing thyself to this deed, thou hast
swallowed up the hook fastened to the line of Fate. So like unto a fish
in water, whose mouth hath been hooked, how canst thou live to-day? Thou
shall not have to go whither thou intendest to, or whither thou hadst
already gone mentally; but thou shall go whither have repaired Vaka and

"Thus addressed by Bhima, the Rakshasa in alarm put them down; and being
forced by Fate, approached for fight. And with his lips trembling in
anger he spake unto Bhima, saying, 'Wretch! I have not been bewildered; I
had been delaying for thee. To day will I offer oblations of thy blood to
those Rakshasas who, I had heard, have been slain by thee in fight' Thus
addressed, Bhima, as if bursting with wrath, like unto Yama himself at
the time of the universal dissolution, rushed towards the Rakshasa,
licking the corners of his mouth and staring at him as he struck his own
arms with the hands. And seeing Bhima waiting in expectation of fight,
the Rakshasa also darted towards him in anger, like unto Vali towards the
wielder of the thunderbolt, repeatedly gaping and licking the corners of
his mouth. And when a dreadful wrestling ensued between those two, both
the sons of Madri, waxing exceeding wroth rushed forward; but Kunti's
son, Vrikodara, forbade them with a smile and said, 'Witness ye! I am
more than a match for this Rakshasa. By my own self and by my brothers,
and by my merit, and by my good deeds, and by my sacrifices, do I swear
that I shall slay this Rakshasa.' And after this was said, those two
heroes, the Rakshasa and Vrikodara challenging each other, caught each
other by the arms. And they not forgiving each other, then there ensued a
conflict between the infuriated Bhima and the Rakshasa, like unto that
between a god and a demon. And repeatedly uprooting trees, those two of
mighty strength struck each other, shouting and roaring like two masses
of clouds. And those foremost of athletes, each wishing to kill the
other, and rushing at the other with vehemence, broke down many a
gigantic tree by their thighs. Thus that encounter with trees,
destructive of plants, went on like unto that between the two brothers
Vali and Sugriva--desirous of the possession of a single woman.
Brandishing trees for a moment, they struck each other with them,
shouting incessantly. And when all the trees of the spot had been pulled
down and crushed into fibres by them endeavouring to kill each other,
then, O Bharata, those two of mighty strength, taking up rocks, began to
fight for a while, like unto a mountain and a mighty mass of clouds. And
not suffering each other, they fell to striking each other with hard and
large crags, resembling vehement thunder-bolts. Then from strength
defying each other, they again darted at each other, and grasping each
other by their arms, began to wrestle like unto two elephants. And next
they dealt each other fierce blows. And then those two mighty ones began
to make chattering sounds by gnashing their teeth. And at length, having
clenched his fist like a five-headed snake, Bhima with force dealt a blow
on the neck of the Rakshasa. And when struck by that fist of Bhima, the
Rakshasa became faint, Bhimasena stood, catching hold of that exhausted
one. And then the god-like mighty-armed Bhima lifted him with his two
arms, and dashing him with force on the ground, the son of Pandu smashed
all his limbs. And striking him with his elbow, he severed from his body
the head with bitten lips and rolling eyes, like unto a fruit from its
stem. And Jatasura's head being severed by Bhimasena's might, he fell
besmeared with gore, and having bitten lips. Having slain Jatasura, Bhima
presented himself before Yudhishthira, and the foremost Brahmanas began
to eulogise him (Bhima) even as the Marutas (eulogise) Vasava."


