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The story of A Vanamanus



     Vanamnus is a resemblance to you. She is a resident of Africa continent and lives in dense forests. People also call it 'gorilla'. At any time, he used to speak, hear and understand things like men. But, once a man behaved like this with him, which broke his heart. Just, he swore that I would never speak in front of a man - after seeing him I will take silence.


    You will definitely want to know what it was, by which Vanamnas has vowed to be silent in front of a man - well, then listen.


     In Africa, a man lived on a bank alongside a shack. His name was Geeka His wife's name was even better - she was called Sudila. Although Geeka and Sudila were happy, they did not even have a Kani daughter in the name of the children. This caused them to be unhappy at times. One day Sudila Roti-Roti said, "Without the child, the palace is also known as Sune, then it is a small hut. Oh! We are very fortunate people. We were so old and we could not see the face of the child till now. When we are old, then who will help us? When we die, who will cry for us? Who will be the owner of this hut after us? You do not even listen to my sayings. "


      Geeka said, "If this is the will of God, then what can we do? If not, do one thing. Come on the market and take a small child's money. Pay her like your child. When we grow up, we will understand people as our parents. When we are old, we will help. When we die, we will cry for us and be the owner of our hut. Say what do you say? If you like this advice, then prepare for the market. "


      Sudila liked this advice. He mixed the mix and prepared for the market and on the second day took the path of a market with Geeka. He searched a lot in the market, but God's will, he could not find any child, found only one girl. The helpless, they bought the same girl.


     Happened to Geeka, "Wow! This is a girl, but more than a child will help us. More than a child will suffer for us because the girls are more mammals than nature. "


   Sudila said, "True, absolutely true! This girl is more familiar to me than a child. "


While talking like this, they took the girl to her house and started loving her with great love.


Geeka went to the jungle to collect fruits and flowers. Sudilla used to catch fish on the banks of the river. Now the burden of the girl came on her, so she took her along with her work, licked her in the tree shade, and you used to catch fish on the banks of the river. Here's an opportunity to get an opportunity to visit Vanamnu Ever tastes sweet and tender food Sometimes raises him in his arms and played with him for hours.


One day the girl was sleeping with laughter. Suddenly a scorpion came out from there and climbed on his clothes. The girl's sleep opened He started crying loudly and scared. In this way, the arrival of Vanamnus has arrived. He quickly scattered the scorpion's work. Then she took the girl in her arms and started feeding her fruit. On seeing Vananuus, the girl got silent and started eating fruits with great passion.


On the other hand, the screams of the girl fell into Sudila's ears, she too came running and running. As soon as he saw Vanamnu, he started shouting without thinking.


Vanamnus said to him, "Leave this madness, Sudila! You do not know how I want your girl and how carefully she guards her. I have not done anything else, only this scorpion has struck and your girl has given two or four fruits. But do not tell this to your husband, otherwise, he will be stupid. You will take the loss and harm me. If you do not listen to me, then you will regret later. Did not understand? ''


Saying this went to the gorilla


Sudilla then accepted it, but the talk was not digested in her stomach. For several days, she was thinking that she should discuss this incident with her husband or not? Lastly, one day, she told her husband about the matter of Vanamnus.


Geeka roared loudly, "It is a very bad thing, the gorilla has left you by cheating. Well, what was the need for him to save our daughter? The gorilla should love the daughter of a man, it is a matter of surprise. Surely there is no sin in her mind. it's a good thing. Will be seen tomorrow. If he does not enjoy this trick, then my name is not Geeka. "


On the second day when Sudilla reached the river along with Balika, Geeka followed her and kept seated in a bush.


After a while, Vanamanus came and took the girl in her lap and began to cry. As soon as Geeka was in ambush, she immediately left the arrow on Vanamnus. But the fate of Vanuatu was evident, the arrows hit the girl and she remained silent in five minutes.


     Vanamannus is very sad. He said to Geeka, "A stupid man, what did you do?" I used to think of your daughter as your daughter, she used to take her for a moment in her lap and feed two or four fruitful flowers, then what was bad? If I knew this, then your daughter would not even touch. Oh! Oh! You are a big sinner and a big killer You killed your daughter-in-law without thinking. Damn you You hate me so much neglected. Go, I swear I will not speak to you from today, you deserve it. "


By saying this, Vanamnus went into a dense forest. On the same day, he stopped coming to the man. If he ever comes before the man, then he starts silence.

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