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life and his completion

ओ३म् पृथिव्याऽअहमुदन्तरिक्षमारुहमन्तरिक्षाद्दिवमारुहम्। 
दिवो नाकस्य पृष्टात् स्वर्ज्योतिरगाहम्।। 17,67

   Let me tell you the truth. I wish I had the desire to live and get that peak here where my position was fixed for me in my life. But my loyalty brought me there, which I never wished. It's not that I'm disappointed. I am amazed with this wonderful joy that I lifted myself up so much that where the summit is the Himalaya mountain where the light of the sun embrace with all the first touch, the land, the world of that invisible truth In the same way I love myself too much with love, from the way the love begins with the saints. Because of that I kept on forgiving each and every nadis as far as I had the power. But before knowing this, I had a more supernatural wonder than ever that I was pardoning at every step, never punished me, never tried to improve myself because we had all the world to improve. I had surrendered myself completely to the world, I have always improved and continued till I did not go backwards. They and this world have never forgiven me. They treated us like us as if it was not more than just a single day. Many of the reformers were their own but he never corrected us by thinking of us. Always understood us differently from me. I was a stranger. Everyone's desire was for everyone to wish that he wanted to erase us. I too was engaged in their cooperation. It took a lot of time for me to know the knowledge of the nadians, when I fell on the ground like people say that hanging from the sky hanging on the date palm, but I did not even get that treasure, Together, I pulled up the land on which I stood. Knowing this, it seemed as if I was flying in the sky and I taught without flying, complaining or wetting, this sky became my mind. It was a place for me to live in such a place that I had never even imagined that I had ever lived, but when I saw people from whom I loved a lot, those people were calling me to my side which seemed very happy. But when I got attracted towards them and came to the bottom of the ground, it came to know that all these people are paralyzed, they have no wings, all of which can fly all this, they all used to irrigate me. I wanted to do all this in my captivity. Kept wishing me to shun Even so, I was so nudge that my eyesight was not open to the eyes, like the children, there was nothing extraordinary in the careless simple, simple mind. But in this world, I found the worst human from all kinds of bad people, I could not find even a single person I could say that I knew it while the front was too far from myself. How did the people become so harsh? What is the reason behind this? When I searched and found that all these things are with the root objects, the relation of these things has been more than the harsh things, due to which all this is so much militant and harsh. I could not make all these harder than simple. But I did not have to force myself to live with them. It was my wish that I should share the realities of life with them and I should explain them all in such a way that they could be more joyful in their life. It was from my wish that I have never succeeded in making myself tough and fake like them. That's why I was always away from them but all of us stayed with us. Never did this people ever get away from me as if we were all in ours.

    Is it possible? That I was away from them and all that remained with us never went away from us. Normally this does not happen, but it happened to us because I kept flying in my inner sky and being very far away from them, I did not have any quality in myself and I remained innocent. And all these faults remained with me and I kept thinking of myself like a man and whenever I came to them like air, like air arrives, like the winds of Varish on the mountain reach the sky. Like rivers reach in the ocean, or like a violent animal approaches a terrorist animal to attack him, to make a diet. They all behaved like us, as if I am a master like him, in which there is no sympathy sympathy love is not a supernatural joy. But it was not at all with me that I did not consider anyone to be a man, but everyone thought it was human. That was my fault. This was my weakness. It was my torridness here, because of which all of them went to the top of success. And I kept coming down one step and going through the dark troughs in the hope that someone will come with me to walk on this path of my bravery and courageous Kalyan and will increase my excitement, but this did not happen to me The people were some people far away with me, but when they realized that I was continuing the journey in the Andheri valleys. So those people have become more enemies than my enemies and my life. I used to walk alone when I came out quite far away from the people of the world and the people often became my enemies. Then I found a way which goes towards the infinite, I continued to go further on that path, at one time in our lifetime it came like this when our body started doing our opposite work, ie now one of the enemies who is our biggest and deepest Saga friend was my body. He also announced a war against me. That is, with all kinds of tortures, I have exploited my body in every way.Sick and started doing spiritual way. And at every step I started to try to prove that I will finish you. Then I came to know that the deeper the problem I understood was very small although the problem is very dangerous. At first I used to think that only our family, our parents, is our biggest enemy, due to which I made every effort that I can get away from them and they do not have any kind of relationship with their life. Could not affect And he was successful in doing this, in a short span of time, took such a step by doing so that the right of our parents to remain above us could not have done anything with us. After my association with society, I felt that this society is dirty, and we decided to give up this injustice to me, and in it also got freedom due to some of my happiness and hard work, I would be far away from my society family. Where our society was not, nor our family was a bandishache. I was free. Now my boss was i. If I want to welfare of myself or kill myself, I would not have seen anyone, nor was it easy to touch. Even here, new people who were disturbed were born, I came away from them, at a place where I was the only one. Wherever I was my body, I had to make some connection to the world for some time, to fulfill some essential elements of the body. Instead of knowing the truth about me that my disorder does not just make the world, most of my inconsistencies, then it is my body. When I started living alone in the valleys, I first learned that I am not the body, the body is also my greatest friend and enemy. The mistake has made us blind; I also have the knowledge of it because I have to swim my body in the Bhava Sagar, where I sit and I have to cross this Bhav Sea. He has made his enemy because there has been a hole in it, so that the lord can immerse itself in the ocean. I was not aware of it at all on the coast. It is also my mistake that it gets to know that their body has become a hole in the boat. Those who are cunning are often like people who spend their entire lives on cautionary edges. Often, householders are like this; they never fall into the sea, but they keep their body on the edge of their body. Occasionally it happens that a householder or a woman has lifted their boat in the Bhav Sagar to cross this Bhav Sagar like Krishna Ram etc. It is a matter of old time. In today's world it is rare to see. It is understandable that in his boat there is a hole in his boat, then he is able to repair it by specialist doctor. As many Yogis, Mahatma Sadhu Saints, it is all a type of doctor who talks about filling the hole in the body. It is another matter that the cavity of someone's body gets cured completely or not. But this did not happen to us at all nor can we repair the body, nor can we stop our journey. Because we are in the middle of the Bhavsagar and I have become aware that there is a hole in my body too. We have to travel from our body to Bhav Sagar. That is why I say that I am a stranger to forgive me. This is the truth which I am saying but there is a truth and only the one I know is that I will do the journey of Bhavsagar with Sampradar and I will know it because I know how to fly. As this mausoleum of the Yajurveda is saying.

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