Vaisampayana continued, "On that Rakshasa having been slain, that lord,
the royal son of Kunti, returned to the hermitage of Narayana and began
to dwell there. And once on a time, remembering his brother Jaya
(Arjuna), Yudhishthira summoned all his brothers, together with Draupadi
and said these words, 'We have passed these four years peacefully ranging
the woods. It hath been appointed by Vibhatsu that about the fifth year
he will come to that monarch of mountains, the excellent cliff Sweta,
ever graced with festivities held by blooming plants and maddened Kokilas
and black bees, and peacocks, and chatakas and inhabited by tigers, and
boars and buffaloes, and gavayas, and deer, and ferocious beasts; and
sacred; and lovely with blown lotuses of a hundred and a thousand petals,
and blooming lilies and blue lilies and frequented by the celestials and
the Asuras. And we also, eagerly anxious of meeting him on his arrival
have made up our minds to repair thither. Partha of unrivalled prowess
hath appointed with me, saying, 'I shall remain abroad for five years,
with the object of learning military science.' In the place like unto the
region of the gods, shall we behold the wielder of Gandiva, arrive after
having obtained the weapons.' Having said this, the Pandava summoned the
Brahmanas, and the sons of Pritha having gone round the ascetics of rigid
austerities and thereby pleased them, informed them of the matter
mentioned above. Thereupon the Brahmanas gave their assent, saying, 'This
shall be attended by prosperity and welfare. O foremost of the Bharatas,
these troubles shall result in happiness. O pious one, gaining the earth
by the Kshatriya virtue, thou shall govern it.' Then in obedience to
these words of the ascetics, that represser of foes, Yudhishthira, set
out with his brothers and those Brahmanas, followed by the Rakshasa and
protected by Lomasa. And that one of mighty energy, and of staunch vows,
with his brothers, at places went on foot and at others were carried by
the Rakshasas. Then king Yudhishthira, apprehending many troubles,
proceeded towards the north abounding in lions and tigers and elephants.
And beholding on the way the mountain Mainaka and the base of the
Gandhamadana and that rocky mass Sweta and many a crystal rivulet higher
and higher up the mountain, he reached on the seventeenth day the sacred
slopes of the Himalayas. And, O king, not far from the Gandhamadana,
Pandu's son beheld on the sacred slopes of the Himavan covered with
various trees and creepers the holy hermitage of Vrishaparva surrounded
by blossoming trees growing near the cascades. And when those repressers
of foes, the sons of Pandu, had recovered from fatigue, they went to the
royal sage, the pious Vrishaparva and greeted him. And that royal sage
received with affection those foremost of Bharatas, even as his own sons.
And those repressers of foes passed there seven nights, duly regarded.
And when the eighth day came, taking the permission of that sage
celebrated over the worlds, they prepared to start on their journey. And
having one by one introduced unto Vrishaparva those Brahmanas, who, duly
honoured, remained in his charge as friends; and having also entrusted
the highsouled Vrishaparva with their remaining robes, the sons of Pandu,
O king, left in the hermitage of Vrishaparva their sacrificial vessels
together with their ornaments and jewels. And wise and pious and versed
in every duty and having a knowledge of the past as well as the future,
that one gave instructions unto those best of the Bharatas, as unto his
own sons. Then taking his permission those high-souled ones set out
towards the north. And as they set out the magnanimous Vrishaparva
followed them to a certain distance. Then having entrusted the Pandavas
unto the care of the Brahmanas and instructed and blessed them and given
directions concerning their course, Vrishaparva of mighty energy retraced
his steps.

