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Chyavana is married to Sukanya


A son was born to the great saint Bhrigu, Chyavana by name. And he, of an exceedingly resplendent form, began to practise austerities by the side of yonder lake. He of mighty energy assumed the posture called Vira, quiet and still like an inanimate post, and for a long period, remained at the same spot of ground. He was turned into an anthill covered over with creepers. After the lapse of a long period, swarms of ants enveloped him. Covered all over with ants, the sagacious saint looked exactly like a heap of earth. He went on practising austerities, enveloped on all sides with that ant-hill.


Now after the lapse of a long space of time, that ruler of earth, Sharyati by name, for amusement visited this pleasant and excellent lake. With him were four thousand females, espoused by him, there was also his only daughter endued with beautiful brows, named Sukanya. She, surrounded by her maids, and decked out with jewels fit for the celestials, while walking about, approached the anthill where Bhrigu's son was seated. Surrounded by her maids, she began to amuse herself there, viewing the beautiful scenery, and looking at the lofty trees of the wood. She was handsome and in the prime of her youth; and she was amorous and bent on frolicking. She began to break the twigs of the forest trees bearing blossoms. Bhrigu's son endued with intelligence beheld her wandering like lightning, without her maids, and wearing a single piece of cloth and decked with ornaments. Seeing her in the lone forest, that ascetic of exceeding effulgence was inspired with desire. That regenerate Rishi possessing ascetic energy, who had a low voice, called the auspicious one, but she heard him not. Then seeing the eyes of Bhrigu's son from the ant-hill, Sukanya from curiosity and losing her sense, said, 'What is this?” and with thorns pierced the eyes of the Rishi. As his eyes being pierced by her, he felt exceeding pain and became wroth. From anger, he obstructed the calls of nature of Sharyati's forces.


On their calls of nature being obstructed, the men were greatly afflicted. Seeing this state of things, the king asked. 'Who is it that has done wrong to the illustrious son of Bhrigu, old and ever engaged in austerities and of wrathful temper? Tell me quick if you know it'. The soldiers answered him saying, 'We do not know whether any one has done wrong to the Rishi. Do you, as you list, make a searching enquiry into the matter. Thereupon that ruler of earth, using both menace and conciliation, asked his friends. But they too did not know anything. Seeing that the army was distressed owing to the obstruction of the calls of nature, and also finding her father aggrieved, Sukanya said, “Roving in the forest, I lighted in the ant-hill here upon some brilliant substance. Thereupon taking it for a glow-worm I neared it, and pierced it with thorns.” Hearing this Sharyati immediately came to the ant-hill, and there saw Bhrigu's son, old both in years and austerities. Then the lord of earth with joined hands, besought the ascetic saying, “It behoves you to forgive what my daughter through ignorance and greenness, has done unto you."


Chyavana, the son of Bhrigu, addressed the monarch saying, “Disregarding me, this one, filled with pride has pierced my eyes. Even her endued with beauty and who was bereft of her senses by ignorance and temptation, even your daughter would I have for my bride, I tell you truly, on this condition alone will I forgive you.”


Hearing the words of the sage, Sharyati, without pausing, bestowed his daughter on the high-souled Chyavana. Having received the hand of that girl, the holy one was pleased with the king. Having won the Rishi's grace, the king went to his city, accompanied by his troops. Sukanya also having obtained that ascetic for her husband, began to tend him, practising penances, and observing the ordinance. She worshipped Chyavana, and also ministered unto guests, and the sacred fire.


The Ashvins give youth to Chyavana


Once, those celestials, namely the twin Ashvins, happened to behold Sukanya, when she had just bathed, and when her person was bare. Seeing that one of excellent limbs, and like unto the daughter of the lord of celestials, the nose-born Ashvins neared her, and addressed her, saying, “O you of shapely thighs! Whose daughter are you? What do you in this wood? We desire to know this, you therefore tell us.” Thereupon she replied bashfully unto those foremost of celestials, “Know me as Sharayati's daughter, and Chyavana's wife.” Thereat the Ashvins again spoke unto her, smiling, “What for has your father bestowed you on a person who is verging on death? Surely, you shine in this wood like lightning. Not in the regions of the celestials themselves, have our eyes lighted on your like. Unadorned and without gay robes as you are, you beautify this wood exceedingly. Still, you can not look so beautiful, when you are soiled with mud and dirt, as you could, if decked with every ornament and wearing gorgeous apparel. Why, in such plight serves you a decrepit old husband, and one that has become incapable of realising pleasure and also of maintaining you? Do you, forsaking Chyavana accept one of us for husband. It behoves you not to spend your youth fruitlessly.”


Thus addressed, Sukanya answered the celestials saying, “I am devoted to my husband Chyavana. Do you not entertain any doubts.” Thereupon they again spoke unto her, “We two are the celestial physicians of note. We will make your lord young and graceful. Do you then select one of us, ourselves and your husband, for your partner. Promising this do you, bring here your husband.” Agreeably to their words she went to Bhrigu's son and communicated to him what the two celestials had said. Hearing her message, Chyavana said unto his wife, “Do you so.” Having received the permission of her lord, she returned to the celestials and said, “Do you so.” Then hearing her words, they spoke unto the king's daughter, “Let your husband enter into water.” Thereat Chyavana desirous of obtaining beauty, quickly entered into water. The twin Ashvins also sank into the sheet of water. The next moment they all came out of the tank in surpassingly beautiful forms, young and wearing burnished earrings. All, possessed of the same appearance pleasing to behold, addressed her saying, “O fortunate one! Do you choose one of us for spouse. Do you select him for lord who may please your fancy.” Finding, however, all of them of the same appearance she deliberated; and at last ascertaining the identity of her husband, selected him.


