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Pranayam is the combination of Prana and Apana.

Pranayam is the combination of Prana and Apana. The euphoria or determination of life will be demoralized. The significance of pranayama in the Upanishads is that - Due to non-dwindling sleepiness. Pranayam should know the prevention of serum in the blood. With the long practice of pranayama, alpasa philosophy proves to be the force of glorious strength. Lust will automatically decay with life-threatening.

Pranayama is of three types - supplementary, kumbak and laxative. Knowing the action of the ventilation of air and the action of air detection is called Kumbak. Similarly, the noun of air-cathartic is laxative.

Keeping the diet-purification, which makes regular practice of pranayama, he feels sweating in the first place, again he feels the lightness of the body. If pranayama is fair and uninterrupted in the long run, then there is state of renunciation. But remember that your complete detention in the diet and nature. If the seeker practices pranayama according to the rules, then it is necessary to be healthy. Pranayam will be pulse-purified, gastragini will be intense and the unheard words will be heard clearly.

Kumbhak is of two types, including Kumbak and Kumbak only. Kumbak is also known as Kumbak with laxative. Who is free from these two, only to know Kumbhak For the practitioner, Kumbhak should also be practiced. Only by the Kumbhak the body becomes slim and the Kundalini Shakti awakens. Only the wise point of the Kumbhak gets victorious. There is a spread of brightness in it.

The yogi has always been thinking about this matter. Through astronomical intelligence and knowledge, he learned about why he did not succeed in his obstruction. He also tried his best to suppress lust. Continuing his practice of Asana Mudra Bandha, he also went ahead in his work. In the meantime: Internal instinct has become a source of change and there is also a change in the opposite source. Now he got to know the change of his power when the power practitioner started to shine. In such a case, when success is imminent, the seeker is able to make his body eligible for spiritual power. The sophistication of all the desires and allergies of the body is absolutely essential.

In this way, the proximity of the body and mind is formulated in the knowledge of the yogi, in which the need for the detainment of body and mind is confirmed. Therefore, Yogi automatically gave birth to free science. Purification of the body is an introduction to purification of mind because the mind is usually influenced by the body. Therefore, physical activity should be prevented. More food, more work, more things etc. should be solved by way of way. Physical perfection brings inner endowment to pranshakti. Prana power is an outpatient breathing pattern, breathing life also prevents breath of life. Therefore, breathing resistance is considered as the weapon of victory over the Pranayama kosha.

By seeing in nature, it will be knowledge that there is no system of life in the life of a person. But the yogi gives birth to a type of system by breathing. When there is equality or single-mindedness in the breath, then the breath becomes a pot. Breathing is automatically prevented. Now the Kumbhak is called Srigainesh. Peace seems to be in the mind. The appearance of the tomb is present.

The practice of pranayama has a very successful effect on the body and mind, because it is considered as a laugh of all types of physical and mental illnesses. It is also proven that it transmutes multi-power in the body, invigorates the impurities of the mind and helps in the development of intelligence. This is a very important sum in memory light.

It is not right to say that the practice of pranayama is necessary only for the sake of Hathayogi. It is equally needed for Rajayogi and Vedanti. Because it is the primary instrument of antitrust. Vedanti will also do natural pranayama in the meditative mind of Pranav. Tadat Rajayogi and Hathayogi also will meditate on men and power-2 will be doing natural pranayama.

As has been said, there is a mutually intimate relationship between life and lust. The detention of one can prevent both of them. Having an active life force, the mind also vibrates. If the oxygen is absorbed, then the Chittadandan will automatically settle because life itself is the key to the substance. It has been proved, therefore, that being a viceroy in the operation of oxygen, natural power is to be subdued.

For example, in a large office many tasks are done by electricity. If you wish to prevent them, you will have to go to the room where you will be able to postpone all the electricity connections. As a result, most of the work will end, and all the offices will be stopped from personal work. Similarly, the practitioner of a yoga establishes the detention in the individual centers. From which he automatically postpones the work of his chakras. Thus, through the prana power Yogabhishee stops the mind and body, leads on the path of energy.

Now we have the knowledge of such mature science, in whose achievements the scientists are defying. But our yoga practitioners do get it. Due to this, fear is seen that one man tries to calm the Swarangalis of the ocean, but other men are Madanvit, fall for land instead of eternal joy. Now to see who will credit us?

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