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ज्ञान विज्ञान ब्रह्मज्ञान: One interesting storyOnce there was a saint. He l...

ज्ञान विज्ञान ब्रह्मज्ञान: One interesting story

Once there was a saint. He l...
: One interesting story Once there was a saint. He lived in a forest with his wife. One day he was praying in the river in the morning. When h...

One interesting story

    Once there was a saint. He lived in a forest with his wife. One day he was praying in the river in the morning. When he took the water in his hands for prey, suddenly a very lovely she mouse fell into his hands. The sage looked at her very kindly. Actually, a kite was flying to take her claws. By luck, the mouse slipped from the claws of the kite and she fell into the sage's hands. And he brought her to his home. The wife of the saint was very happy to look at the mouse. Actually, they have no children. She mouse was living with very pleaser in the sage's hut. One day sage's wife said to the sage we have no any child, why do you not make the mouse into a girl. And sage told her that you are saying right. And the sage changed the mouse into a girl. After then sixteen years passed and the girl became a very beautiful young girl. Now the sage was thinking about marrying the girl. Because she was his pretty daughter so he wants to do her to marry a very powerful man. He was the devote of his son. So he went to son first and request that I want to marry my daughter with you. Son said –why? Holy sage, the sage answered –because you are the mightiest king in the world. and my daughter is the most beautiful girl on the earth. The son said holy sage, you are right, but I am sorry, I could not make my wife your daughter, because the black cloud is more stronger than me, In my opinion, the black cloud is able for your daughter. Sage went to the black cloud and said the son is saying that you are the mightiest in the world.

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