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प्रभु दर्शन

🕉🧎‍♂️🧎‍♀️English version is at the end🙏🌹

प्रभु दर्शन
परमात्मा गुहा में निहित है,गुह्य है। जो मेधावान् है, जिनके अन्दर ऋतम्भरा प्रज्ञा का उदय हो गया है, जिसे प्रभु दर्शन की उत्कट लालसा लगी हुई है, जो कर्मण्य है, जो अर्चना शील मन से उसे पाने के लिए प्रवृत्त होता है,जो श्रवण शील और चिन्तनशील है, वही उसके दर्शन कर पाता है। वह प्रभु सबका आवास- स्थान और  आश्रय- स्थान है। हर मनुष्य, मनुष्य ही क्यों, जगत का प्रत्येक जड़-चेतन उसे पर मानो अपना-अपना घोंसला बनाकर बैठा हुआ है। पर असल में उसका आश्रय वृक्ष होता है। इसी प्रकार हम लोग अपनी नासमझी के कारण चाहे इस भ्रम में पड़े रहे, कि हमारे आश्रय मकान,महल,सखा कुटुम्बी राजे - महाराजे आदि हैं पर वस्तुतः तो वह प्रभु है हमारा अन्तिम आश्रय स्थान है। उसका हाथ, उसकी छत्रछाया,उसकी सहायता, उसका आश्वासन हट जाने पर हम एक पग भी नहीं चल सकते, एक सांस भी नहीं ले सकते। उसका आधार खिसकते ही हमारे आश्रय बने हुए यह भव्य भवन, वे ऊंची- ऊंची अट्टालिकाएं, यह मीनार -मन्दिर गुम्बद, ये विद्युत्प्रदीपों से जगमगाते हुए शानदार नगर सब क्षण भर में धराशाई हो जाएं। उसका हाथ हट जाने पर धरती आसमान भी रो उठें।
यह समस्त जगत् प्रपंच सृष्टि -उत्पत्ति के समय उसी ब्रह्म में से बाहर निकल आता है। और प्रलय काल में उसी के अदर समा जाता है। जैसे मकड़ी की आत्मा मकड़ी के शरीर से जाल को बाहर निकालती है और फिर जाल को शरीर में ही समेट लेती है,वैसे ही ब्रह्म अपने शरीर-भूत प्रकृति से जगत्- प्रपंच को सृजता है और फिर अपने प्रकृति रूप शरीर में ही समेट लेता है। जैसे पृथ्वी बीज में से औषधीयों को उत्पन्न करती है, वैसे ही ब्रह्म प्रकृति रूप बीज से सृष्टि उत्पन्न करता है। जैसे मनुष्य का चेतन आत्मा शरीर में से केश और रोमों को प्रकट करता है, वैसे ही ब्रह्म अपने प्रकृति रूप शरीर में से विश्व को प्रकट करता है। ब्रह्म अपनी रची हुई सब प्रजाओं के अन्दर ओत-प्रोत भी है। घट को रचने वाला कुम्भार घट के अन्दर ओत-प्रोत नहीं होता। पर प्रभु की लीला विचित्र है वह अपनी रची हुई प्रजाओं को धारण करने के लिए उनके अन्दर ओत-प्रोत भी है। जगत् की उत्पत्ति स्थिति और प्रपंच का ऐसा महान उत्तरदायित्व जिसने अपने ऊपर लिया हुआ है आओ! उस प्रभु के चरणों में नमस्कार करें और ' वेन ' बनकर उसके दर्शनों से कृतकृत्य हों।
                          वैदिक मन्त्र
वेनस्तत् पश्यन्निहितं गुहा सद् ,यत्र विश्वं भवत्ये कनीडम्। 
तस्मिन्निदं सं च विचैति सर्वं, स ओत:प्रोतश्च विभु:प्रजासु
                                                यजु• ३२.८
                    वैदिक भजन११६३ वां
                      राग अल्हैया बिलावल
              ‌गायन समय दिन का प्रथम प्रहर
                      ताल रूपक ७ मात्रा
हृदय गुहा में निहित नित भगवान है 
ऋतम्भरा प्रज्ञा से मेधावान है 
वो रखवाला जड़- चेतन का प्राण है 
हृदय गुहा...... 
जो कर्मण्य है,अर्चनाशील है 
पाये प्रभु दर्शन 
श्रवणशील हो चिन्तनशील हो 
हृदय से करे स्मरण 
प्रभु-आवास का स्थान आश्रय-स्थान है ।। 
वो रखवाला....... 
हर मनुष्य जगत् को अपना घोंसला समझे 
किन्तु मूर्ख है जानता नहीं 
घोंसला हैं प्रभु सबके 
उसकी छत्रछाया के बिन 
ना कल्याण है ।। 
वो रखवाला........ 
ऊंचे भवन अट्टालिकाएं 
मन्दिर जो होते हैं 
प्रभु का आश्रय न मिले 
धराशाई होते हैं 
हाथ हटा लें प्रभु तो सब वीरान है ।। 
वो रखवाला ........ 
जैसे पृथ्वी - बीज से 
औषधियां देती हैं 
वैसे ब्रह्म के प्रकृति बीज से 
उत्पन्न सृष्टि है 
ब्रह्म को अपनी प्रजाओं का ध्यान है 
वो रखवाला....... 
जगत् उत्पत्ति स्थिति प्रपंच का 
उत्तरदायित्व है 
अपनी रचित प्रजाओं में प्रभु 
ओतप्रोत हैं 
प्रभु की शरण ही ' वेन '- रूप महान है 
वो रखवाला...... 
                           १०.१५ रात्रि
निहित=होना, स्थापित
ऋतम्भरा= सर्वोत्तम बुद्धि, विवेकशील बुद्धि
हृदय गुहा= हृदय की गुफा
प्रज्ञा= ज्ञानवान बुद्धि
मेधावान= तेजस्वी बुद्धि वाला
वेन= मेधावी,इच्छुक,गतिमय,अर्चनाशील श्रवण- चिन्तनशील मनुष्य

