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Exercise is a helpful tool in self-realization

    What is exercise? In answer to this we can simply say, exercise is the biggest means of developing our body along with our mind and our brain, above all the relation of exercise helps us a lot in following celibacy. does.

   In today's modern time, when man is becoming completely uncontrolled, neither his sleeping time is fixed, nor his waking time is fixed, nor his eating and drinking time is fixed, in a way, today Man is completely bound to keep himself free, this is not freedom, it is a kind of dependence, freedom means, that everything is under our control, here I mean to say control, our mind our body And every action of our body, as far as possible, should be under our own control, and to do this first of all we all have to strengthen our body, and we have to exercise to strengthen the body. There are many types of exercises, due to which the muscles of our body become strong, and the semen produced in our body is preserved in our body. Exercise is the biggest means in following celibacy, true manhood comes to us only through exercise and observance of celibacy.

    You must have seen that all the leaders are very fit, agile and fit, the reason behind this is that they constantly exercise to keep their body fit, and go to the gym and sweat for many hours, Exercise does not cause constipation in our stomach, whatever we eat is easily digested. Our mind remains calm, and our mind is concentrated in whatever work we do.

  Often all the great women, men or big rich men, to make their body beautiful and shapely, they either regularly go to the gym, or exercise themselves at home. The advantage of this is that they do not get sick quickly, and whatever work they do, they do it with full dedication, due to which their work is highly appreciated or its heavy price is given to them by the people in our society.

  You must have seen that the hero, heroine of the film takes a lot of money to work in a film, or any player who plays for the country, the Government of India and the government of other country play on behalf of that country. Pays, take T 20 cricket for example. Men and women who do wrestling, they also get a lot of money, when they fight wrestling, that is to say, exercise has great importance in our Indian Sanskrit, there are many big stones in villages to do exercises. Lodh etc., the earlier men used to be very fond of exercise, so they lived longer, and as long as they lived they used to try to take the society forward.

     The people who exercise today are very few people, while the ordinary people who are weak are seen to be dictating on them.

  Most important, to keep your body in this world for a long time and to achieve your purpose in the world, you should give some time to your body and exercise. Because exercise is going to make you feel complete, it is going to fill your life with the light of wisdom, it not only strengthens the body, although it boosts your morale and self-confidence. Gives strength to face the problems of life. The more intelligent a man is, the more he is weak from the body, due to which he is unable to do anything for the society and himself in this world, the wise must be strong in the body. Often the wrestlers who are stronger than the body. All of them are not very much developed by the intellect. If it is developed with intellect, then it is very beautiful, but it is rarely seen that people who are wrestler type, they are very much developed with intelligence.

    Almost all the spiritual scriptures say that following celibacy in the Sndhya (means worshiping God), imbibing truth, virtue, renunciation, penance, dispassion etc., people often run away from this, the reality is here, that all these The essence of this is here, that exercise should be done by all. It is celibacy and exercise that complement each other, from which religion is created.

    Do not need to exercise a lot, at least 45 minutes you must workout once a day You can run, or push, use dumbbells, there are many exercise methods, swimming Can, if we play any kind, then that is also a type of exercise, people who do the work of reading and writing, they should also take some time out of their busy life to exercise, Yoga is also a type of exercise. Yes, Pranayama is also related to exercise, meditation is also a type of exercise, God realization is also a type of meditation, which can be accomplished only through the practice of yoga samadhi.

      If we understand in a little talk, then exercise is in the same way as we all learn a language in the beginning, gradually we get mastery in that language, in the same way Yama is the starting step to understand our body, through this path we reach further to God. First of all, just as one learns the  ABC of a language, in the same way the first door to unlock the secrets of the body begins with exercise. All the powerful people in the world know what exercise is? That's why he gives a lot of importance to exercise in his life and does it, whether he is a leader, Actors, or a doctor or a businessman, a farmer. All this knows only one stage of exercise, the second stage which opens the closed door of the soul, that is known by sages, Maharishis and saints, these people are not able to become saints, the reason is in that because it People are unable to light the lamp of their soul, it is like darkness under a lamp. The lamp burns, and spreads its light all around, but it is unable to dispel the darkness below itself.

    They all fail in a way, from soul point of view but materially they are successful, and they understand this as everything, although the path does not end here, people end their life's journey here. They pay taxes because of ignorance, others are those who do not have enough power to fully enjoy material worldly pleasures, to enjoy worldly pleasures also you have to be powerful, to enjoy spiritual happiness You have to be more restrained.

     There are usually very weak types of people in the world, people have no confidence in themselves at all, people consider slavery as their freedom, although the knowledge of which bird is the name of freedom is difficult for them even till the last time of their life. True freedom means to be free from all kinds of desires of the body, the soul living in the body is completely freed from the side of the body, it is not ready to enjoy the body. It is in the same way that we have a great treasure, and we lead life like a monk. This is where true renunciation and penance lie. And this penance is exercise. Starting with the first phase of this exercise, its final phases are completed with self-realization. Those who do not do this, they are the killers of both their soul and body, that is, such people who have neither authority on their body nor on their soul, whether they are all or not, in this world they also have Unable to perceive. In a kind of sick and sleepy state, he completes his life and leaves the world.

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Manoj pandey 

president of GVB The University of veda

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