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The Absolute Standpoint (Aatmbindu Upanishad)


    As we see from this verse, it becomes necessary for a student of Vedanta to understand the Truth intellectually from two distinct standpoints. These are: i) The Absolute Standpoint: called the Paramarthic Reality or the standpoint from the Self or from the person who has realized the Self; and ii) The Relative Standpoint: called the Vyavaharic reality or the standpoint from the ordinary man, or the worldly standpoint, or the standpoint of secular Science. The two standpoints are diametrically opposite to each other. This is the source of most confusions or misunderstanding about spirituality. It is always important to know from which standpoint a certain statement is being made. The view from the top of a mountain is very different from the view from the bottom. People of different levels of growth will obviously see things differently. One example of the conflicting views represented by these standpoints is the one concerning bondage and liberation. From the Relative view we see that these are real problems to man. But from the Absolute view, they do not even exist, because they concern only the body and mind, and these are unreal from the Absolute view. Understanding this difference in viewpoint is the only way we can make sense of verses like this. 1 The entire creation, and consequently dissolution, is considered to be a mere superimposition on the Truth, and is therefore “Unreal”. 2 From the higher standpoint, there is no such thing as bondage – the Absolute cannot be bound. How can there be the practice of Yoga in a realm where one is already united to the Ultimate?

 3 Where there is no bondage, there can be none who will be seekers, and none who need to be liberated. 4 For most of us who are in the Relative plane of existence, these are, at best, pointers to the Truth. From our side of Unreality, we need to strive to enter that state of Supreme Truth. We can ill-afford to ignore bondage as a fact of our existence, requiring practice of Yoga, seeking the Truth, and finding the way to liberation.

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