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God is first of all

ओ३म् अग्निः पुर्वेभिर्ऋषिभिरीड्यो नुतनैरुत। स देवाँ एह वक्षति।। ऋग्वेद 1.2



    As the first Rigveda mantra, Parmeshwar gave it that God himself is the subtle and the subtle form of fire, and he told that everything is made of this fire. That is why this entire world scene is the world universe, it is very flammable that it can only move right on the right path which is known to be controlled by using this fire. This fire has been expressed in two forms. A visual form is a visible universe and the one who holds an invisible universe is God. Knowing this through the Vedas of Ushi Parmeshwar, knowing this through Vedas, this creation arises, and when it becomes unchecked it becomes a terrible killer.

       While expanding the same firepower, God says that I am the first of the fire in the form of fire, in the form of an enlightenment of the universe, it has been manifested in the form of the ancestors of the saints, to provide this world the new world of the universe. In all, and all these gods and demons were born from these rishis only. This world is constantly getting the speed due to the conflict between each other.

In this way, firstly the Rishis are born of Lord Rama or Lord Rama himself. When Lord incarnated as a sage, that class was Amadhi. The first thing in the scriptures is that there is no other thing in me. The meaning of sage is that (a) which is invisible, which is eternal, which is the main cause of all, the reason for which nobody is uncertain is Ritambhara Tatha Pragya. That is, which is pure knowledge, (Sh) means that which is visible to the visible consciousness of the world, it is a sage. That is, the sage is one who is in the way of reconciliation with visual and unsearchable. Aishwarya: The seer means that the sage is a witness to the seer, he is both looking at and beyond both. Like the invisible river Saraswati connecting the Ganges and the Jamuna. From which the Sangam is formed, Saraswati name is also the goddess of knowledge. Knowledge is also divided into three forms: Ida, Saraswati, and Maha, which means three types of knowledge, karma, worship. That is, knowledge itself is a complete God form and innocence in itself, karma means the relationship with the body which is human. The third worship is called worship, which is already present in the form of the divine knowledge that exists in its present form. Whose desire is in the seeker Gayatri Mantra. Wothi is about to hold on to knowledge. The seeker is the soul that he wishes that with the grace of God, I hold wealth, that is, my greatness, which is praised by people. As the God Himself says in the Mantra, that the same person is incarnated in the form of the ancestors of the Ages, who have given the knowledge of the trilogy Rig, Yaju, Samad, ie the Vedas respectively to Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Was started.

Here we often see in our society why every person is unable. Now, on one of our articles, a madam has to improve your spelling so that it can be easier to understand the words. There are two things emerging in this. The first thing is that the one who has written it to improve the spelling, let us assume that there must be some mistakes in the spell, wherein the problem of understanding the words, the problem arises, which is saying that words will be easy to understand. That is, they mean to say that they are having difficulty understanding the words. It also means that they do not have the word knowledge. Our objective is not here. That we give knowledge of words, and that word is easy to understand, although our purpose is that I understand what I have experienced which I have experienced. It happened in the same way as a man is thirsty and water is given to him to drink, which has been extracted from the well. And the thirsty man says I am refining the pure water, which will give me more happiness because it is making trouble in digesting water? This means that the man's digestive system is weak. He does not have the power to digest natural things. She is more likely to digest the artificial cheese. It also means that this man is fake. From this, it is known that the inclination of people has been excessive on simplicity. Which makes them difficult to understand a bit difficult topic. In this way, man is expressing his inability? Which I Can Easily Understand Where is any job easy in this world? Every task is very difficult and relaxed, the work you think is easy. If you try to do it once, then you will have this wonderful knowledge, that the work we used to think was easy. That task is very difficult and uncomfortable. Because that is the peak of all work. There exists a specialist of that topic already, which also has Government certificate. Which is ready to mislead or mislead another person's work. In this way, we can not say which work. That the whole form is pure and fine. Which will be easy for all and the benefits will be slow. We do not have any guarantee for this. Any work is beneficial for anyone. And he likes it, and he does it, and the work feels bad to someone else. Which makes him understand the loss. The way we can see in our society. That our governments try it from all sides. Those people are more than be aware, which is a drug that causes people's health, which causes people to become sick. And spend their very hard-earned money for their health. Most of which are victims of death, due to the excessive use of Cigarettes, Bari, Gutka, Tobacco, in addition to the product, Ghazan, Bhang papaver samniferum, Alcohol, Smack, Brownsugar. People know that it is a loss, yet people use it very well. There are two things in it: The first thing that people are weak, their senses are weak, they are all helpless and helpless. The other thing is that they are being constantly weakened. So that they could be absorbed by a huge actor and businessman to sell them. His day-to-day propaganda is an object which is worthless and poisonous. He is also being sold as the elixir. By which all those people too cannot keep themselves free of this addiction. The second reason is the person who is engaged in this business. He never wants his business to be closed at any time. Because it gives them a lot of benefits? In which the government also benefits, so the government does not want it too, that it will not stop selling in all markets. Similarly, there are many other things which are very harmful to the society which is killing the society. From all sides, as in our society, everything is adulterating today. No water is getting pure, and this milk is getting pure. The water that is being sold as a pure water market is being damaged. Powder and water are being sold in the name of milk. In vegetables, in cereals, medicines are all adulterated. Smuggling is happening in every area today. In the name of medicine named after the medicine, in the name of a weapon, in the name of the drug addiction. I do not think that there is an area left in which impurity is not happening, adulteration is not happening. To get pure things in our society, it is difficult to get rid of it today as it is a muscular work, to remove gold from the soil. This task is not easy and in today's time, man wants simplicity in any work. The nature of man has become that it is the simplicity of escape and the simplicity that every man's inclination has increased. The way it is always difficult to climb the hill. It is very easy to get off the same hill. The hill also wants to help Because the hill does not want to be easily pacified on it? Those who climb the summit of the Himalayas have to face many difficulties. But those who descend from the Himalayas peak are easy. Because the Himalayas help them to descend? The way in which the water always gravitates nature in the lower travel. In the same way, this nature helps the fire to climb up. In this world which has reached some way above. He does not want anyone to go back to the place because his ego hurts. And in the same way, it is difficult to present every kind of difficulty. In the world, governments and industrialists, actors etc. exploit society in the world. Because in them it comes juice. As it is in the Vedas, about the right to equality, can we ever have the right to equality to be able to make everyone available to the society? There is an even infinite path of decline that is being propagated in the society. That welfare is due to human beings. In whose net this Bhola Bhala keeps on ruining his life by making human beings. He is a human being who is capable of being here, though he is also sad about the behavior of this society and human beings, therefore, it is said that all are disinterested: Sansar sadah. The world has been made full of sorrow and here every man can see the pleasure in the heart of the eye, but if it is not Maya then what is it? This is shown to him, due to which the understanding of man is continuously dwindling. And he says that he is a scholar because he has the title of the university who proves it.

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