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    This story is bearing the burden of suffering from such a helpless person. Which is going on in every step to in this death? Walking on his move, he is lifting his dead body on his shoulder and is working tirelessly to live in the world. Manav who is the son of a rowdy and evil Brahmin from a village of middle class family. Who is fed up with the torture of his father, has left his village home and comes to in Mumbai, which is a very large metropolis of his country. He wants that he stands on his feet. There is no their personal  house in the city. That is why he was walking around the same place for many days in search of work, he searched for work in many places and told the people, where he is not ready to listen to the matter because of no familiarity with him. Nobody has faith in him. Every person looked at him with suspicion. Throughout the day, travels along the banks of the ocean and travels there. The waves that talk to the waves of the ocean say that the waves give him courage and patience, do not despair. Losing hope and hope will definitely make you a path. It gets adjusted with it. All birds have their own slogans. Where does this manav go? Because it has no slogan or house in it, it is shrinking its own body; it keeps on moving in the streets in the night. On the way, on the way, his eyes were found on a temple, and man goes there and in the line of beggars, he also hides his head in his feet. Due to not eating food for several days, due to its sweetness it was completely tired. His condition was not right at that time, he was in a state of silence. She was all looking puzzled, so she closed her eyes. After spending time in captivity, some people began to eat some food items in the beggars' line, which had some bread. The manav also get the loaves etc. The line of beggars started diminishing because the people who got this food was caught in the fire, in search of their new place, in the crowd of these beggars, the humans stood on their feet. With the clutches of the feet running along the sides of the footpath. In a time, human beings reached a shelter of night with the help of those beggars, but on the other side like him, there was a crowd of poor and devious people who wanted to spend the night there. There manav sat and searched for a little space for himself in the crowd of that shelter of night. There was not enough space to sleep there comfortably. Because at that time there was the night of winter and the rain started to happen too. There was no more space in the night and there was nothing more. If there is no water, then he would spend his nights sitting on the banks of the sidewalk, and he has done so many times before. And the temples used to take a line with free beggars in the mosques and get something to eat. It continued for a number of days where the man made some friends from some of the people like those helpless beggars and walked with them in the day and knew more about them. manav who live with them often used to be stalking drugs and they used to be addicted to drugs and often live in  places. Where one could easily clean the pocket of someone once a few friends of human beings took him to a cinema hall where he was going to theft the pocket, and decided that after going down from here, he would get the same night in the night shelters. And the friend Kalu and Gappu, who lost their lives in the crowd, waited long for them when they did not find a friend, then the fire had left. This is how many people have met many times with such a person, and how many people will get separated and dispersed. Human beings are known to be friends with the crooks who live on the footpath, who had been living in a plastic hut on the roadside, and stayed with them for a few days. Those people used to make food in people's parties. Manav could not live with them for even longer periods, even a day before, manav walked on, where an old man used to sell peanut donuts on the footpath,  manav told his sad story and stayed with him. Because the person who sells the peanut has mercy on the human the man was standing at the shop of his finger and was selling for some time. Worked throughout the day slept in the night while standing in the railway yard nearby. Here the manav mind did not feel rest as one day at night while he was sleeping in the train yard in a carriage. The railway police came and grabbed him and beat him with a lot of humiliation and left him in a day or two. After leaving, he did not go back to that groundnut shop and went ahead. After reaching the same temple, with some disappointed and depressed mind somehow got upset by his pain. Today, those people who eat those foods, the eyes of a noble man take over the manav, and the person calls the man to himself. And he talks to manav, so that he knows everything about manav. He pities the manav and he asks his wife to help the manav, whether they walk in their home. His wife says okay. The man who goes to his house with a manav is named Raju. Raju lives in the move of a huge slum band in Mumbai. Where there is a room in which more than only two third people cannot live. Therefore, after giving food to manav, giving him a sheet, he sleeps today, Raju say we will go to tomorrow morning we will take you to our company.
