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O illiterate human concentrate opportunity is going to end


O illiterate human concentrate opportunity is going to end  

After all, how long will we keep on using the eyes of others, we have got our eyes too, when will we use them, life is ending in the same way as the sand from the fist gradually becomes empty, In the same way, this life is also going out of our hands, and we are to find solutions to the problem of our life by the suggestion and principle given by others, which is never solved.


     The more we try to get out of the problem, the problem of life becomes less and more dire and dilapidated in the same way, how long will we keep asking someone else to solve our problem, after all, when will we solve all the problems of our life. Will you be able to solve it, is this just a fantasy? That we will solve the problem of our life, while the reality proves us to here, that we have not yet solved the problem of our life, although our life is surrounded by problems from all sides. The way we fence our crops is to protect them from stray animals. In the same way, we have kept a fence of principles and ideas around us, understanding our beliefs. So that our body is safe, but we do not know about it, that it makes our soul unsafe.


    Why is it so? As far as I understand that we have not been able to earn the ability to solve the problem of our life, or we have the ability, and also the ability, yet we have found ourselves to get the solution to our problem from others. We keep on wishing, constantly keep ourselves in the dark, and do not believe in ourselves, our self-confidence weakens, and we do not know the usefulness of our self-power, due to which we often follow other thinkers and their theories. in our lives, by which we complicate ourselves, because the solution of any thinker is never fixed, and it does not apply equally to all human beings, because the country of time and time means all. The situation is different.


          We want to solve but are not able to do it and try again and again to get out of the problem which in fact we have given birth to. Because we can solve our life's simple and hardest problems in our own way, here is what all our scriptures and best theoreticians have come saying, but we are, who always follow what they say, never use our intelligence, due to which we do not get hopeful success in our life, and we curse ourselves, and blame our fate and luck, saying that our fate is It is bad, our luck is bad, what can I do now, God is not on our side, or it is the will of God. We all keep on making all kinds of excuses, instead, we do not remove our shortcomings, and do not change our habits, do not give up our laziness, diligently live our lives, when small problems come our way. My confidence falters, and this our own self-confidence weakens.


          Due to which we, with our minds mind and brains, devote all our strength and might to the contemplation of negative thoughts, and repeatedly contemplate our past failures, and keep them on our hands as our destiny. Taxes keep destroying their lives in the mind amidst of the dark clouds of despair, and say, what should I do, this work is not done by me, I am weak and stupid, and people who are successful in their life are more than us. Wise and cunning, let me tell you, all this we make up of fanciful assumptions about ourselves. Due to which the power which could have taken us to the highest peak of success, the same power becomes the cause of our destruction or the means of taking us to the trough.


          We have to change this habit or nature of ours, d not let any kind of negative thoughts dominate us, always with hope and enthusiasm, one step at a time to keep moving forward on our destination and keep doing the feat with constant effort. Needed.


         In the Th society in which we live, people are educated to say that, but by examining their behavior, it is revealed that all of them are terrible types of cowards; we read them as intelligent, rich, honorable, respectable, respectable, honorable coward. Can say.


           Because today I saw that people are saying that a few days ago there was a solar eclipse, and today there is a lunar eclipse, its effect is going to be very good on the lives of some people, and some people with some special zodiac signs will get a lot of money and fame. And there will be an opportunity to achieve fame, on the other, hand some people will also suffer from this, problems and like despair, anxiety, depression, and into war can come in the world.


  These people who run the business of fruitful astrologers, they straighten their owls by instilling fear of planetary constellations, there is no scientific reason for this, yet most people believe it, some people do not cook, do not eat. Yes, some people close the temple door. Do all kinds of hypocrisy, because people are afraid because they do not have any doubts about their ignorance, they are always suspicious of their knowledge.


          When you will not do any kind of right business profession business job, then from where will you benefit from the money then, you will be exposed to blatant fraud and hypocrisy.

      I don't know the art of tandav so-called, you Raheesh are a simple man, and people make you a fool. You have to be your own boss and beware of these so called hypocrites who promise to make your future.


          Those who teach you the art of living, don't you know how to live, if you don't know the genes, then you should learn the art of living, and this art will teach you your own life and its experience. For this, there is no need to make anyone a guru in any way, it is the job of people that they benefit themselves by promising to benefit you, and you always have to deal with losses. Because there are great deceptions in this world, we have also cheated a lot, due to which we have lost faith in people.


