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More Characteristics of Brhaman (Aatmbindu Upanishad)


     We are given six characteristics of Brahman in this verse, the first of which (Nirvikalpam) is a repeat from the previous verse, perhaps just to maintain a link to it. The five new characteristics are all attempts which our mind makes to “measure” the Self: The qualities listed in this and in the previous verse are such that they cannot be measured using the yardsticks of material knowledge. We do not have a ruler long enough to measure the depths of the ocean of Brahman! That is the main point that comes through in this section. Five More Attempts to Measure the Self: 1 i) Anantam: “Endless”, and 3b ii) Anaadim: “Beginningless”. These two characteristics place Brahman beyond Time. If something is beginningless and endless, there cannot be a time scale put against it to measure it. 2 iii) & iv) Heti-Drishtaanta Varjitam: “Beyond Logic and Comparison”. This characteristic places Brahman beyond Causation. If something has no Cause and is not an effect, then how can it be understood through logic? The cause of a thing is obtained by the use of Logic. Similarly, if something is Non-Dual, i.e. One without a second, then what is it going to be compared with? We may try to use a simile, but it will always be only a simile, not the real thing. There can never be a perfect simile for Brahman. 3a v) Aprameyam: “Immeasurable”. This characteristic places Brahman beyond Space. A thing can only be measured if we are standing outside it. But if that thing is allpervading, how is it possible to stand ‘outside’ it in order to measure it? The measuring instrument is itself part of Brahman!

    4 In this way we have learnt eight characteristics so far to help us to identify Brahman by telling us what it is NOT. We have learnt that Brahman is beyond Time, Space and Causation. The Self is immeasurable according to material standards. Continuing our enquiry along these lines will bring us to the Truth, and by knowing the Truth we are liberated. The conclusion that comes to the enquiring seeker is that Brahman is Non-Dual. This subtle Brahman can only be grasped by the wise person, i.e. the sage with an extremely subtle and purified intellect. It cannot be understood by a dull, clouded intellect. Our limited mind is certainly not the measuring tool for It.

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