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Inspirational Quotes - 7:

Inspirational Quotes - 7:

First Step
Don't afraid to take the first step, even if you don't see the entire staircase.

It is impossible to fight with everyone you meet, but it will cost nothing to be kind with all!

Have a daily dose of laughter. It is the good exercise for the mind.

Forgiveness is the best shield. If you go, tit for tat, everyone end up losing!

No question is wrong, only answers can be wrong! Don't stop questioning as it makes you develop your knowledge.

Your Mind
Whatever you conceive and believe in your mind, you can achieve it!

Good Thoughts
Your good thoughts will shine on your face!

Bad Day
Some days can be really bad, but don't allow them make you get defeated.

Confidence and Time
The greatest asset we have is CONFIDENCE and the greatest resource we have is TIME

Your Actions
Every action of you is influenced by emotional desire or fear!

Successful Personalities
Superior and successful personalities are always marked with an attitude of positivity and optimism!

Life is just like an art of traditional photography! You still need a lot of negatives to develop.

Challenges make your life interesting, lifts your courage and spirit. Overcoming those challenges make your life more meaningful and joyful.

Spending time for planning saves 30 percent of your energy, and time.

Never Quit
Follow these two rules to succeed in your life.
1. Never quit
2. Follow rule number 1

Take revenge on your enemies, through your massive and unbeatable success.

Roller Coaster
Life is a roller coaster with its own ups and downs. You may scream or simply enjoy the most!

Committed mistake? It is a good sign of trying! Make mistakes, but never repeat it!

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