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From Vyashit to Samashti Realization (Aaatmbindu Upanishad)


    The final test of realization is the experience of seeing Brahman in all beings. From the Vyashti or microcosmic, individual level, the aspirant begins to identify himself with the Samashti or macrocosmic, total level. This is a huge expansion in Consciousness and is proof of one’s realization of the Self. The sage cannot help but see all beings as his own Self. This is called Sarvatma Bhav, and is also the grand goal that the Upanishads set up before mankind. It is Vedanta’s gift to mankind, the climax of its great, undying philosophy of Oneness and Non-Duality. It is what has made seekers turn to Vedanta for the ultimate fruition of their spiritual aspirations. Acharyaji put in a few very divine sentiments as he drew to the end of this text. He said, “When one gets this divine Sarvatma Bhava of feeling his unity with all beings, there is no more hatred in his life, he rises above all differences of caste, religion, nationality, etc. More differences mean more fanaticism; fewer differences mean more love, more compassion, more tolerance and more respect.”

    One brings an end to one’s ego either by reducing it to a zero, or by expanding it to include all beings in his embrace. Indeed, when looked at closely there is no difference between the two! Acharyaji closed the text with the remark: “The purpose of Universality is to see UNITY IN DIVERSITY”

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