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Why is the episode of Ram's sister Shanta not written in Ramcharitmanas?

 Why is the episode of Ram's sister Shanta not written in Ramcharitmanas?


Episode of Ram's sister Shanta not written in Ramcharitmanas?

    Why didn't Tulsidasji write the episode of Ram's sister Shanta in Ramcharitmanas? This question comes to our mind. Due to which there is a doubt in our mind whether Ramcharitmanas is correct or Valmiki's Ramayana is correct? We are going to solve this doubt in this article.

    King Rompad who adopted Shanta from Dasaratha. Shanta was married by him to Rishyashringa (Shringi sage).

    The birth, life, marriage of Shanta and the story of King Romapada of Rishyashringa (Shringi Rishi) are briefly described by Valmiki in his Ramayana Balakanda Navam: Sarga - 1.9.2 - 20 and in detail in Balakanda Ten and Eleventh Sarga . In this story there is the episode of Ram's sister Shanta, in which Sumantra ji tells Dashrath ji how King Rompad caused him to not rain, so he called Rishyashringa (Shringi Rishi) and got Shanta married to Shringi Rishi. In this episode, once Sumantra ji says to Dashrath ji - "Rishyashringah tu jamata putran tav vidhasyati. 1-9-19" Meaning - In this way Rishyashringa became your (Dasaratha's) son-in-law. They will perform the Yajna Karma which will make sons accessible to you.

    Considering this verse as the main basis, Shanta is said to be Ram's sister and this is also true. We have explained this in detail in our article. Must Read Is Shanta the sister of Lord Ram? - Proof Valmiki Ramayana. Astu, Valmiki ji has written all this in detail in Ramayana. Apart from this, the episode of Shanta is not mainly found in Valmiki Ramayana.

    Why is the episode of Shanta not written in Ramcharitmanas?

    Goswami Tulsidas ji did not write the story of Rishyashringa's birth, life, marriage with Shanta and King Rompad in Shriramcharitmanas. Because maybe, Tulsidas ji does not think it appropriate to write this episode, because he was writing the character of Ram. Tulsidas ji has not written many episodes in detail, like Tulsidas ji does not write about how King Dashrath ji prepared for the Yagya etc., Valmiki ji writes in detail in his Ramayana. That's why Tulsidasji wrote about Rishyashringa (Shringi Rishi) in Ramcharitmanas only that Shri Ramcharitmanas Balkand

    Sringi Rishi Basishtha called. The work of the son should be done for the good world.

    Sacrifice was offered to the sages along with devotion. They have extinguished the raging fire ॥3॥

    Meaning :- Vashishthaji called Shringi Rishi and performed the auspicious Putrakameshti Yagya with him. Agnidev appeared with charu (Havishyan kheer) in his hand when the sage offered oblations with devotion.

    Now Valmiki ji has written this episode in detail. Even Valmiki ji has written about the form, color of the body, shape of the body, clothes of Agnidev. The same Tulsidas ji does not write. As Tulsidasji does, so does Valmiki ji, he has not written in detail about the birth of Ram in his Ramayana. He only wrote that Rama was born. But the same Tulsidas ji writes in detail about this episode that

    If the grace is manifested, the deendayala is beneficial.

    Harshit Mahatari Muni lost his mind, the wonderful form of the poor thing. Lochan Abhirama Tanu Ghansyama Nij Ayudh Bhujchari. Bhushan Banmala Nayan Bisala Sobhasindhu Kharari.

    Meaning - The merciful Lord who has mercy on the downtrodden, the benefactor of Kausalya appeared. The mother was filled with joy thinking of his wonderful form which defeated the minds of the sages. The body was dark like a cloud, giving pleasure to the eyes; He was (wearing) his (special) weapons in all four arms, was wearing (divine) ornaments and garlands, had big eyes. In this way, the God who killed the ocean of beauty and the Khar demon appeared.

    That means he came with four arms. Then his mother tells him that Mata Puni Boli So Mati Doli Tajhu Tat Ye Rupa.

This happiness is very unique ॥

Suni Bachan Sujana Rodan Thana Hoi Balak Surbhupa.

    This is the character of Haripad in the village, but there is no other Bhavakupa ॥4॥

    Meaning - Mother again said - Oh father! Leave this form and do the most beloved ball-leela, (for me) this happiness will be very unique. Hearing these words (of the mother), Sujan Bhagwan, the lord of the deities, started crying in the form of a child. (Tulsidasji says-) Those who sing this character, they get the status of Shri Hari and (again) do not fall into the well of the world.

    So Tulsidas ji has not written some things and Valmiki ji has also not written some things.

