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Almighty worship

* 🌿🌿🌿🌿O3M *

* 🥀Hiswarooping Prayer Mantra: *

* (1) O 3 M Vishwani Dev Seivadurutti Parasu.Id Bhadrantan Asuva .- (Yaju 030 / Mantra 3) *

* Reality: - * O God of creation of the whole world, God with holistic wealth. You please remove all our misdeeds, mischief and misery. And whoever has welfare qualities, karma, nature and material, get it for us.

* (2) In O3, the sub-caste agenda becomes a part of the caste: Patirak Basant, give it to the believers, in accordance with the God-given Divine Law. (Yaju 13/4) *

* Bharatha: - * Lord as self-conscious! There is only one lord of the world created that was present before the world; the same land is holding sunya people. We worship people with special love for the same Lord.

* (3) O 3 M. Swami Baladya Yasya Vishwaas Upasate Tashishya Yasya Deva: Yashyachyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

* Meaning: - * The giver of enlightenment, the power of the body, the soul and the society, which is worshiped by all the scholars, whose direct truths are governed by governance and justice, whose shelter is auspicious, which no one believes That is not to devotion, it is the cause of grief, death, we are blessed with the soul and soul, for devotion to God, that happiness, that is, the same Please be quick to obey.

* (4) O 3 Man: Pranata Nimishta Mahatyak Idraja Jagto Bhamo. *
* Or Ishaasidi Bipedalpadhpatah: Kasma Deviya Hivisha Vidheyam .- (Yaju 0:23 / Mantra 3) *

* Meaning: - * The creature and the unborn world is the only one who has the same ruling king from its infinite glory, which creates the body of this human being and cow, and we are blessed with the divine worship, Make special devotion by dedicating material to his obedience.

* (5) O 3M Yan Dyurugra Self-Structured Yoga Signs. *
* YOG. RAJSO AIRCAS: Kasma Devya Hivishya Vidhyam ..- (Yaju 32/26) *

* Meaning: - * The God who possessed a strong-natured sun, etc. and the land which Jagdishvar had taken pleasure in, and the God who has achieved unshakable salvation, which is specially respected to all the people in the sky i.e. sky Birds fly in such a way that they create and travel all the places, we should devote special pleasures with all the power to attain the perfect ability to do that pleasurable wish.

* (6) It is not possible to believe in God's world.
* Yatkamasteh Juhumastheno Aastu Aap Shayam Piyo Riyanam ..- (R0 010 / Sue 121/1010) *

* Meaning: - * O lord of all the people! None other than you, he does not despise the root-chemists who have generated all these, that is, you are paramount. Whatever the desire for which we want people to take your shelter and desire, that's what we desire. Become the owner of money.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (7) O

* Meaning: - * He is the Creator, the productive and the father-father of our friend, friend and gross world. That is the sublime provider. He knows the entire people and their names, places and births. By attaining liberation in the divine, the free world Without a sense of happiness and sorrow, they are willingly in the daily life of salvation.

* (8) O 3 M. Agnya Nayyapta Raya Asmani Vishwaniv Dev Vyayanuni Vidyudhaya Yyyudhya Samajjahuranmeno Bhoiyyantivanam Dham Bukhi Yadam ..- (Yaju 040 / Mantra 16) *

* Meaning: - * O people, for the light of knowledge, the light of all the world, the gross merchant God! By which you are fully educated, please take full knowledge and good deeds from the path of good, religious people to the people to achieve science or state richness and remove us from evil-doing sinful deeds. This is why we will give you many types of Praise be humbly and praise forever and be always in joy.

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