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only animal live in human society

    The only my experience I have experienced from my dear friends is that I go here in the world that the more people are developing here and the more new peaks are reaching and one of the big achievements The texture is a perplexity, it is a falsehood. People themselves are caught up in a lot of confusions and confused by the misconceptions of the people in new ways and in more misery. For example, I am telling you that in our society in the name of development, in the name of development, in the name of modernity, in the name of the knowledge, in the name of the truth, in the name of happiness, the resources are being promoted. In fact, The big pain is achieved after full labor, efforts are being made to show happiness to people in the same way as we see that we will have as much expensive car as i am The more expensive cars we have, the more the banks will have the balance, the more the clothes we have, the more resources we have, the more women we have or the relationship with the women, or the more men will be related to our relationships and the more modern Is understood. More than this, who will be the liar in our life, who will be deceitful, the deception is considered as much educated and invaluable. There is no such thing in relation to truth as we see the truth is not visible anywhere, everywhere in every person there is an affliction, an animal. Looking for a chance to figure out
    Today, in our society, exploitation of people in the name of modernity, people are being cheated with the people of adultery, which is the main reason behind this, as far as I have experienced and understood that man was wrongly made man fake The man was taught that you suppress you you are the animal inside you hide it on occasion to hide it and use it. A husband shows an animal page with his wife. The father attacks his children with fierce terror. It is put in the name of the knowledge that it is given to me that I am giving you the knowledge that I am exploiting you and what is it here we look around us cursory So we see that every person is fake and false is a false society is created, false beliefs are created and their beliefs are overwhelming on people. The person is punished for that. People are punished for them. You do not have the knowledge. You do not have the money. You do not have the power. You do not have the education to deal with. When we see who is telling us who becomes our Guru, our The guide also becomes somewhere that suffers from these diseases, it is lying in the hands of money, there is a lot of money at any cost. Brief wants to because he has only explained that nothing without money it is the best God can be purchased.
     Is it true that we can buy God from Rupees, is it true that everything can be bought from Rupees humanity, humanity, truth, love compassion, mercy, what is it to buy, from where we can buy something It is possible to rupture a person's heart, but we have not seen any person adding money with the help of rupees till today, the more rupees happened and the more wealthy the more the person is. Explaining the reasons suffering hurt Rupee no money have a lot of money to another person whom I have come to power I learned the money I can buy everything I am because I have money. But those who do not have the money, here in our society are called helpless weaknesses in our society. We see that in our society, who has wealth, it is considered to be the greatest of all.
    Have you ever seriously thought about why it is so in our society that a man has a lot of rupees, thousands of servants-bank balances, everything is there. You can say that he has worked so hard to get it. And in the same society there is a man who does not have enough house to eat food to eat, there is no bed for sleeping, he does hard work throughout the day. And in the night it has to be forced on the sidewalk to sleep. Because he does not have enough money to fulfill his own needs. The city that the administration takes away by the police, puts them in jail and seeing different tortures forcefully force them to admit that you are a criminal who is the culprit, this society, or who has mis-shared money Or the man is the culprit who, despite working hard every day, could not arrange for himself a bed and food and enough space to live. When we look around in our large metropolis, there are many bigger buildings that are bigger than big hotels and large gardens, a large house with man-like animals, which we read are called written poets. How much hard work does that man do, he works harder than the man who worked hard all day and could not arrange food arrangements for himself and his family, when he was ill, That pavement is his home, he dies, he does not see anybody to burn him. What is this system where man is not considered a man? Man is considered as a man and not a beast.
  We assume that he has not read or written. We have also found that there are many such people who are helpless and desirous despite being read and educated. His family only does injustice to him, his parents are wrong and evil. Is it necessary that every man can do a marriage and a child, and later he can not nurture it. The gardener of the garden who only rides with his buds. How will that family society be? This is the same in our society. Many such people are a very respected person, but they have no knowledge of what their responsibility is to their family and society. They mean that they always contemplate about themselves.

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