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When I say that I am the center of this universe

       When I say that I am the center of this universe, then the first thing to keep in mind is that I do not consider body only to be the body. I am the main source of a cosmic life energy in the form of animate soul. I do not have any shape or name, I am known by the eternal names.

      Everything starts with me, and the object gets dissolved in me. I have never been born nor do I ever die. The person who is born or dies is our body. The one who lives in my home for a short time, keeps changing over time, and it happens that I live without this body. I need to have the body's need for living in the world and doing some special work. By which I can prove my major tasks through him, if all the beings have knowledge of truth, then all creatures will be free from this visible world and body. Due to which this life form can end in the world. To which I keep all the living entangles in all kinds of activities like attachment, illusion, work, anger, greed etc. Due to this, being free from the world here is very difficult and miserable. In the same way, it is not impossible for any creature to make the sun cool. Because if he is tempted to become cool by becoming a ghost of his wicked ways, then he creates horrible thoughts for his life. I know that every creature loves itself very much, at any cost, he does not want to die. By taking the most advantage of this house and misguiding other creatures and creating huge challenges in front of them, they are cultivated and innovated. Even after making such big disciplines to me in front of the beings, there are some such people who, during time, become free from this world of view. And make me available. In fact, I am authentic without body, the main thing that I am doing through the body is that I pronounce the words of the pure words to enlighten the universe, from which Brahma means I know my life is my life which is due to the body of this universe. I am the one I know. By which continuous energy of energy is disposed of by the body of the eternal being, it is not done only by the animals, but with this eternal planet, eternal wires and eternal galaxies with the eternal universe also speaks. By which the eternal types of energy are destined, so that the eternal types of atoms are constantly evolving. With it the planets of eternal life and planetary stars and solar system are destroyed and destroyed. This is my work that has been going on since eternity and will continue to do so. It is neither a beginning nor an end to it, which is why people call me eternal as well. And this work is continuous in the same way. Never before has this human ended or completed human life. I always keep moving this life forward. Before planting the seeds of life on this earth, I have created life on planets like Mars. In addition to this, the journey of eternal planets has already done this life before coming to earth. It is wrong to say that life is the first development here on earth. The organism does not change the body only, though it keeps changing the planets too. Continuing with the time when the planet is completely tapped, then I resuscitate other planets so that this life can make its place on that planet. The way a creature renounces his body, and after having a new body, creates new life's in accordance with his actions. Such also do planets and constellations etc. They also sacrifice their body. Again, holding new bodies according to their austerities and power of mercurial power, therefore, there is the first eight Vasus in the Taittis deity, who settled the organism in every circumstance on its own, and nurtured them till the end of their lives. By holding these qualities, human beings and other creatures also get absorbed in me by delivering themselves and developing themselves.

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