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Future kings. Descendants of Parikshit, ending with Kshemaka.


I WILL now enumerate the kings who, will reign in future periods. The present monarch, Parikshit, will have four sons, Janamejaya, S'rutasena, Ugrasena, and Bhimasena. The son of Janamejaya will be S'atanika, who will study the Vedas under Yajnyawalkya, and military science with Kripa; but becoming dissatisfied with sensual enjoyments, he will acquire spiritual knowledge from the instructions of S'aunaka, and ultimately obtain salvation. His son will be Aswamedhadatta (a son given by the gods in reward for the sacrifice of a horse; his son will be Asima-krishna; his son will be Nichakra, who will remove the capital to Kaus'ambi, in consequence of Hastinapura being washed away by the Ganges; his son will be Ushna; his son will be Chitraratha; his son will be Vrishnimat; his son will be Sushena; his son will be Sunitha; his son will be Richa; his son will be Nrichakshu; his son will be Sukhihala; his son will be Pariplava; his son will be Sunaya; his son will be Medhavin; his son will be Nripanjaya; his son will be Mridu; his son will be Tigma; his son will be Vrihadratha; his son will be Vasudana; and his son will be another S'atanika; his son will be Udayana; his son will be Ahinara; his son will be Khandapani; his son will be Niramitra; his son will be Kshemaka: of him this verse is recited; "The race which gave origin to Brahmans and Kshatriyas, and which was purified by regal sages, terminated with Kshemaka; in the Kali age."




Future kings of the family of Ikshwaku, ending with Sumitra.


I WILL now repeat to you the future princes of the family of Ikshwaku.


The son of Vrihadbala  will be Vrihatkshana; his son will be Urukshepa; his son will be Vatsa; his son will be Vatsavyuha; his son will be Prativyoman; his son will be Divakara; his son will be Sahadeva; his son will be Vrihadas'wa; his son will be Bhanuratha; his son will be Supratitha; his son will be Marudeva; his son will be Sunakshatra; his son will be Kinnara; his son will be Antariksha; his son will be Suvarna; his son will be Amitrajit; his son will be Vrihadraja; his son will be Dharman; his son will be Kritanjaya; his son will be Rananjaya; his son will be Sanjaya; his son will be S'akya; his son will be S'uddhodana; his son will be Ratula; his son will be Prasenajit; his son will be Kshudraka; his son will be Kundaka; his son will be Suratha; his son will be Sumitra. These are the kings of the family of Ikshwaku, descended from Vrihadbala. This commemorative verse is current concerning them; "The race of the descendants of Ikshwaku will terminate with Sumitra: it will end in the Kali age with him."



Future kings of Magadha: descendants of Vrihadratha.


I WILL now relate to you the descendants of Vrihadratha, who will be the kings of Magadha. There have been several powerful princes of this dynasty, of whom the most celebrated was Jarasandha; his son was Sahadeva; his son is Somapi; his son will be S'rutavat; his son will be Ayutayus; his son will be Niramitra; his son will be Sukshatra; his son will be Vrihatkarman; his son will be Senajit; his son will be S'rutanjaya; his son will be Vipra; his son will be S'uchi; his son will be Kshemya; his son will be Suvrata; his son will be Dharma; his son will be Sus'uma; his son will be Dridhasena; his son will be Sumati; his son will be Suvala; his son will be Sunita; his son will be Satyajit; his son will be Vis'wajit; his son will be Ripunjaya. These are the Varhadrathas, who will reign for a thousand years.

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