Having obtained coveted beauty and also his wife, Chyavana, of exceeding energy, well pleased, spoke these words unto the nose-born celestials: “Since at your hands, an old man, I have obtained youth, and beauty, and also this wife of mine, I will, well pleased, make you quaffers of the Soma juice in the presence of the lord of celestials himself. This I tell you truly.” Hearing this, highly delighted, the twins ascended to heaven; and Chyavana and Sukanya too passed their days happily even like celestials.


Chyavana gives Soma to the Ashvins


Now the news came to Sharyati that Chyavana had been turned into a youth. Well pleased he came, accompanied by his troops, to the hermitage of the son of Bhrigu. He saw Chyavana and Sukanya, like two children sprung from celestials, and his joy and that of his wife were as great as if the king had conquered the entire world. The ruler of earth together with his wife was received honourably by that saint. The king seated himself near the ascetic, and entered into a delightful conversation of an auspicious kind. Then, the son of Bhrigu spoke to the king these words of a soothing nature: “I shall, O king! officiate at a religious ceremony to be performed by you: let the requisite articles, therefore, be procured.” Thereat, Sharyati, experienced the very height of joy, he expressed his approbation of the proposal made by Chyavana. On an auspicious day, suitable for the commencement of a sacrificial ceremony, Sharyati ordered the erection of a sacrificial shrine of an excellent description and splendidly furnished with all desirable things. There Chyavana officiated for the king as his priest.


Chyavana took up a quantity of the Soma juice, in order that he might offer the same to the Ashvins, who were physicians to the celestials. While the saint was taking up the intended offering for those celestial twins, Indra pronounced his interdiction, saying, “These Ashvins both of them in my opinion have no right to receive an offering of the Soma juice. They are the physicians of the celestials in heaven, this vocation of theirs has disentitled them for Soma.”


Thereupon Chyavana said, “These two are of mighty enterprise, possessed of mighty souls, and uncommonly endued with beauty and grace. They, O Indra! have converted me into an eternally youthful person, even like unto a celestial. Why should you and the other celestials have a right to the distilled Soma juice, and not they? Be it known to you that the Ashvins also rank as gods.”


At this, Indra spoke saying, “These two practise the healing are, so they are but servants. Assuming forms at their pleasure they roam about in the world of mortal beings. How can they then rightfully claim the juice of the Soma?”


When these very identical words were spoken again and again by the lord of celestials, the son of Bhrigu, setting Indra at naught, took up the offering he had intended to make. As he was about to take up an excellent portion of the Soma juice with the object of offering it to the two Ashvins, Indra observed his act, and thus spoke unto him, “If you take up the Soma with a view to offering it to those celestials, I shall hurl at you my thunderbolt of awful form, which is superior to all the weapons that exist.” Thus addressed by Indra, the son of Bhrigu, cast at Indra a smiling glance, and took up in due form a goodly quantity of the Soma juice, to make an offering to the Ashvins. Then Indra hurled at him the thunderbolt of awful form. As he was about to launch it, his arm was paralysed by Bhrigu's son. Having paralysed his arm, Chyavana recited sacred hymns, and made offering on the fire.


His object gained, he now attempted to destroy Indra. Then by the virtue of that saint's ascetic energy, an evil spirit came into being, a huge demon, Mada by name, of great strength and gigantic proportions. His body was incapable of being measured either by demons or by gods. His mouth was terrible and of huge size, and with teeth of sharpened edge. One of his jaws rested on the earth, and the other stretched to heaven. He had four fangs, each extending as far as one hundred yojanas, and his other fangs were extended to the distance of ten yojanas, and were of a form resembling towers on a palace, which might be likened to the ends of spears. His two arms were like unto hills, and extended ten thousand yojanas, and both were of equal bulk. His two eyes resembled the sun and the moon; and his face rivalled the conflagration at the universal dissolution. He was licking his mouth with his tongue, which, like lightning, knew no rest. His mouth was open, and his glance was frightful, and seemed as if he would forcibly swallow up the world. The demon rushed at Indra. His intent was to devour that deity. The world resounded with the loud and frightful sounds uttered by the Asura.


When Indra beheld the demon Mada of a frightful mien, coming towards him with open mouth, his intention being to devour him, and looking like the god of death himself, while his own arms remained paralysed, he through fear repeatedly licked the corners of his mouth. Then Indra, tortured with fright, spoke to Chyavana saying, “O Bhrigu's son! Verily I tell you as truth itself, that from this day forward the two Ashvins will be entitled to the Soma juice. Be merciful to me! My undertaking can never come to naught. Let this be the rule. I know that your work can never come to nothing. These two Ashvins will have a right to drink the Soma juice, since you have made them entitled to the same. I have done this but to spread the fame of your powers, and my object was to give you an occasion for displaying your powers. My other object was that the fame of the father of this Sukanya here might spread everywhere. Therefore be merciful to me: let it be as you wish.”


Being thus addressed by Indra, the wrath of Chyavana was quickly appeased, and he set free Indra. The powerful saint distributed Mada (literally intoxication), and put it piece-meal in drinks, in women, in gambling, and in field sports, even this same Mada who had been created repeatedly before. Having thus cast down the demon Mada and gratified Indra with a Soma draught and assisted king Sharyati in worshipping all the gods together with the two Ashvins and also spread his fame for power over all the worlds, Chyavana passed his days happily in the wood, in the company of Sukanya, his loving wife.

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