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What is the difference between knowledge and truth?

What is the difference between knowledge and truth?
   All of us are told that truth is knowledge. For example, if we become aware of a subject, then we understand that we have become knowledge of truth. The premise of truth is the theoretical physical scientist, the truth is not the same as the knowledge. Truth means that which is related to the world of matter. For which the Yoga Sutra of Pantrajali is called Truth Truthfulness Truth is the result of the dependent action of prestige. That is, the truth through which the truth is proved or the truth means that if we take the mango tree and take care of it properly, then the time will come when the response of the person will be decided. When the knowledge related to our world is related. Knowledge is not a pure word, it is composed of knowledge, knowledge and knowledge, and it is made from life (life-threatening life). We have all come here to live a complete life of knowledge in the world. To divide it in a beautiful way, there is a mantra of Rig Veda that expresses its meaning by nurturing them very well. The truth about the truth Totow then for the night ocean ocean: .. 10,190.1 In this mantra, it is said that the meaning of the Ritual of knowledge is that the eternal law of a living being is from invisible knowledge and the relative view of truth is from the law of the world. It is the two rules and the area of ​​both of them is in the middle of one another. The truth is related to the outside world, from the physical body, from the world, from the sun, from the sun. Whereas knowledge is related to the inner world which is inconsequential. The relation between the astral body and the microcosm of the world and the subtle and intimate soul of the subtle and intimate of the interior is from the sun. Which is the child of all. For which, the mantra says that (the soul is the force of the soul, the world is fasting, the shadow dead. Yasya datyukusamayeh havisa vidham) that is, this soul is going to give strength to all and whose whole world worship the universe. This soul is the child's source of knowledge, which is unacceptable because there is no reason. The shadow of this soul is the salmon of the nectar only. All of us get special joy from the shadow of the soul on all of us. Like a creature under a tree that was burning in the sun, one finds the roof of a desert in the desert and suddenly within that desert. Under which the creature considers itself very good luck. As it is said that the soul lives in all the living beings. It is also wrong that the soul does not remain within us, though all the creatures live within that soul, the soul that exists present inside the entire universe. It is a form of energy that keeps living all the creatures alive. As the truth is changing, it is time to change with time. Whereas there is no change in knowledge. It is a juices, a juice, always keeps a juice at all times. And it is like two poles, it is about connecting these two poles. There is a third element that is called as the tenacity. And both of them are covered with penance, or they say that it is dependent on the penance, without any of these two can not be interviewed. Due to the tenacity of both of these, the emergence of astronomical ignorance, like the night and night, emerges. The meaning of the penance means the form of pontjali, it says that (kayendereasadhyadra rakshaya or tapasah) means that the door of ascetic work means achieving siddhi by being pure and purified by the knowledge and actions of the senses of the senses. That is, the true nature of self is interviewed or there is knowledge of self. (As the intense discipline burns up impurities, the body and its senses become supremely refined.) The next second sutra tells that (Toto Dwandanambhuta): That which is two and In both of these, which is Dwand, that is, one is invisible and there is a scene, then there is no opposition in these two, it becomes a second house. Just as the transcendental and the Sun becomes the other one, it becomes feasible only with the penance. As long as there is no penance, there will be continuous tension and hostility in the body and in the Ashariar, which will not help in the interaction between them, due to which the ultimate goal of life will not be available (Then, one is not disturbed by the play of opposites.) The meaning of the soul (ii) Arise to enter (Tamaa) Darkness is called a word by means of ignorance; The soul is an invisible element, which means that there is a relation between ignorance which is invisible. Ignorance means that in which knowledge has come, knowledge is used for pure living. By which life is made. Spirit is the invisible knowledge which means that the organism does not have its own knowledge. It is called yoga in the language of patanjali. That is where knowledge ignorance becomes one where the truth and the truth have become one where the sight and the invisible one become one. Where the soul and the divine became one. In this way, the Atma is the truth which changes over time, that is, its change is dependent on the mind of the body with the knowledge of the body which goes into the body, together with that mind, the knowledge of that body itself is accepted by itself. While there is no body of God, it is formless. Without any body, he proves all his work. So God has a name (pure) too. The way in which the power connects to an electric current and moves it, just as the electrical device connects from outside, in the same way the soul also results in the body of the instrument, it can be the body of any creature. This electrical form is the child's source of God, so God and his Vedic knowledge are called electrical knowledge and God speaks to God.
(Namaste Aatu Vidyute Namaste Bhaatnatnao. Namaste Bhagwanantu) The way in which there is no shape of electricity, there is no form of soul or divine form, it is formless. He takes the shape of the body that heals in the form of a machine. That is why the mantra says that (in the form of a fictitious picture) the tree is produced from the same way as in the form of knowledge, it is the creation of the world of ignorance and the material world. God is called pure wisdom. The power that we all use as energy is not pure, it is impure. Pure power is God Himself. Which is invisible from which it produces the stars like Sun showing the scene, which is a huge source of electricity. As the physical sacrifice is done, the burning of fire with Samidha, yagna pours the material into the altar. The way the medicines coming out of it purify our atmosphere by going into space with the sun's rays with the scent of air. By which it makes the Earth's air division live all kinds of microscopic and immovable creatures including humans. This is a wonderful science of sacrifice. In the same way, when our mind constantly recollects and chants the Mantras in our body, the space of our inner world is clean and refined where God is present, where we interact with our own growth. We have the knowledge that God is our life. Because the word itself is the first stage of energy or electricity.

