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The 5 Habits To Gain Confidence And Make Yourself Feel Better


The 5 Habits To Gain Confidence And Make Yourself Feel Better

1# You remove terrible people out of your life.

You’re used to being around negative people growing up as they reflect their insecurities and limiting beliefs on you. You’ve gained your parents’ negative habits, and your parents have gained their negative habits from their parents.

Life has been tough on you growing up. You’ve become more insecure because you grew up surrounded by insecure people. The best part is you have the power to break the habit and traumatic cycle that has been in your family.

In these five steps, I will advise you on gaining confidence and making yourself feel a little bit better because I want you to make your life a little bit better as a great start.

1# You Remove Terrible People Out of Your Life.

Removing them is super essential for your mental health.

Be with toxic insecure people, and you will become miserable and insecure. Be with happy and confident people, and you will start to glow up rapidly with confidence. When you’re a positive person, you will likely attract negative people because they want to feed your energy.

Some people don’t see how toxic they are, and they will never look at their own mistakes. Once you remove terrible people from your life, you will feel a huge relief in your heart.

Suppose you are a toxic person yourself and admit your mistakes, with the determination to change yourself for the better, good! It’s a massive step for you to take, and many people can’t do that these days.

Be proud of yourself.

Remove negative people from your life and see how your life unfolds for the better. You give space to new people to come into your life, and they are more optimistic.

Please, don’t fall for toxic people’s trap. They will find excuses to invite you into their life again. Please don’t fall for their deception. Your confidence improves, and you have escaped the mental imprisonment you suffered from.

There are so many people in the world who will treat you better.

2# You Face the Day With a Genuine Smile.

Okay, I know this sounds simple and hippie-dippie, but hear me out. explains how children smile more than adults. It shows the surprising benefits of smiling, such as; reduced blood pressure, reduced stress, increased endurance, reduced pain, and strengthened immune system.

People notice your smile first. We are naturally attracted to people who look happier. It’s genuinely a beautiful physical trait you can have.

Your smile shows your openness, warmth, and peaceful energy.

Your smile makes your inner and outer presence more glowing and attractive. Your smile is contagious as it influences people to smile as well.

You get a smile back at you, and this is when you have planted good seed in people. Smile to those who deserve it. Smile, but don’t tolerate people’s disrespectful behavior because not everyone deserves your smile.

It doesn’t cost a dime to smile.

3# You Write a List of What You Love About Yourself.

Start with writing down a list of the things you like about yourself. If you don’t like writing things down, think about it instead. Think of all the things you want about yourself.

It doesn’t matter if it’s small or big. If you’re insecure, start with a small thing, to begin with, and it will turn into a snowball effect where you start to like yourself more and more every day.

You are only judging yourself because you grew up being judged by your family. It’s time to break the habit and start complimenting yourself more.

Maybe you’re a good friend who makes other people smile? It’s a good thing.

Look at yourself in the mirror and say nice things to yourself such as:

  • “I am beautiful and loving.”
  • “I love myself for who I am.”
  • “I love my beautiful smile.”
  • “I am beautiful and loving.”
  • “I deserve everything in life.”

These are examples, but you can find the affirmations that resonate with you the best. It can be hard to talk nicely to yourself, but the more you compliment yourself, the easier it will be. Try not to leave the mirror until you have said at least one nice thing about yourself.

The day you start loving yourself is when you will start improving on your self-worth. Start saying nice things about yourself, and you will be in a better mood because words have the power to change people. Be your own best friend.

4# You Don’t Give a Crap on What People Think of You.

It’s super essential to stop caring about what other people think of you, or else you will be their prisoner forever. If you allow people to control you, you will be in a mental prison.

You know yourself better than anyone.

It’s beneficial to receive feedback. Feedback is here to help you improve your life but don’t care if someone has nothing nice to say to you at all.

They will belittle you and make you feel ashamed of your decisions, ignore them, to hell with their stupid opinion. Don’t let it bother you. You make decisions in your life, and your life is your journey, no one else. It’s your life, not theirs.

You gain confidence and your power back once you stop listening to other people’s opinions of you. These people will lose their power over you once you prove them the opposite.

You figure things out on your own.

5# You Are Willing To Take Risks In Your Life.

You won’t improve your life if you are stuck in your comfort zone without taking a risk. You may be scared and insecure about doing the things that excite you the most, but instead, you choose to stay in your safe zone.

Remember that life becomes so fun and exciting once you decide to break the old habit and take a different path to improve your life. You never know what road lies ahead of you.

Ask yourself this, “What is the worst thing that can happen if I face my fear?”

Some people are afraid of rejection, but why does it matter? Why should you let rejection stop you from trying again and again? So what if you fail? Keep trying. That’s how you stay consistent. It’s supposed to be a fun journey.

Don’t let your failures and rejections have so much power over you. Your failures and rejections are teaching you something all the time if you look clearly. They teach you to stay consistent no matter how much you get the opposite result.

You grow when you take a path that excites you.

These steps can be difficult to apply if you’re new to them, but remember, you’re doing this to spoil yourself a little bit.

You have the right to be happy and be the best version of yourself. It’s okay to feel scared. Just do it anyway.

I hope this has been helpful to you.

Suzana Dalia

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