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India is country of senseless

India is a country where the Holocaust is that a large number of residents in | This is a country where people live alone Kimti it but his name is a valuable asset in making the Unpyog understand themselves stigmatize | Countries like India are still slave to a slave in the same way and the country is introducing like living here shoveling its roots and its roots in the family is living | India is the Hindu religion and the Muslims in the name Rajniti N Kane Prkaren making money by stealing scam to mislead the public and their Soshn blood is Chusate | Fought in the name of religion are people going abroad Aeyyasi themselves, and here the immense riches of their devious ways to breed is maintained by Jon | Murder robbery rape is employed Smgligan plundered | Grib Mjlum law has become the instrument of Satane | Government officials and the government of all the slave is a slave merchants | It speaks of a true justice is murdered in broad daylight | And it is the form of accident | Here, the means of all media channels, newspapers TB is a sell-out with all the money is a liar publish news | The awful truth is Gundagrdi broad daylight robbery and plunder plundered the things he says are plated at Sully is a powerful rich people he became the country's fate is Bidhata | Here the hermit saint is sold out in a strength that is not speaking the truth | The leader of the national merchant hermit saint lining is to destroy all civilization India Sanskrit drawn heavily abused drug in the country entered Vesyavriti expand the country's youth in the name of development and Adhunikta Yuwatiyon being provoked for adultery the market seems to be the name of Mnornjn Aslilta Ngga dance Surrey | Bhojpuri film industry Bollywood delayed Bud Bud Black Grib Serving all public nudity are Sosn Lord Macaulay, Karl Marques, Maksmulr Darwin, Hitler, Lenin, master suite is Musolin | Bari is the divine men are being promoted in the name of the traitor | The people who are being taught in the name of education he is a mobster mugger Dndhebaj all other medical professional teachers all the pockets are empty text Pdhaa | Further in the future, the government is making such a system will Distrb 99℅ nuts | Clad in drinking poison poison poison taste in every way in the life of the entire Mav ruff mixes poison is poison |

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