          What is withe deal of profit, not only today, ever since it is worldthe , from time immemorial people understand the language of money, and you also understand the language of money, with money you get all the respect and dignity in this world And every kind of glamor is provided provision is presented, and it is like that, it is not at all true, rich people who are, have all their problems in life have been solved, you can understand that for s?ure. All the material problems of his life have been solved, but he has many other types of problems, for the solution of which he also constantly tries and makes efforts, neither he has the news of neither the oppressed nor the night. He is engrossed in expanding his work for life. You can learn the zeal to do this work from a small wild bird, thathois w it makes a beautiful and wonderful nest for itself.


          You also have to learn the art of being engrossed in your work, no matter what it is, you have to find joy in your art, whatever work you do, do that work as beautifully as possible, because This is where your work is going to make you immortal in this world. You have to do your (genuine) work. It should not be a copy or copy of any other, if it is copy or copy or similar to another, then you will not get that respect. In fact, what you are entitled to, you have to get the land of your right, the sky of your right ,and the air and water of your right, you have to fight with this world for your rights, and this struggle will give you skill in your work. Will have to do to achieve. Because unless you are skilled, skilled, and proficient in your work, the people who are proficient, skilled, and expert in that field will not allow you to move forward, all that indirectly to eliminate, every kind of obstacle. Will stand because everything in the world is being sold, and it has a price, if you want that thing in the world, then you have to pay for it. Here, only sorrow, pain, disturbance, and humiliation are found for free.


You don't have to work to get rich, and if you don't work you're bound to fall into the abyss of poverty, you have to work for your own pleasure, pleasure is not in money, pleasure is in earning money, You have to spend, to earn money, you have to open the way through which money comes, and that way is your work, your art, your skill, your nirvana is your invention. The world will give you money in return to get it from you, to buy that thing, that art, the knowledge that you have acquired.


Here in the world, all the worldly work is being done in business in exchange, if you want to get anything in the world, then first you have to be ready to give. The principle of Give and Take has been going on here in the world since time immemorial. And you have to follow this principle ie. You have to make yourself an inventor, and this power is in you, problems cannot surround you; you can surround yourself with all kinds of difficulties, difficulties and problems in your life. And all of them can offer a solution to the problem.


For this the first sutra is that you have to believe in yourself, not just in the ordinary or normal times of life, although even in the times of your despair, failure, calamities, you have to develop the art of moving forward with patience, despair all around. And the clouds of darkness keep on covering, there will be darkness, when there is no ray of hope to be seen from anywhere, then you have to keep the light of your soul burning. And following the path shown by him, you have to move forward.


In a short time, you will find that you have come out of the dark period of the night like that time, the light of the sun has started spreading in your life as soon as the morning sun has sprung.


You have to live in this world for yourself, destroy your enemies, who are the feeders of darkness and ignorance, don't just live, although you have to establish yourself in this world, you must never die yourself in this world. You have to do the practice of becoming immortal. And this exercise is no other, it is your well-known meditation, it is your own favorite work, which you have always wanted to do, do it in a more beautiful way, not only beautiful but the peak of beauty, and from there to that Do the work, because the invention of any inventor makes his mark immortal in the world forever and ever. Just as we all in one way or another consider God as Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram, there is Truth, there is Sundar, there is Shiva. Why?


      That through his work, here in the world, its fragrance comes from the flowers of small grasses, while it is said that it is the grass that produces food and this food makes blood in your body, and this blood becomes semen. And from semen this human body is made.


In the same way, you get everything here in the world through your work and in the end this world immortalizes you because of your work, and always sings your name.


Once again I want to say, Abhun to Chet Gawanr, that is, to your work, to your art, to your ability, to your creativity, you should have loyalty and great faith, and this faith will help you to reach that peak of truth. It will be proved, for which you have the opportunity to descend on the land without any support floating in this infinite sky, you do not need any kind of support, just as the earth is the moon, sun etc. stars, you are also one of them. You are one, you also have a relationship with them, there is an infinite sky within you, and your soul is the sun, and the moon is the mind, Rahu, who is the eclipser of ignorance, kill this ignorance, and the cause of knowledge. Along with intellect, focus your eyes on that goal of your life, that is, which is capable of making you whole.


You are God yourself, you are the original source of this moon and sun, realize the ray coming from this source, this is the consciousness, until you are able to prove this consciousness, then you are a fool, That is, you are illiterate, you have to read more of your soul book, so that it can be realized and you are able to be free from the title of a boor, and this title cannot be given by any university of the world, because of the soul. Education and its degree can only be earned by you yourself. Because you are a great institution in your own right, and there are infinite universities running within you, you are the vice-chancellor of the whole university. Of course, he is the founder. When you become God, you dissolve in the infinite, you have no limits, and you become limited. This whole world, the universe, is spread in the infinite sky. And the eternal source of this infinite sky is present in you.


Manoj Pandey


President Knowledge Science Brahmagyan Vedic University

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