   In order to connect the truth to the knowledge in this way, it is to create the fluency in harmony between the two, to increase the penance with it. Which is called yoga

     Yoga means 'meet', 'join', 'union,' etc. By the way the seeker is discontinued by his nature-borne disorders, his soul is combined with the divine, the same is 'yoga'. This soul is its personal nature and that is its nature. All other forms are nature-bornes, which are ignorantly known to them. Yoga is the only way to get rid of these masks and become available to your real nature. This is his 'kavalyavastha' and 'salvation'. There are many methods of yoga The final result will be the same for anyone to follow. There have been many names of yoga on the basis of the different types of methods such as Rajyog, Gyanoj, Karmayog, Bhaktiyog, Sanyasayog, Buddhiog, Hatha Yoga, Nadayog, the goal is to establish a taboo relationship with that person (soul). This yoga philosophy of Maharishi Patanjali tells the legal path of superior and knowledgeable in all these, which detains the thoughts of the mind by fully disciplining the body, the senses and the mind. The detention of Patanjali's thoughts is called 'yoga' because the soul is in its form with its complete detention. For this detention, they tell the path of Ashtanga Yoga (Yama, Rama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, meditation and Samadhi are eight organ of yoga), which is as safe. Therefore it is called discipline, which is traditional and eternal. There is no fear of walking on its path and there is no disadvantage, there is obstruction in the path. Wherever the obstructions are encountered, they have been described in this book in the place of place so that the seeker can reach his destination while avoiding them. According to yoga's validity, "nature" and "man" (conscious soul) are two different elements that are eternal. With the combination of these two, this entire consciousness of the original creation has been created. Nature is the root, which is comprised of three qualities: Sattva, Raja and Tama. With this when there is a coincidence of consciousness (man) then there is a stir and the process of creation of creation begins. This is the 'nature scene' and 'the male vision'. Nature is seen everywhere in this universe, man is not visible anywhere but this whole work of nature is being done by the primacy of that male element. Both of them have joined in such a way that it is difficult to identify them individually. The reason for this is Avidya. 'Man' is omniscient and due to the spreading of every particle of nature, it is also omnipresent. The organism is also the result of the combination of these two. That 'man' is called 'soul' in body and 'universe' in creation, which is called 'man special' in yoga philosophy. That is why it is God's vision. This triple nature 'eling' nature 'remains in a state of uncertainty. When this conscious man has a resolution to expand the creation, then he voluntarily announces this Maya form of nature. Lord Krishna has said in the Gita - 'Arjun! My important Brahma nature means that the triple-Maya is the vagina of the entire past, i.e. the place of conception and I establish animate form seed in that vagina. All the ghosts originate with the combination of that consciousness. "(Gita 14/3). As a result of this nature and the combination of the male, there is the origin of 'Mahatatta (Chitta), which is its first child. Its anatomical nature is called 'Chitta' and 'Mahatattya' in the universe, which remains in the penis only. There are three religions of these three qualities of nature. The religion of virtue is 'illumination', the religion of Rajogun is 'action-speed' and the religion of Tamogun is 'Inertia-Sushupti'. This leads to the emergence of mind, ego, mind, intellect, from which it begins to recognize its independent power. This is his 'identity'. The same ego is the composition of mind, intellect, senses, Tanmatra, and Mahatma, and other elements are formed in the interaction of these qualities. Due to the combination of nature and man, the order in which the organism develops By reaching the final level, the seeker becomes aware of the difference between these two and it also becomes a knowledge that the reason for this coincidence is ignorance or ignorance. When the cover of this ignorance is removed then the seeker has the knowledge of that conscious soul in its actual form. After this nature becomes the target in its cause and the soul is in its form. This is his 'Kaivalya' and 'salvation', which he is forever liberated from the bondage of this life and death. This is called 'yoga'.
आचार्या मनोज पाण्डेय

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