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ADDRESSING with devotion and obedience S'ri-Rama--the Lord Hari, at the end of His Samadhi, who being Himself changeless is the witness of the thousands of changes of Buddhi, and who ever rests in Swarapa-Dhyana (the meditation on Reality) while seated under the bejewelled dome of the palace in the lovely city of Ayodhya, in the midst of Sita, Bharata and Soumitri (Lakshmana) S'atrughna and others, eulogised day and night by Sanaka and other hosts of Munis, as well as by Vasishtha, S'uka, and other devotees of Vishnu--Hanuman, after praising them, asked: "O Rama, Thou art Paramatma of the nature of Sachchidananda. O foremost of the family of Raghu, I make prostrations to Thee again and again. O Rama, I wish to know for the sake of emancipation, Thy nature as it really is. O Rama, be Thou gracious enough to tell me that by which I shall be easily released from the bondage of mundane existence and by which I shall attain salvation."

(Sri-Rama replied:) "O mighty-armed one, well asked: hearken then to the truth uttered by Me. I am well established in Vedanta (or the end of Vedas or knowledge). Have thou recourse to Vedanta well."

(Hanuman again asked:) "O foremost of Raghus, what is Vedanta? where do they abide? Pray enlighten me." (Sri-Rama replied:) "O Hanuman, listen to Me. I shall truly describe to you the nature of Vedanta. Through the expiratory breath of Myself--Vishnu, the Vedas were generated as many. Like the oil in the sesamum seeds, Vedanta is well established (or latent) in the Vedas."

(Hanuman asked again:) "O Rama, how many are the Vedas and their branches? O Raghava, what are the Upanishads? Please, through Thy grace, tell me truly." (Sri-Rama said:) "Through the divisions of Rgveda and others, the Vedas are said to be four in number. Their branches are many. So also the Upanishads. In Rgveda, there are branches, 21 in number. O son of Vayu, there are 109 branches in Yajurveda. O conqueror of enemies, there are 1,000 branches in Samaveda. O best of Monkeys, there are 50 branches in Atharvanaveda. In each branch, there is one Upanishad. Whoever with devotion to Me studies even one of the Rks (hymns) in these, attains the state of absorption, rare for the Munis to attain."

(Hanuman asked:) "O Rama, some excellent Munis have said there is one kind of salvation only, while others [stated that salvation is attained] through the uttering of Thy name or the initiation into Taraka (Om) at Kashi (Benares); others through Sankhya-Yoga, others through the Yoga of Devotion; other Maharshis through the meditation upon the meaning of Mahavakyas (the sacred sentences of the Vedas). Salvation is stated to be of four kinds through the divisions of Salokya and others."

(Sri-Rama replied:) "There is only one true emancipation. O Kapi (Monkey), even a person addicted to evil practices attains the salvation of Salokya (My world) through the uttering of My name, but not of other worlds. Should one die in Brahmana?la (the lotus-stalk--also street) in Kas'i, [*1] he attains My Taraka (Mantra). Such a person attains salvation without any rebirth; wherever he may die in Kas'i, Mahes'wara initiates him by whispering My Taraka (Mantra) into his right ear. Such person, freed from all sins, attains My Swarupa (Form). It is this that is termed Salokya-Sarupya salvation. The twice-born who is of virtuous conduct and who, without diverting his intelligence on any other meditates upon Me, the All-Atma, attains Samipya (nearness) to Me.

"It is this that is termed Salokya-Sarupya-Samipya salvation. The twice-born who according to the path opened by the teacher, meditates upon My immutable Reality attains Sayujya (absorption) into Me, like the caterpillar into the wasp. This is the Sayujya salvation which is productive of Brahmic bliss and auspicious. Thus these kinds of salvation arise through the Upasana (worship) of Me.