🕉🧘‍♂️ द्वितीय श्रृंखला का १५६ वां  वैदिक भजन 
और अबतक का ११६३  वां वैदिक भजन 
🕉🧘‍♂️वैदिक श्रोताओं को अत्यंत शुभकामनाएं
अर्चनाशील श्रवण- चिन्तनशील मनुष्य

prabhu darshan

Vaidik mantra

Venastat pashyannihitam guha sad, yatra vishvam bhavatye kanidam.
 Tasminnidam sam cha vichaiti sarvam, sa otahprotashcha vibhu:prajasu
Yaju 32/8

                     vaidik bhajana1163 vaan
                      raag alhaiya bilaaval
              ‌gaayan samay din ka pratham prahar
               taal roopak 7 beats
      Vaidik bhajan👇

hriday guha mein nihit nit bhagavaan hai 
ritambhara pragyaa se medhaavaan hai 
vo rakhavaalaa jada- chetan ka praan hai 
hriday guha...... 
jo karmanya hai,archanaasheel hai 
paaye prabhu darshan 
shravanasheel ho chintanasheel ho 
hriday se kare smaran 
prabhu-aavaas ka sthaan aashray-sthaan hai .. 
vo rakhavaalaa....... 
har manushya jagat ko apana ghonsala samajhe 
kintu moorkh hai jaanata nahin 
ghonsala hain prabhu sabake 
usakee chhatrachhaaya ke bin 
naa kalyaan hai .. 
vo rakhavaalaa........ 
oonche bhavan attaalikaen 
mandir jo hote hain 
prabhu ka aashray na mile 
dharaashaee hote hain 
haath hataa len prabhu to sab veeraan hai .. 
vo rakhavaalaa ........ 
jaise prithvee - beej se 
aushadhiyaan detee hain 
vaise brahma ke prakrti beej se 
utpann srishti hai 
brahm ko apanee prajaon ka dhyaan hai 
vo rakhavaalaa....... 
jagat utpatti sthiti prapanch ka 
uttaradaayitva hai 
apanee rachit prajaon mein prabhu 
oata-prot hain 
prabhu kee sharan hee  "ven"-roop mahaan hai 
vo rakhavaalaa...... 
                           10.15 raatri

Lord Darshan

Vedic Mantra

Venastat pashyannihitam cave sad, yatra vishvam bhavatye kanidam.

     Meaning of bhajan

God is always present in the heart
Ritambhara is endowed with wisdom
He is the protector of the inanimate-  The soul of the conscious being is the heart cave...... 

He who is active and worshipful
Gets the sight of the Lord
He is attentive and thoughtful
Remembers from the heart
The place where the Lord resides is the place of shelter.  That protector.......

Every human being considers the world as his nest
But he is a fool and doesnot know
God is everyone's nest
Without his protection
There is no welfare.
That protector......

Tall buildings, skyscrapers
Which are temples 
If we don't find the shelter of the Lord
We fall down
If the Lord takes his hand away, everything is desolate.  He is the protector......

Just as the earth gives medicines from its seeds
In the same way the universe is born from the seed of Brahma's nature
Brahma takes care of his subjects
He is the protector......

He is responsible for the creation, maintenance and worldly affairs  God is full of His creations
The Lord's refuge is 'Ven' - great form

10.15 night

Nihit = to be, established
Ritambhara = best intelligence, prudent intelligence
Hriday guhaa=  Cave of the heart
Pragya = knowledgeable intellect
Medhavan = brilliant intellect
Ven = intelligent, willing, dynamic, worshipful, listening-contemplative person

