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spiritual science of atom

Do not think of anyone in your heart any time, power of self by yourself, nor do you forget to think of someone as weak. Who knows and understands this feeling of life. Regular that practices it. Life works on a certain axis. The way light is the lamp, there is a science behind it, just as there is a principle of electricity. Electricity does not show, though it can be proven by using its verb energy right. On the day when human beings will realize that this knowledge science is an eternal truth, this deen will be free from this human death, the entire humanity and this life will establish heaven only on the horizon, and all the nectar elements are available Will happen. As the mantra says that the nectar element is only for humans. How is that human being available to the nectar element?
   Knowledge Science Brahmagana is similar to the three molecules of an atom. All of this has defined itself in its own way over time. Its main source is the ancient Vedas. And to explain them, God has created the Vedas. As the rishis believe that this knowledge science is the amazing power of the universe. For these words the words have been called Brahma, in the Vedas the knowledge has been divided into three parts. The first knowledge that animals get from the induction of someone, which is called Ida. Second knowledge which comes from the rulers and scholars, which is called Sarasvati. Third, the best knowledge is called a month. That is why the wishes of money in the Guru Mantra Gayatri of Vedas have been sought. We can get the interview of God alone. There are three types of knowledge in the Vedas, which is called trilogy. Knowledge, action, upbringing There are three powers in it. First of all, the second person is the third power of God. God is knowledgeable, life is science and nature is Brahmagni. Similarly, there are three types of distance. The first distance is the distance of knowledge, distance of second time, the distance of the third money. The greatest distance to achieving God is the distance of knowledge. These three elements call the physical scientists as electrons, neutran, pratran. The secret of these three elements and how many forms it has been, can not be fully expressed to this day. There are also three kinds of grief. Physical, mental, spiritual distress, the number of these three is amazing. There is only one way to be free from these three kinds of grief, which is called Purushartha. The way food is one but when it goes into our body, then seven metals are formed. The juice becomes first, then the juice becomes blood, the blood is made from the blood, the formation of the mood is made from the mood, the fatty is made from the fatty bones, and the bone is made from the bone, so that any creature The body is formed. The body is related to the physical knowledge, it is like an instrument, the mind is related to science on which the mantras have been used to control it. When this mantra is remembered repeatedly by the mind, then a kind of vibration is created. By removing the mind from the debilitating subject, the best thing is to be satiated in God. Spirit is related to Brahmagnan, for which Pantanjali determines Ashtanga Yoga. In this Ashtanga Yoga, there are two limbs, one is external, in which Yama, Rama, Aasan, Pranayama, Pratyahara is. And Ashtanga Yoga has three end colors, which is called perception, meditation, samadhi. This is the belief, meditation, samadhi that I call it knowledge science, the science of brahmagnya. This is the first Aloki bed of the space station. Mind, word, action, body
 Understanding wisdom is to be treated with discrimination, to meditate on the mind, to remember the truth of the Mantras. By which the soul can make Samadhi available for solving its own problems.
   God means that which is the Aishwarya or the tone in it, the vow is also denoted in three parts: Hrs, Long, Pluto. The creature is also of three types of behaviors which have been called Satvik, Rajasik, Tamasic. The human body is made up of five elements (the water purifier Gagan Samira is a body made of five elements). The sixth mind is the seventh soul. It is the main three elements in every atom that we call God, life, nature. The first three molecules of an atom are now it has become one in the form of seven particles, first a molecule by which the food becomes composed and becomes composed of food. From the seven particles of the second molecule, the five ghosts of Prakrit are made and the sixth soul becomes the seventh divine. From the seven parts of the third ultimate molecule, seven sages of wisdom are formed. Which is in the form of seven senses, five enlightened eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, soul and divine, it is the main akis department atom.

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