    So it depends on the great man what he wants to write. Saint Mahatma is self-willed, he does whatever comes in his mind. No one can dare to tell them that you have to write this too. No one would say that.

    Astu, Tulsidas ji has written the character of Ram in Shriramcharitmanas. Therefore, it may be that he did not consider it appropriate to write about Shanta or Shringi Rishi's birth, life, marriage to Shanta and about King Romapada. What is the reality of not writing? That can be known only after meeting Tulsidas.

    Why did Tulsidas ji write Dhol Gawan Sudra Pasu Nari? What is the correct meaning?

    Why Tulsidas ji wrote Dhol Gawan Sudra Pasu Nari.

    Dhol Gawan Sudra Pasu Nari. Officer of Gross Tadna ॥ What is the correct meaning of Read this article patiently, we are going to solve all your doubts in this article. Astu, we have been reciting Shri Ramcharitmanas composed by Goswami Tulsidas since childhood. But from time to time all its parts are questioned. one of the quadrupeds whose most Most mentioned are:-

    God did not teach me anything. Marzada Puni is not yours.    Dhol Gawan Sudra Pasu Nari. Officer of Gross Tadna ॥

- Shri Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand

    Dalit organizations, women's organizations and sometimes human rights organizations also express their indignation about this cattle. Some people demand to remove it from Ramcharitmanas. Sometimes they burn copies of Manas. Tulsidas is called regressive Dalit, anti-women. I am not a psychic who can give any supernatural explanation for this. But even then it is a matter to be thought by the human intellect that Tulsidasji, who started the manas by writing 'Bandau Sant Asajjan Charna.', 'Bandau Sita Ram Pad Jinhi Param Priya Khinn.' While praising Shri Sita, those who call Sita ji O Mother and O Jagajjanani Janaki ji, how can they consider all 'Shudra' and 'Stri' to be beaten?

    In the Vedic caste system, Shudra is a servant in the society. That is, whoever helps someone in some work comes under Shudra. Nowadays people (labour, job, worker) means all those who do jobs will be called Shudras. Astu, as far as the matter of Shudras is concerned. So Tulsidas ji can never write like this about Shudras. Why? Because the examples of meeting Shabari, Vishad, Kevat etc. by his most beloved Shri Ram, show something else. It should be kept in mind that even though Ram is a Kshatriya, he has embraced Vishad, Kevat (Shudra) etc. and has eaten the lies of Shabri (Shudra). Tulsidas has such love for Shri Ram, why would he say anything against the ideal of Ram?

    Therefore, Tulsidas ji's word Tadna means to beat or torture 'Shudra' and 'Stree'. This doesn't seem right.

    Astu, first of all it has to be known who is speaking this thing and what is the reason for speaking? This incident is of that time when Hanumanji had returned with the news of Sita. And Ram was requesting the sea to give way to attack Lanka for the liberation of Sita. After three days passed, the sea god did not come. Then Shri Ramji said with anger - There is no love without fear, O Lakshman! Bring bow and arrows, I will soak the ocean with fire arrows. Then the sea god

    All Sindhu Gahi Pad Prabhu Kere. Chamhu Nath, all my demerits.

    Gagan Sameer Anal Jal Dharni. How many naths should be easily rooted in them ॥1॥

- Shri Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand

    Meaning :- The sea got scared and held the feet of the Lord and said - O Nath! Forgive all my demerits (defects). Hey Nath! Sky, air, fire, water and earth - all these actions are rooted in nature.

    Only then inspired illusions produce. All the scriptures sing for creation.

    Where is the Lord Jesus, where is he? So that's why happiness should be there ॥2॥

    Meaning :- With your inspiration Maya has created them for creation, all the scriptures have sung this. For whom the order of the Lord is given, he finds happiness in living in the same way.

    God did not teach me anything. Marzada Puni is not yours.

    Dhol Gawan Sudra Pasu Nari. Officer of gross chastisement ॥3॥

    Meaning :- It was good that the Lord taught me, but the dignity (nature of the living beings) is also created by you. Dhol, Gawar, Shudra, animal and woman - all these are entitled to punishment. (Ignorant people interpret like this.)

    Pratap I lost my job. Utarihi Katku na mori bragai ॥

    Prabhu Agya Appel Shruti Gai. Let me do what you love ॥4॥

    Meaning :- I will dry up due to the glory of the Lord and the army will cross, I have no pride in this (my dignity will not remain). However the commandment of the Lord is appeal (i.e. your commandment cannot be violated) the Vedas sing like this. Now whatever you like, I will do that immediately.

