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How to Hack Computers A Guide to Hacking Computers for Beginners Joel Tope

 Chapter 1 – Introduction

     The general public usually has two competing viewpoints of hackers. Some people revere them as brilliantly minded individuals while others look down on them as petty criminals. While both perceptions could be true for many expert hackers, the public’s perception has been twisted and contorted by what they see on television dramas and in the movies. Because your average user doesn’t understand how a computer or the Internet works from a technical perspective, they can’t hope to begin to understand what hackers actually do. In fact, the term ‘hacker’ usually carries a negative connotation to it. Ask any non-technical person what a hacker is, and they’ll give you a response such as, “They’re the bad guys that steal people’s credit cards, listen to my phone calls, and work with terrorist organizations.” For some reason – likely accredited to entertainment media – hackers get a bad rap and most people would instantly assume that their behaviors are illegal. These stigmas couldn’t be further from the truth, because the reality is that there are many types of hackers. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, and some lie somewhere in between.

    There is no single motivation that drives every hacker and no blanket statement that you can use to accurately describe every hacker in the world. Also consider that hacking isn’t an inherently evil practice and you can do it legally. Some people even like to do it for a hobby. More practically, however, some people get paid big bucks as consultants to try to hack into a corporate network in an effort to find security holes. Be forewarned, though. If you start abusing your knowledge it is a slippery slope to the dark side, and nothing good ever happens once you’re there.

    If your curiosity has gotten the better of you, if you just want to be able to understand what’s going on in the movies and the news, or you have a goal of becoming a competent hacker, I want to personally introduce you to hacking and guide you to achieving your goals. The problem most people have when they want to start hacking is that they find material that isn’t written for novitiates.

     Once you get the basics under your belt and you can actually apply the knowledge you will learn in this book, you’ll find that you are much more educated than your peers and that technology is actually pretty exciting. As the tools hackers use have changed over the last couple decades, people that take an interest and develop a passion for hacking have changed as well. Though technology is only getting more complex with each passing year, the tools hackers utilize are becoming more sophisticated – making the learning curve much less steep for newbies.

In this guide, I am going to teach you a lot of valuable information about hacking such as:

-What hacking is and what hacking isn’t.

-Hacking terminology and hacker culture.

-Types of attacks and the most famous hacks of all time.

-Ethical considerations and fair warnings about becoming a hacker.

-Fundamental concepts that will serve as a foundation to build hacking skills.

-How to install Linux operating systems using VMWare to setup hacking tools.

-Step-by-step guides for ping sweeps and port scanning.

-How to map network topologies and perform reconnaissance techniques.

-How to use advanced software to find security holes.

   This is designed to be an all-inclusive guide that will not only give you an understanding of the basic technical concepts you will need to become a hacker, but  also introduce you to some fascinating software and show you step-by-step how to use it. I’m sure most of you want to get started hacking right away, but I urge you to spend time learning the basics before moving on to some of the more challenging attacks discussed in this book.

What it Takes to Become a Good Hacker

    One of the reasons some hackers become so successful is because they have a passion for what they are doing. Their personality drives them to tackle extremely difficult challenges, which is why some hackers break systems just to see if they can. If you are going to want to become a prolific hacker, it takes the same two things as any other skill you want to build: time and practice. If you can’t figure something out in the first two minutes, don’t give up. Some of the pros will spend weeks or even months planning and executing their attacks. And once you get the basics under your belt, you’re going to be able to implement these techniques in a matter of minutes. Arguably, I would say the hardest part for a newbie is getting their environment setup. Past that, things start to get easier and you can really start to sink your teeth into how the technology works.

    Before we get to the juicy details, we should begin with an overview of hacking so you understand some rudimentary concepts and perceptions about hacking.

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