"The only means by which the final emancipation is attained is through Mandukya-Upanishad alone, which is enough for the salvation of all aspirants. If Jnana is not attained thereby, study the 10 Upanishads; thou shalt soon attain Jnana , and then My Seat. O son of Anjana, if thy Jnana is not made firm, practise (study) well the 32 Upanishads. Thou shalt get release. If thou longest after Videhamukti (or disembodied salvation), study the 108 Upanishads. I will truly state in order the (names of the) Upanishads with their S'anti (purificatory Mantras). Hearken to them. (They are:) Is'a, Kena, Katha, Pras'na, Munda, Mandukya, Tittiri, Aitareya, Chhandogya, Brhadaranyaka, Brahma, Kaivalya, Jabala, S'wetas'watara, Hamsa, Aruni, Garbha, Narayana, (Parama)-Hamsa, (Amrta)-Bindu, (Amrta)-Nada, (Atharva)-S'ira, (Atharva)-S'ikha, Maitrayani, Kaushitaki, (Brhat)-Jabala, (Narasihma)-Tapani, Kalagnirudra, Maitreyi, Subala, Kshurika, Mantrika, Sarvasara, Niralamba, (S'uka)-Rahasya, Vajrasuchika, Tejo-(Bindu), Nada-(Bindu), Dhyana-(Bindu), (Brahma)-Vidya, Yoga-Tattwa, Atmabodhaka, Parivrat (Narada-Parivrajaka), (Tri)-S'ikhi, Sita, (Yoga)-Chuda-(Mani) Nirvana, Mandala-(Brahmana), Dakshina-(Murti), S'arabha, Skanda, (Tripadvibhuti)-Maha-Narayana, Adwaya-(Taraka), (Rama)-Rahasya, (Rama)-Tapani, Vasudeva, Mudgala, S'andilya, Paingala, Bhikshu, Mahat-S'ariraka, (Yoga)-S'ikha, Turiyatita, Sannyasa, (Paramahamsa)-Parivrajaka, Akshamalika, Avyakta, Ekakshara, (Anna)-Purna, Surya, Akshi, Adhyatma, Kundika, Savitri, Atma, Pas'upata, Parabrahma, Avadhuta, Tripuratapani, Devi, Tripura, Kara, Bhavana, (Rudra)-Hrdaya, (Yoga)-Kundalini, Bhasma-(Jabala) Rudraksha, Ganapati, Dars'ana, Tarasara, Mahavakya, Panchabrahma, (Prana)-Agnihotra, Gopala-Tapani, Krshna, Yajnavalkya, Varaha, S'atyayani, Hayagriva, Dattatreya, Garuda, Kali-(Santarana), Jabala, Soubhagya, Saraswatirahasya, Bahvricha, and Muktika. These 108 (Upanishads) are able to do away with the three Bhavanas [of doubt, vain thought, and false thought], conferring Jnana and Vairagya, and destroying the three Vasanas [of book-lore, world and body].

"The twice-born--after learning the 108 Upanishads, together with the Santi as prescribed both before and after from the mouth of a Guru well versed in the observances of Vedic knowledge and study--become Jivanmuktas till the destruction of their Prarabdha; in course of time as Prarabdha is destroyed, they attain My disembodied salvation. There is no doubt of it. O son of Vayu, these 108 Upanishads, which are the essence of all the Upanishads, and are capable of destroying all sins through their mere study, have been imparted by Me to you as a disciple. This science of the 108 Upanishads taught by Me, is an occult one and will free persons from bondage, whether they read them with or without knowledge. To gratify the desire of a supplicant, a kingdom may be given or wealth, but never shall the 108 Upanishads be imparted to an atheist, an ungrateful person, one intent on vicious actions, one having no devotion towards Me, or one who loses his path in the cave of books. On no account shall they be given to one devoid of devotion. O Maruti, it is only after a thorough examination that they should be imparted to a disciple doing service (to a Guru), to a well-disposed son, or to one devoted to Me, following good observances, belonging to a good family, and being of good intelligence. Whoever studies or hears the 108 Upanishads attains Me. There is no doubt of this. This is stated in the Rk (verse) thus--Vidya (Saraswati) went to a Brahmana (and addressed him) thus: 'Protect me. I shall be thy treasure. Do not confine me to the envious, to one not treading the right path, or to the rogue. Then I shall be potent.' Impart this Atmanishtha-Vidya relating to Vishnu to one after well examining him, who had studied much, is alert, intelligent, observant of the vow of celibacy, and serving [the Guru]."

