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What is the truth of life, who is happy in this world

   What is the truth of life, who is happy, ? there is strong proof of being wealth rich, the meaning of life is only to be rich. If this is true then the country which is very rich should have been happy. But seeing those countries reveals that all of them are very disturbed. They have the fear of death and horror from all sides; they are very much afraid, they have the most anxiety to protect themselves, for which they all have a second country To crush and to destroy it, there is a growing number of horses from one to the other. And those who are poor countries, they are selling the same dangerous abusive and have been confronting everyone that the more dangerous person who is near, the same will be the most secure. There is not even a single country on this transit which can say that I no longer have any threat from any country. So far, America has been awarded the title of the most powerful country, even after a small country North Korea has nabbed the Naco grudge badly. In this way, the whole world is living in the state of fear and adversity and it is struggling to save the existence of its own country. In the space above the earth, it is also looking for a place for its living, like in space or on the moon or on the planet of Mars, it is certain that for a long time there is no possibility of human living on earth here. In just a few years, humans must discover a new ornamented planet for themselves or go to Mars and settle their human habitations for which preparation is going on very fast.

     what is life? It is a very big and very complex subject in this world, before answering this question, we have many great scholars, everyone has explained in the style of ancient poet in his style that there is a lot of pain in life, and in the western countries Some great scholars give many details about it. However, I feel that every answer is not fully justified or satisfied because some knowledgeable and enlightened human has always said that life is like a mysterious one. This is the experience of our life when we are selfless Explore. Then it really proves that life is like a great pain or a disaster and a destructive unknown dark sea. To this day, none of its terror has been found free. Whether it be a king or a ranks, it gives life to its own way. By changing the kind of shape and shape it is the eternal truth of our lives,

 When we look at every aspect of life in the entirety of our life through every aspect, then we are sure that the nature of life is painful. Life is also called joy, happiness is seen in life, but till date no happiness has been received. If someone had enjoyed that happiness, then he would stop and say, 'I am happy' as I said in my journey. But it is not hard to see that if a single person appears somewhere in the exception, then he can not apply the same thing to all of us.

   This is true, why does this truth not be published at all and what is the reason behind it? It is true but we can not accept it, we have achieved it in such a way that the pleasure is coming, after the grief, while the truth is that it never comes, it is an event happening in future which will never happen in life. It does not, it is completely imaginary, which makes the dream of dream and power over strength. Our relatives related to our family parents give us wrong education, they attack us, they fill us with feelings of wisdom, make us poor, we encourage them to become immortal, say, fight, you struggle. What is unimaginable is happy, what is the struggle that is very happy

  Before understanding this, we have to understand that what life is made of, life is made up of knowledge, knowledge means by understanding that life understands everything. We are unable to understand life completely, someone says life is pain, someone says that life is mystery. Here are two things, the first thing is life is pain in it also meaning

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