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English story

ज्ञान विज्ञानं ब्रह्मज्ञान वैदिक विस्वविद्यालय 

Eagle flying

Once upon a time an eagle's egg hen's eggs that came between. A few days later, those eggs out of the chicken, the eagle's child was one of them thought to be greater among those. He does the same to the rest of the chicken, the soil around the plays, Dana Chugta and squeak like that day Unhiki. The rest just a little bit like chickens she would fly up and down the wing off his come-Fdate. Then one day he saw a hawk flying in the open sky, the eagle was flying fearlessly to glory. Then he asked the chicks, that-

"He's such a magnificent bird flying at heights who is?"

The chicks said: 'Oh that's the eagle, the king of birds, he is very powerful and is huge, but you can not fly like it because you're a chicken! "

It never really taken the baby eagle and not try to be him. He was a life like chickens, and one day died without identifying its real strength.

 Friends, many of us like the eagle that your true potential to go on living without a second-class life, the mediocrity around us too mediocre to make us forget that we are the possibilities that we Apar complete the creatures. For us nothing is impossible in this world, but nevertheless an average life of just such a great opportunity, we lose.

Do not be like chickens you, yourself, faith in your ability. Regardless of where you are, whether in the environment, Identify your abilities and see a fly on the heights of the sky because that is your reality.
Blind horse

Two horses in a farm house near the town were made. They both were appearing exactly the same when viewed from far, but when I came to know one of them is blind horse. Despite being blind to the farm owner had not removed him from there but had to put up with even more safety and comfort. Bell horse understands his blind friend's discomfort, he looked back, and in between that makes sure this is not far off track they. He also makes sure that his friend safe; To arrive at your location, and then moves to its place.
Friends of the farm owner, so do not leave us just the same as God in us any defects or drawbacks. He takes care of us and we need to employ when you send somebody to help us. Sometimes we are blind horse he who tied the bell with the help of God by overcoming their problems and sometimes we show the way to others by the neck bell works.
Winner frog
Not too long ago, many frog lived in a lake. Lake in the heart of a very old beech metal pillar, which was engaged in the construction of the tank was erected by the king. Pillar was quite high, and its surface was very smooth.
Why frogs that came to mind one day be made a race. Pratiyogiyon participating in the race will climb on the pole, and the winner will be the first one to be surpassed.
Reached the day of the race, it was very crowded on all sides; This near-by areas to take part in the race and came several frogs. There was a stirring in the atmosphere, the noise, the noise was everywhere.
Race began ...
... But seeing the crowd gathered in the pillar of any frog Huaki not sure it will reach over any frog ...
That sounds all around ...
"Oh, it is very difficult"
"He could not finish the race they ever Pinge"
"So no question of success, can not be boarded on a pole so smooth"
And this was happening, which also tries frog, she falls down a little at the top,
Many frog three times despite falling two were engaged in their quest ...
Shouted the crowd was so still, "It can not be, impossible", and that excited listening to frogs, they become frustrated and quit your efforts.
But among those frogs had a small frog, which repeatedly falling over with the same fervor was in ... guest.She constant upward climb continued, and finally reaches the top of the pole and the race winners.
His victory surprised everyone, all the frogs stood around him and asked, "How did you take the job impossible, Oh Where did you have the power to achieve your goal, just tell us that you do how to win? "
Then came a voice from behind ... "Hey you ask him, he is so deaf"
. What is required of us that make us vulnerable to every voice to be deaf and blind to each individual scene. And then will stop us from reaching the pinnacle of success.

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