Darshan of God

God is hidden in a cave, it is secret. Only those who are intelligent, in whom the wisdom of Ritambhara has emerged, who have a strong desire to see God, who are active, who are inclined to attain Him with a prayerful mind, who are attentive and thoughtful, can see Him. That God is the abode and shelter of everyone. Every human being, why only humans, every living and non-living being of the world is sitting on Him as if by making their own nests. But in reality, His shelter is a tree. Similarly, due to our ignorance, we may remain in the illusion that our shelter is a house, palace, friends, family, kings, etc. but in reality, He is God, our last shelter. If His hand, His umbrella, His help, His assurance are removed, we cannot take even a single step, cannot take even a single breath.  As soon as its foundation slips, these magnificent buildings that have become our shelter, those tall buildings, these towers, temple domes, these magnificent cities glittering with electric lights, all will collapse in a moment. If his hand is removed, even the earth and the sky will cry.
This entire world emerges from the same Brahma at the time of creation and then merges within him at the time of destruction. Just as the soul of a spider brings out the web from its body and then gathers it in its body, similarly Brahma creates the world from his body-form nature and then gathers it in his body-form nature. Just as the earth produces medicines from seeds, similarly Brahma creates the world from the seed-form nature. Just as the conscious soul of a human being brings out hair and hair from the body, similarly Brahma brings out the world from his body-form nature. Brahma is also present in all the creatures created by him.  The potter who creates the pot is not present inside the pot.
There is no welfare.

That protector......

Tall buildings, skyscrapers
Which are temples 
If we don't find the shelter of the Lord
We fall down
If the Lord takes his hand away, everything is desolate.  He is the protector......

Just as the earth gives medicines from its seeds
In the same way the universe is born from the seed of Brahma's nature
Brahma takes care of his subjects
He is the protector......

He is responsible for the creation, maintenance and worldly affairs  God is full of His creations
The Lord's refuge is 'Ven' - great form

10.15 night

Nihit = to be, established
Ritambhara = best intelligence, prudent intelligence
Hriday-guhaa=Cave of the heart
Pragyaa = knowledgeable intellect
Medhavan = brilliant intellect
Ven = intelligent, willing, dynamic, worshipful, listening-contemplative person

Darshan of God

God is hidden in a cave, it is secret. Only those who are intelligent, in whom the wisdom of Ritambhara has emerged, who have a strong desire to see God, who are active, who are inclined to attain Him with a prayerful mind, who are attentive and thoughtful, can see Him. That God is the abode and shelter of everyone. Every human being, why only humans, every living and non-living being of the world is sitting on Him as if by making their own nests. But in reality, His shelter is a tree. Similarly, due to our ignorance, we may remain in the illusion that our shelter is a house, palace, friends, family, kings, etc. but in reality, He is God, our last shelter. If His hand, His umbrella, His help, His assurance are removed, we cannot take even a single step, cannot take even a single breath.  As soon as its foundation slips, these magnificent buildings that have become our shelter, those tall buildings, these towers, temple domes, these magnificent cities glittering with electric lights, all will collapse in a moment. If his hand is removed, even the earth and the sky will cry.
This entire world emerges from the same Brahma at the time of creation and then merges within him at the time of destruction. Just as the soul of a spider brings out the web from its body and then gathers it in its body, similarly Brahma creates the world from his body-form nature and then gathers it in his body-form nature. Just as the earth produces medicines from seeds, similarly Brahma creates the world from the seed-form nature. Just as the conscious soul of a human being brings out hair and hair from the body, similarly Brahma brings out the world from his body-form nature. Brahma is also present in all the creatures created by him.  The potter who creates the pot is not present inside the pot.
God is hidden in a cave, it is secret. Only those who are intelligent, in whom the wisdom of Ritambhara has emerged, who have a strong desire to see God, who are active, who are inclined to attain Him with a prayerful mind, who are attentive and thoughtful, can see Him. That God is the abode and shelter of everyone. Every human being, why only humans, every living and non-living being of the world is sitting on Him as if by making their own nests. But in reality, His shelter is a tree. Similarly, due to our ignorance, we may remain in the illusion that our shelter is a house, palace, friends, family, kings, etc. but in reality, He is God, our last shelter. If His hand, His umbrella, His help, His assurance are removed, we cannot take even a single step, cannot take even a single breath.  As soon as its foundation slips, these magnificent buildings that have become our shelter, those tall buildings, these towers, temple domes, these magnificent cities glittering with electric lights, all will collapse in a moment. If his hand is removed, even the earth and the sky will cry.
This entire world emerges from the same Brahma at the time of creation and then merges within him at the time of destruction. Just as the soul of a spider brings out the web from its body and then gathers it in its body, similarly Brahma creates the world from his body-form nature and then gathers it in his body-form nature. Just as the earth produces medicines from seeds, similarly Brahma creates the world from the seed-form nature. Just as the conscious soul of a human being brings out hair and hair from the body, similarly Brahma brings out the world from his body-form nature. Brahma is also present in all the creatures created by him.  The potter who creates the pot is not present inside the pot.
The play of the Lord is strange. He is also immersed in the people created by Him to sustain them. The Lord who has taken upon himself such a great responsibility of creation, maintenance and the world, come! Let us bow down to the feet of that Lord and be blessed by His darshan by becoming 'Ven'.

10.15 night

🕉🧘‍♂️ 156th Vedic hymn of the second series
And the 1163rd Vedic till now  Bhajan
🕉🧘‍♂️Best wishes to

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