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Sanskrit introduction

Sanskrit प्रणालि about "language" human civilization inventions of on the unequaled invention. Language that means that think and expressions व्यक्तिकरण in urgent; उसीके ज़रीये around the world in the great work editing is going. All the world in the "" development of the things we listen live, he ever possible not happens if language not there! And then the great invention how much we comfortable समज take!  languages in the history of India's contribution is important, because he such language invented every way classical be! Language ie 'Sanskrit', which force on the mother India and his उत्तुंग culture मानार्ह made. They say .... the Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru said, "if I asked should be that India's best Treasury which his biggest Heritage which, without ज़िझक कहुंगा 'Sanskrit, literature, within him for the everything'. It is best Heritage and until these जियेंगी, public mind affect will then India minimum of dignity of the source will continue to be." Sir William John, who has the year in 1786 Western world it announced that, "Sanskrit language which Greek more complete, Latin more than rich, and both HP more micro-net. All languages mother Sanskrit, the ancient, the most complete." वाङ्ग्मय some Mille years of human existence of the survey the Sanskrit Shiromani as paint is. Vedic period of origin be Sanskrit, the North calls from doth had many सदीयों after the date the newly blossomed there is. When other languages only born was, Sanskrit creative and master mind compositions through become chhu was. Sanskrit वाङ्ग्मय only व्याप also विस्मयकारक is! अपौरुषेय Vedas the other वेदकालीन compositions and later Sanskrit compositions for strong Foundation cast. Vedic literature Sanskrit compositions language-distinguish the two different times hatched been shown for there - the Vedic, ie the Vedic in Sanskrit hatched added, and traditional, which वेदोत्तर period hatched added. In the traditional or popular culture, odd इ.पू. 400 by state language become chhu was. Vedic वाङ्ग्मय old due to her period subject of much अनिश्चिति found is here we have some general time-recognized used. Ancient Vedic period पद्यमय and creative time, but his late Brahmins his these power, home-यज्ञादि method-निषेधों the mode of which गद्यमय "Brahmin" texts build-up. Time with these Brahmin book also original Vedas like "Shruti" (ie "strung up") called. Vedic वाङ्ग्मय in nature-worship, Vidya-art, law निषेधों and ritual from theosophy the progress was, "which आरण्यक" called. These आरण्यकों of the second half of intensive तत्त्वचिंतन transform and "upanishads" called. It contrast, वेदोत्तर in the literature "memory" texts surgeon, which Veda-based but, श्रुतिग्रंथों than more जीवनस्पर्शी was. Theosophy pure and sensation of business knowledge of "Shruti" book त्रिकालाबाधित called, on the Saints by saying that जीवनमूल्यों to characterized to make, कालानुसार "memory" texts creation of there. "Sources in" the period (इ.पू. 200 - 500) Vedic-वाङ्ग्मय composition in the last considered. He वर्ण्य theme Vedic and स्मार्तिक (memory अधिष्ठित) traditions compilation. This time extremely Shruti and स्मृतिग्रंथों composed be chhu was, and their intensive and पद्यमय वाङ्ग्मय of संक्षिपीकरण must be, which was sources did. "Source" two kinds of the; श्रौत formula which Shruti अधिष्ठित were, and गृह्य formula which memory अधिष्ठित were. गृह्य sources that part of social and कर्तव्याचरण thematic was them, "धर्मसूत्र" said - the the Indian law of seed featured literature is considered to be. "Sources in" the तहद the literature सर्जित happened to them good वेदांगों divided into has been; education - sound refer to the scriptures verses - verse compositions composition of Scripture grammar - language Arts निरुक्त - words derivation of Scripture imagine - religious method me. Astrology - astronomy Sanskrit literature Vedic वाङ्ग्मय this up literature surgeon in the something-a thousand years व्यतित the will! अपौरुषेय considered to be the Vedas about it say right not be known human history of the definition of it value to take ज़ादा loss not. Simply too "अपौरुषत्व" pure प्रज्ञावाचक feminine and not कालवाचक! So long time during the Vedic language in unequaled वैविध्य, secret or change be comfortable was. The same for mahamuni Mr. Panini the Vedic grammar and language rules सुसंबद्ध done. This time around इ.पू. 