"Then Kunti's son, Yudhishthira of unfailing prowess, together with his
brothers, began to proceed on foot along the mountain path, inhabited by
various kinds of beasts. And having dwelt at the mountain slopes, densely
overgrown with trees, Pandu's son on the fourth day reached the Sweta
mountain, like unto a mighty mass of clouds, abounding in streams and
consisting of a mass of gold and gems. And taking the way directed by
Vrishaparva, they reached one by one the intended places, beholding
various mountains. And over and over they passed with ease many
inaccessible rocks and exceedingly impassable caves of the mountain. And
Dhaumya and Krishna and the Parthas and the mighty sage Lomasa went on in
a body and none grew tired. And those highly fortunate ones arrived at
the sacred and mighty mountain resounding with the cries of birds and
beasts and covered with various trees and creepers and inhabited by
monkeys, and romantic and furnished with many lotus-lakes and having
marshes and extensive forests. And then with their down standing erect,
they saw the mountain Gandhamadana, the abode of Kimpurushas, frequented
by Siddhas and Charanas and ranged by Vidyadharis and Kinnaris and
inhabited by herds of elephants and thronged with lions and tigers and
resounding with the roars of Sarabhas and attended by various beasts. And
the war-like sons of Pandu gradually entered into the forest of the
Gandhamadana, like unto the Nandana gardens, delightful to the mind and
heart and worthy of being inhabited and having beautiful groves. And as
those heroes entered with Draupadi and the high-souled Brahmanas, they
heard notes uttered by the mouths of birds, exceedingly sweet and
graceful to the ear and causing delight and dulcet and broken by reason
of excess of animal spirits. And they saw various trees bending under the
weight of fruits in all seasons, and ever bright with flowers--such as
mangoes and hog-plums and bhavyas and pomegranates, citrons and jacks and
lakuchas and plantains and aquatic reeds and parvatas and champakas and
lovely kadamvas and vilwas, wood-apples and rose-apples and kasmaris and
jujbes and figs and glomerous figs and banians and aswatthas and khirikas
and bhall atakas and amalkas and bibhitakas and ingudas and karamardas
and tindukas of large fruits--these and many others on the slopes of the
Gandhamadana, clustered with sweet and nectarine fruits. And besides
these, they beheld champakas and asokas and ketakas and vakulas and
punnagas and saptaparnas and karnikaras, and patals, and beautiful
kutajas and mandaras, and lotuses, and parijatas, and kovidaras and
devadarus, and salas, and palmyra palms, and tamalas, and pippalas, and
salmalis and kinsukas, and singsapas, and saralas and these were
inhabited by Chakoras, and wood-peckers and chatakas, and various other
birds, singing in sweet tones pleasing to the ear. And they saw lakes
beautiful on all sides with aquatic birds, and covered all around with
kumudas, and pundarikas, and kokanadas, and utpalas, and kalharas, and
kamalas and thronged on all sides with drakes and ruddy geese, and
ospreys, and gulls and karandavas, and plavas, and swans, and cranes, and
shags, and other aquatic birds. And those foremost of men saw those
lotus-lakes beautified with assemblages of lotuses, and ringing with the
sweet hum of bees, glad, and drowsy on account of having drunk the
intoxicating honey of lotuses, and reddened with the farina falling from
the lotuscups. And in the groves they beheld with their hens peacocks
maddened with desire caused by the notes of cloud-trumpets; and those
woods-loving glad peacocks drowsy with desire, were dancing, spreading in
dalliance their gorgeous tails, and were crying in melodious notes. And
some of the peacocks were sporting with their mates on kutaja trees
covered with creepers. And some sat on the boughs of the kutajas,
spreading their gorgeous tails, and looking like crowns worn by the
trees. And in the glades they beheld the graceful sindhuvaras like unto
the darts of Cupid. And on the summits of the mountain, they saw blooming
karnikaras bearing blossoms of a golden hue, appearing like ear-rings of
excellent make. And in the forest they saw blossoming kuruvakas, like
unto the shafts of Cupid, which smiteth one with desire and maketh him
uneasy. And they saw tilakas appearing like unto beauty-spots painted on
the forehead of the forest. And they saw mango trees graced with blossoms
hummed over by black bees, and serving the purpose of Cupid's shafts. And
on the slopes of the mountain there were diverse blossoming trees,
looking lovely, some bearing flowers of a golden hue, and some, of the
hue of the forest-conflagration, and some, red and some sable, and some
green like unto lapises. And besides these, there were ranges of salas
and tamalas and patalas and vakula trees, like unto garlands put on by
the summits of mountain. Thus gradually beholding on the slopes of the
mountain many lakes, looking transparent like crystal, and having swans
of white plumage and resounding with cries of cranes, and filled with
lotuses and lilies, and furnished with waters of delicious feel; and also
beholding fragrant flowers, and luscious fruits, and romantic lakes, and
captivating trees, the Pandavas penetrated into the forest with eyes
expanded with wonder. And (as they proceeded) they were fanned by the
breeze of balmy feel, and perfumed by kamalas and utpalas and kalharas
and pundarikas. Then Yudhishthira pleasantly spake unto Bhima saying,
'Ah! O Bhima, beautiful is this forest of the Gandhamadana. In this
romantic forest there are various heavenly blossoming wild trees and
creepers, bedecked with foliage and fruit, nor are there any trees that
do not flower. On these slopes of the Gandhamadana, all the trees are of
sleek foliage and fruit. And behold how these lotus-lakes with fullblown
lotuses, and ringing with the hum of black bees, are being agitated by
elephants with their mates. Behold another lotus-lake girt with lines of
lotuses, like unto a second Sree in an embodied form wearing garlands.
And in this excellent forest there are beautiful ranges of woods, rich
with the aroma of various blossoms, and hummed over by the black bees.
And, O Bhima, behold on all sides the excellent sporting ground of the
celestials. By coming here, we have attained extra-human state, and been
blessed. O Partha, on these slopes of the Gandhamadana, yon beautiful
blossoming trees, being embraced by creepers with blossoms at their tops,
look lovely. And, O Bhima, hark unto the notes of the peacocks crying
with their hens on the mountain slopes. And birds such as chakoras, and
satapatras, and maddened kokilas, and parrots, are alighting on these
excellent flowering trees. And sitting on the twigs, myriads of
jivajivakas of scarlet, yellow and red hues, are looking at one another.
And the cranes are seen near the spots covered with green and reddish
grass, and also by the side of the cascades. And those birds,
bhringarajas, and upachakras, and herons are pouring forth their notes
charming to all creatures. And, lo! with their mates, these elephants
furnished with four tusks, and white as lotuses, are agitating that large
lake of the hue of lapises. And from many cascades, torrents high as
several palmyra palms (placed one upon another) are rushing down from the
cliffs. And many argent minerals splendid, and of the effulgence of the
sun, and like unto autumnal clouds, are beautifying this mighty mountain.
And in some places there are minerals of the hue of the collyrium, and in
some those like unto gold, in some, yellow orpiment and in some,
vermilion, and in some, caves of red arsenic like unto the evening clouds
and in some, red chalk of the hue of the rabit, and in some, minerals
like unto white and sable clouds; and in some, those effulgent as the
rising sun, these minerals of great lustre beautify the mountain. O
Partha, as was said by Vrishaparva, the Gandharvas and the Kimpurushas,
in company with their loves, are visible on the summits of the mountain.
And, O Bhima, there are heard various songs of appropriate measures, and
also Vedic hymns, charming to all creatures. Do thou behold the sacred
and graceful celestial river Mahaganga, with swans, resorted to by sages
and Kinnaras. And, O represser of foes, see this mountain having
minerals, rivulets, and beautiful woods and beasts, and snakes of diverse
shapes and a hundred heads and Kinnaras, Gandharvas and Apsaras.'"

Vaisampayana said, "Having attained excellent state, those valiant and
warlike repressers of foes with Draupadi and the high-souled Brahmanas
were exceedingly delighted at heart, and they were not satiated by
beholding that monarch of mountains. Thereafter they saw the hermitage of
the royal sage Arshtishena, furnished with flowers and trees bearing
fruits. Then they went to Arshtishena versed in all duties of rigid
austerities, skeleton-like, and having muscles bare."

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