Then Hanuman asked Sri-Ramachandra to relate the Santi of each Upanishad according to the divisions of Rgveda and others to which they belong. To which S'ri-Rama replied: "Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Nada-(Bindu), Atma-Bodha, Nirvana, Mudgala, Akshamalika, Tripura, Soubhagya and Bahvricha--these 10 Upanishads are of Rgveda and have the Santi beginning with 'Vanme-Manasi, etc'. Is'a, Brhadaranyaka, Jabala, Hamsa, (Parama)-Hamsa, Subala, Mantrika, Niralamba, Tris'ikhi-Brahmana, Mandala-Brahmana, Adwaya-Taraka, Paingala, Bhikshu, Turiyatita, Adhyatma, Tarasara, Yajnavalkya, S'atyayani, and Muktika--these 19 Upanishads are of S'ukla Yajurveda and have the S'anti beginning with 'Purnamada, etc'.

"Katha, Tittiri, Brahma, Kaivalya, S'wetas'watara, Garbha, Narayana, (Amrta)-Bindu, (Amrta)-Nada, Kalagnirudra, Kshurika, Sarvasara, S'ukarahasya, Tejo-(Bindu), Dhyana-(Bindu), (Brahma)-Vidya, Yoga-Tattwa, Dakshina-(Murti), Skanda, S'ariraka, (Yoga)-S'ikha, Ekakshara, Akshi, Avadhuta, Kara, (Rudra)-Hrdaya, (Yoga)-Kundalini, Panchabrahma, (Prana)-Agnihotra, Varaha, Kali-(Santarana), and Saraswatirahasya,--these 32 Upanishads are of Krshna Yajurveda and have the S'anti beginning with 'Sahanavavatu, etc'.

"Kena, Chhandogya, Aruni, Maitrayani, Maitreyi, Vajrasuchika, (Yoga)-Chuda-(Mani), Vasudeva, Mahat-Sannyasa, Avyakta, Kundika, Savitri, Rudraksha, Jabala, Dars'ana, and Jabali,--these 16 Upanishads are of Samaveda and have the S'anti beginning with 'Apyayantu, etc'.

"Pras'na, Mundaka, Mandukya, (Atharva)-S'ira, (Atharva)-S'ikha, (Brhat)-Jabala, (Nrsihma)-Tapani, (Narada-Parivrajaka), Sita, S'arabha, Maha-Narayana, (Rama)-Rahasya, (Rama)-Tapani, S'andilya, (Paramahamsa)-Parivrajaka, (Anna)-Purna, Surya, Atma, Pas'upata, Parabrahma, Tripuratapani, Devi, Bhavana, Bhasma-(Jabala), Ganapati, Mahavakya, Gopala-Tapani, Krshna, Hayagriva, Dattatreya, and Garuda,--these 31 Upanishads of Atharvana-Veda have the S'anti commencing with 'Bhadram-Karnebhih, etc'.

"Persons desirous of emancipation and having developed the four means of salvation should, with presents in their hands, approach a Guru full of faith, of good family, proficient in Vedas, scripture-loving, of good qualities, straightforward, intent upon the welfare of all beings, and an ocean of compassion; and after studying under him, according to the rules, the 108 Upanishads, he should ever be going through the process of studying, thinking and reflecting upon them. With the cessation of the three bodies through the destruction of Prarabdha, they attain the state of Plenum without any Upadhis like the ether in the pot (after the pot is broken). This is the embodied salvation, this is the final emancipation. Therefore even those in Brahmaloka through the studying of Vedanta from the mouth of Brahma attain with Him the final emancipation. Hence to all these is stated the final emancipation through the Jnana path, and not through Karma, Sankhya-Yoga, and other Upasanas. Thus is the Upanishad."

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