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The Law of Manu, Chapter -1 Part-3

 The Law of Manu, Chapter -1 Part-3

41. Thus was this whole (creation), both the immovable and the movable, produced by those high-minded ones by means of austerities and at my command, (each being) according to (the results of) its actions.


41. इस प्रकार यह संपूर्ण (सृष्टि), अचल और चल दोनों, तपस्या के माध्यम से और मेरे आदेश पर, (प्रत्येक प्राणी) अपने कार्यों (परिणाम) के अनुसार उत्पन्न हुई थी।


42. But whatever act is stated (to belong) to (each of) those creatures here below, that I will truly declare to you, as well as their order in respect to birth.


42. लेकिन यहाँ नीचे उन प्राणियों में से जो कुछ भी (सम्बंधित होने के लिए) कहा गया है, कि मैं वास्तव में आपको, साथ ही साथ जन्म के संबंध में उनके आदेश की घोषणा करूंगा।


43. Cattle, deer, carnivorous beasts with two rows of teeth, Rakshasas, Pisakas, and men are born from the womb.


43. गाय, हिरण, मांसाहारी जन्तु जिनके दाँत दो पंक्ति में हैं, राक्षस, पिशाच और पुरुष गर्भ से उत्पन्न होते हैं।


44. From eggs are born birds, snakes, crocodiles, fishes, tortoises, as well as similar terrestrial and aquatic (animals).


44. अंडे से पक्षी, सांप, मगरमच्छ, मछलियां, कछुआ, साथ ही समान स्थलीय और जलीय (जानवर) पैदा होते हैं।


45. From hot moisture spring stinging and biting insects, lice, flies, bugs, and all other (creatures) of that kind which are produced by heat.


45. गर्म नमी वसंत से डंक मारने और काटने वाले कीड़े, जूँ, मक्खियों, कीड़े, और उस तरह के अन्य सभी (जीव) जो गर्मी से उत्पन्न होते हैं।


46. All plants, propagated by seed or by slips, grow from shoots; annual plants (are those) which, bearing many flowers and fruits, perish after the ripening of their fruit;


46. ​​बीज या पर्ची द्वारा प्रचारित सभी पौधे, शूटिंग से बढ़ते हैं; वार्षिक पौधे (वे हैं) जो कई फूल और फल देने वाले फल के पकने के बाद नष्ट हो जाते हैं;


47. (Those trees) which bear fruit without flowers are called vanaspati (lords of the forest); but those which bear both flowers and fruit are called vriksha.


47. (वे पेड़) जो बिना फूलों के फल देते हैं, उन्हें वनस्पति (जंगल के स्वामी) कहा जाता है; लेकिन जिनमें फूल और फल दोनों होते हैं, उन्हें वृक्ष कहा जाता है।


48. But the various plants with many stalks, growing from one or several roots, the different kinds of grasses, the climbing plants and the creepers spring all from seed or from slips.


48. परन्तु अनेक डंठलोंवाले भिन्न-भिन्न पौधे, जो एक या अधिक जड़ों से उगते हैं, भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार की घासें, चढ़ाई करनेवाले पौधे और लताएं, सब बीज से या पर्चियों से निकलते हैं।


49. These (plants) which are surrounded by multiform Darkness, the result of their acts (in former existences), possess internal consciousness and experience pleasure and pain.


49. ये (पौधे) जो बहुरूप अंधकार से घिरे हैं, उनके कार्यों का परिणाम (पूर्व अस्तित्व में), आंतरिक चेतना रखते हैं और सुख और दर्द का अनुभव करते हैं।


50. The (various) conditions in this always terrible and constantly changing circle of births and deaths to which created beings are subject, are stated to begin with (that of) Brahman, and to end with (that of) these (just mentioned immovable creatures).


51. When he whose power is incomprehensible, had thus produced the universe and men, he disappeared in himself, repeatedly suppressing one period by means of the other.


52. When that divine one wakes, then this world stirs; when he slumbers tranquilly, then the universe sinks to sleep.


53. But when he reposes in calm sleep, the corporeal beings whose nature is action, desist from their actions and mind becomes inert.


54. When they are absorbed all at once in that great soul, then he who is the soul of all beings sweetly slumbers, free from all care and occupation.


55. When this (soul) has entered darkness, it remains for a long time united with the organs (of sensation), but performs not its functions; it then leaves the corporeal frame.


56. When, being clothed with minute particles (only), it enters into vegetable or animal seed, it then assumes, united (with the fine body), a (new) corporeal frame.


57. Thus he, the imperishable one, by (alternately) waking and slumbering, incessantly revivifies and destroys this whole movable and immovable (creation).


58. But he having composed these Institutes (of the sacred law), himself taught them, according to the rule, to me alone in the beginning; next I (taught them) to Mariki and the other sages.


59. Bhrigu, here, will fully recite to you these Institutes; for that sage learned the whole in its entirety from me.


60. Then that great sage Bhrigu, being thus addressed by Manu, spoke, pleased in his heart, to all the sages, 'Listen!'

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