    Now just think, even if we accept the meaning of ignorant people as correct, then this is what the sea is saying. Ram and Tulsidas ji did not say this at all. Tulsidas ji has only written about Samudra Dev. So no one should feel bad about such an arrogant sea god. Indra became enamored of Ahilya, this solution of all the gods is not hidden from anyone. And anyway, deities are not gods. There is a difference between heaven and earth in God. If we do more good deeds, then we become deities for a few days, then the seat of deities is snatched away from us and goes to the one who does more good deeds than us.

    Even if it is accepted that Tulsidas ji is supporting such wrong words. Then why would the same Tulsidas write like this -

    Brother, sister-in-law, sleeping woman. Listen, sixty girls are like a chari.

    Inhihi kudrshti bilokai joi. So don't commit any sin.

- Shri Ramcharitmanas Kishkindhakand

    Meaning :-(Shri Ramji said-) O fool! (Bali) Listen, younger brother's wife, sister, son's wife and daughter - all these four are equal. Whoever sees them with evil eyes, there is no sin in killing him.

    Ram has said this in anger. That's why you people don't start killing anyone. In Bharat-Kausalya dialogue Bharat ji says -

    Let the mother and father sleep. Go to Gai Goth Mahisurpur.

    Why should the child be killed? Meet Mahipati Mahur Dinhe.

Jay Patak Upapatak Ahhi. Karm Bachan Man Bhav Kabhi Kabhi ॥

Te patak mohi hohun bidhata. If you are here, don't be a mother.

- Shriramcharitmanas Ayodhya scandal

    Meaning :- (Bharat ji is speaking) the sins that are committed by killing parents and son and those that are committed by burning cowsheds and cities of Brahmins, the sins that are committed by killing women and children and those that are committed by friends and kings. Are caused by poisoning. As many pataks and upapataks (big or small sins) that are committed by deeds, words and mind, which are called by the poets, Oh creator! If I have no opinion in this work, then oh mother! May all those sins befall me.

    Here Bharat ji is saying that 'the sins that are committed by killing women and children. That sin would befall them if they wished to replace Rama and become the king himself.'

    The speed left by you is not second. Ram Basahu Tinh's heart is in my heart.

    Parnari is like a mother. Dhanu Parav poison is heavier than poison.

- Shriramcharitmanas Ayodhya incident

    Meaning :- (Valmikiji is speaking) Those who have no other speed (shelter) except you, O Ramji! You reside in their mind. Those who know a stranger woman as a mother who gives birth and someone else's money, which is a poison worse than poison.

    The woman is being respected by saying that Ram resides in the heart of the stranger woman.

    All this is found in Shriramcharitmanas. Therefore Tulsidas was not anti-women. Mughals and British had ruled in history, they have written many wrong things in religious books. That's why Tulsidas, who considers Sati and Sita as his mother, cannot have such thinking.

    Astu, even if all the proofs and arguments till now are accepted as wrong, then also bring an example in which Ram is killing Sita on the occasion of any happiness or sorrow? You will not find a single such example either in Ramayana or in Ramcharitmanas. Rather, on the contrary, Ram obeys Sita and goes after the deer. Think! Tulsidas is a devotee of Shri Ram, so he also believes in the ideal of Ram. Then why would they support the idea of killing a woman by going against their ideals?

    So what is the correct meaning now? Tulsidas ji has written Shri Ramcharitmanas in Awadhi. Therefore the meaning and meaning of the words will also be different. Its meaning has been interpreted by Gita Press and others as follows -

    God did not teach me anything. Marzada Puni is not yours.

    Dhol Gawan Sudra Pasu Nari. Officer of Gross Tadna ॥

- Shri Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand

    Meaning :- (Samudra Dev is saying to Ram -) God has done well that he taught me, but the dignity (nature of the living beings) is also made by you. Dhol, Ganwar, Shudra, animal and woman - all these are entitled to education.

    If it is explained - it is necessary to give knowledge to the owner of Dhol, Ganwar, Shudra, animal and woman. We are the soul and this is our body. It is the soul in the body so it is conscious and it has mind-intelligence by which this body moves. That's why the mind-intellect is also called the master of the body. That's why it means here - the master of the dhol should know how to play the dholak, the master of the illiterate body should know how to live life according to the Vedas, the master of the shudra body should know how to serve, the animal should also practice (Knowledge) of many things is done (like the bull has to walk straight while plowing) and the owner of the female body (mind-intellect) should have the knowledge of how to live in the society.

    This is our commentary according to the meaning of Gita Press. Even if this comment is wrong, it should not be paid attention to because an arrogant ocean god is saying this. And there is a lot of difference between a deity and a god. To know more, read What is the difference between Goddess and God?

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