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source of love

क्रोधो हर्षो रोषो लोभो मोहो दम्भो द्रोहो मृषोद्यम्
अत्याशपरीवादावसूया काममन्यू अनात्म्यमयोगस्तेषां ।
योगमूलो निर्घातः ॥ ५॥

Anger, thrill, irritation, greed, delusion, self-display, spite,
false speech, over-eating, back-biting, jealousy, lust and hate, loss
of self-possession, absence of yoga . These are shaken off by yoga.
Source of inspiration

 Friends, life is struggle, tension, the pressure of work, the joy, the fear! But the good thing is that these are not permanent! Time in the form of the flow of the river flowing all are gladly whether any situation or the pain of the never permanent, uninterrupted flow of time merges!

It occurs mostly during the journey of life we ​​suffered at times, stress, anxiety, fear, frustration, despair, fear, disease, etc., we get caught in Mkdjal immediate circumstances are so subjugated that far let themselves be overwhelmed, they shake circumstances exert our entire existence, our frustration, is entangled in a whirlpool of despair ... one moment seemingly mountain and most of us do not see any ray of hope frustrated due to conditions put forth the weapons!

If you have an unknown, desolate desert, visit him to get stuck in the same measure, just keep -clte! If you do not run the middle of the river, and it surely would be submerged limbs! Such a moment in life ever comes when the rest do not feel anything just now, in this condition with your confidence and courage to just stay put because-

"Everything is solved, the sooner |"

trapped in the PAO, not a glimmer of light coming on each side, disappointment and frustration when you read this paper amulet kept in the open, and not before!

The king wore the amulet on his neck! Once the king with his troops in the dense forest to hunt! planted, behind enemy soldier before the king! The soldiers followed them to flee far not delivered the king found! Suffering from hunger and thirst in the midst of thick trees when the king saw a small cave, he immediately hid themselves under the guise of the cave and the horse! And sat with bated breath, the sound of the feet of the enemy's horses slowly began to close! Surrounded by enemies, the king alone could see his end, just a few moments to put him to death in the enemy will catch him! He was very disappointed by life, of her hand on his amulet and missing the point of the monk! He immediately pulled out the paper and read the opening amulet! He wrote on the slip - "It will also cut"

Suddenly, in the dark, like the king saw a glimmer of light, such as a resort was drowning! In his soul he suddenly felt an inexplicable peace! She's really frightening time this will also be cut, then why in the concerned ought! And he said to himself at his Lord Biswasrk Yes, it will be cut!

And is the same, the sound of the feet of the enemy's horses moved away come to visit, after a while there was silence! The king left the cave on the night and came back in the state in any way!

Guys, it is not just the story of a king is the story of all of us, we all circumstances, work, stress, pressure in the clinch are so few of us, but do not we let our fear seems to be no way, the solution might not be far away, it can be just, Its all over now, right?
Consult carefully on ... ..

Man is a social animal. Among the group of people who lived in this group in relation to the many she plays! Some relationships are unselfish, the most interest is based on the foundation of relationships! We create a professional relation, they mostly say yo one exchange or the other, and on the foundation of another person before benefits are supported! I'm not saying it's all about relationships is selfishness behind, but yes, in today's world, most people see the benefits that make the relation!

It happens many times with friends, we are caught in a dilemma, and we call for an opinion, and that of the people around us about what we should do is to consult, at times, their opinions sometimes shows us the way to the right path and becomes a cause of much of our loss!

If you have parents, siblings, friends and unselfish true relation, which give you the right feedback, leave the rest of society and mostly work place must consult the people, Bnai Keep your conscience! Advising members of the selfishness that often remains hidden in his advice! So - listen to your conscience and the conscience of all the known

Once a man with his little boy was a dense forest! Then on the way the child thirsty, give him water and his father took him on a river, the river of drinking water on the boy, she suddenly fell into the water, and stunned him from drowning! The man was very disappointed, and he thought the final act of the child in the forest, how do! Then he heard the cry of a vulture, wolf and a turtle there come from the river, and began to express sympathy for the man, the man began to give trouble to know all their counsel!

He said the wolf drool, do this the child's body in the woods, go left over the rocks, earth mother will deliver it! Only the vulture hide his happiness, saying no animal on earth, then it will eat, do this, put it on top of a tree, so that the heat from the sun good Hojaagi final speed! Hearing them talk of turtle is said suppressing your appetite, you do not come out of these two things, the life of the child is in the water, so you only river flowing out of it!

And then began to focus on three of their word the man! are arranged feast! Thank you for advice, but I will devote the child's body to the flames, not your meal will be! On hearing this, he left as a matter of three of his little face!

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