350 considered, which is that "sources in" the surgeon period was also. पाणिनीय grammar सांप्रत or popular culture of mother is considered to be, and here medieval Sanskrit literature surgeon visit began looks. Sanskrit नाट्यशास्त्रों the original rig Veda those mantras in the interactive are. These नाट्यशास्त्रों is characterized by these शोकान्तिकाएँ नहींवत् is. These come stories, ancient historical events is based on. नाट्यों of सुरुआत prayer is and immediately after theater प्रस्थापक and an actor interaction between by, theatrical's creator and theatrical subject of the information presented days. Kalidasa, bhash, joy, bhawabhooti (दण्डी), etc. Sanskrit scholar नाट्यकार were. They are a number of compositions of Mr. kalidasa of "शाकुंतल" today people remember. Sanskrit the world's two great epics also जनेता is Mr. Valmiki composed the Ramayana, and Mr. wyasji taken from the Mahabharata. These two epics has many years Indian life every पहेलु affected, and Indians advanced life motivated. These epics the governance, अर्थप्रणालि, society system, मानसशास्त्र, theology, शिक्षणप्रणालि etc. subjects intense परिशीलन given. In the history of texts in addition, Sanskrit in a number of mythology texts of surgeons the including gods and goddesses concerning tales by normal population of sense to make the effort has been. Sanskrit literature surgeon more stimulation found when नाट्यकार Mr. Bharat (ancient musicians - इ.पू. 200) the "theatrical science" created. This book theatrical analysis of the Bible is considered. Initial period नाट्यों Mr. bhash contribute significantly was on kalidasa the "शाकुंतल" the composition as soon as they forgotten are gone. शाकुंतल सदीयों to नाट्यरचना sample of making. शाकुंतल make-up and heroic juice signifying was so Mr. शुद्रक of "मृच्छकटिका" social drama was. Them after Mr. bhawabhooti (me. 700) in which "Malti-Madhav" and "North aramcharith" theatrical well-known while. Middle ages punch epics of composition was; Mr. kalidasa the "Raghuvansh" and "कुमारसंभव" Mr. भारवी of "किरातार्जुनीय" (me. 550) Mr. magh of "शिशुपालवध" and Mr. joy of "नैषधिय charit" these five epics of inspiration book "the Mahabharata" which was still many authors guide. Epics in addition to love, नीतिमत्ता, अनासक्ति such a number of subjects व्यावहारु language in लघुकाव्यों composition of the time in has. Such पद्यरचना the "minor" called, their creator of Mr. bhatruhari and Mr. अमरुक while. Mr. bhatruhari composed नीतिशतक, शृंगारशतक and वैराग्यशतक today is famous. Unfortunately Sanskrit गद्यरचनाएँ so famous not, and they कालप्रवाह destroyed in there. Some left them Mr. सुबंधु of "वासवदत्त", Mr. Arrow of "कादंबरी" and "हर्षचरित", and Dandi of "दशकुमारचरित" are prevalent. नीतिपरकत्व, Sanskrit all the literature type known is on परीकथाओं and legends (me. 400 - 1100) in the highly erupted. "Panchatantra" and "हितोपदेश" बुद्धिचातुर्य and नीतिमूल्य thematic legends collection of which are animal पक्षीयों characters, Proverbs, and सूक्तियों by व्यवहारचातुर्य समजाते are. Way different दिखनेवाली many उपकथाओं the same story or compose within implants are taken: the original story of the principal character so sub-stories explains that is the original composition many levels written presented is. This पद्धत use panchatantra in particular pay have been. सूत्रात्मक, brief and still sharp writing "हितोपदेश" in the best shown wears, which is that "panchatantra" on HP based. Sanskrit practice why Sanskrit and knowledge if you have questions curious are who etc. period of human mind stricken is the Sanskrit practice is essential. If you ज्ञानपिपासु, the Sanskrit practice is required. If you ज्ञानपिपासु not, but in life सोक्रेटीक malaise want to, the Sanskrit practice useful. If you literature-Jolly and literature wonderful world immersed in to go, the Sanskrit such gems perfect which literary world साकारित could. Sanskrit and unity language it through the thoughts and feelings words साकारित with, and culture he force that we all एकसूत्रता in परोती is. Indian culture Foundation "Sanskrit" in. "Unity" work in characterized is, and piece foundations of ideas in. Views on the assessment-language without not possible. Then language such rich should be which गूढ, abstract ideas and concepts to due featured size give them. All clear idea, the more due work and views conduct of the society uniformity ie "unity". Let cultured become! And that the difference to delete the province, class, characters, language, community and finance, etc. the person-person between standing done. Dead language!? Unfortunately Sanskrit dead language considered in ... is this true? No, not because he even today, within our breath taking; our culture and sacraments somewhere in content is lives. Sripad सातवलेकरजी many विद्वज्जन it to revive the efforts of, and how many HP people it learning, viable make ruffle are. "सुसंस्कृतम्" or such other Web साईट्स be or you are reading also, Sanskrit, which of the characteristics of the so! Sanskrit the dignity of the read-hear then the language of ignorance of ashamed. Ignorance of shame if तेजपूर्ण and authentic be, so he new purpose and नवप्रयोगों the mother of may. India only healthy standing may be, when the mother India's son child language समज will be able to his mother speaks, and he language ie 'Sanskrit'. Intelligence and विज्ञानवाद the jump if authentic will, the world of India language-gems to die will not. Society of light class if ध्येयबद्ध and efforts looking for, then वैदिकों of unequaled tenacity definitely यशदायी will, and Sanskrit the lost dignity retrieve able to make. Essence of motivational God that pray that our child steps तेजोपूर्ण advanced jump to provide!

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