   Manav became like a business like this. He could never live in a place for a long time. There was nothing to say to her, except for her body, which was completely impaired in reciting the body's requirement. Although life does not believe that you are in a position to wear a place to eat in order to remain in every condition, whatever needs to be done at every need. Arranging it is the first religion of every human. In order to follow the religion, the manav is still in the process. He is endeavoring to become a devout, but his destiny is not supporting him. His unfortunate life is one step ahead. This is also with humans. The next day Raju takes the manav to his owner's garage, where the old trains are ready. At the request of Raju, his master kept the man to work for him. And arranged for meals in the morning to evening to eat every day. On the same side there is a small breakfast shop. And to sleep at night, arrangements were made to sleep in an old car. In this way, human beings were living on the garage and living their life. Spend a few days when human beings came from the people of the people, one of them was a mechanic named Mangal, under which the human had to work. Till 12 o'clock from morning till night, the manav used to engage in work. Thereby, the manav was very tired as there were not enough nutritious food there. The work had to be done with a lot of hard work and working full day long. One day, one of the things heard from the man's Mangal and heard the argument that Mangal became very angry and he went and told his master. So that his master was very angry. He threw the manav out of his work with abuses and said that he should leave from here. manav took their small bag from there, in which a cloth given to the sheet of Raju and some old dress was to wear. He went ahead with the fire, from there, the fire started and he reached a railway station and sat there on one side. After some time there, he meets a person who was his age. When the man chided him, he came to know that he has come running from his house. manav and it was very similar in humanity. He explained a lot to the extent that it is very difficult and risky to live in this way. The manav took him to Pandit, who lived on his old sidewalk. The Pandit was passing his life on seeing the people's hand on the sidewalk. He was a very addictive drug addict; he used to be addicted to brown sugar. The Pandit took all that he had with the man and his friend and held him for a few days. Man and his friend vikash, who lived in Delhi. One day there will be Delhi after returning from the pavement life. Wherever vikash has brought man along with him to his house. In a small cottage, his brother's mother lived with a mother and a father. It was a very small room, and everyone was able to live there with very difficult. Although manav belonged to a village. Where there was a lot of room and large rooms, he was disturbed by his father. Because of this, he was compelled to live in footpaths and roads and huts in this way. He says this to all when someone asks where your parents do what they do. He most often says that he has no one, he is all dead, and he is orphaned. At the same development house, man had said most. The older brother of a vikas, who worked in a company, introduced his friend manav to his master in one day and took him to his office. Where his master got ready to give the job to the manav. In this way, humans get a small job in the first half of a private company. By which, in a short time, manav took a rental apart from him for a living and arranged for his food. In this way, manav beings continued to write their studies in their personal form. Because the job he used did not look good to for his behavior, he wanted a better job. For which he was searching for jobs. The same intermediate man went to one place for his new job interview. Where he meets a man and the two of them are talking a lot. Where the other manav in front of human beings is very impressed. And he gives his Visiting Card to manav and says that meet me ever, I do a good job for you. The man reaches one day at the stated place of that man at an empty time. Wherever the human beings know that the man is very unimaginable, in such a way, it is a good idea to come to the house of that person. It was fine for a while. But after some time, due to not getting the views of the human with the person, the distance started to become distant. manav love this unmarried man's sister Swati in the meantime. And manav did not want it on any cure. That he and Swati are different. But that was not liked by Swati's father and her brother as manav was not equal to them. While the human believed that there is love, there is no poor at present. It was the illusion of manav, one day Swati's father called the man to the man at his house and said that he wants to talk about Swati and the marriage of manav. The manav was very happy to hear this and after getting ready in the morning the next day, manav went to meet her father. Where to get Swati's big brother to welcome the manav at the door. When the manav went inside the house and there was a couch where he sits down. And swati's brother closed the door tightly. And after some time swati's father called the police and told that manav is a thief. we cached him you can take it to with you and give strong punishment. 
The police went to the police station about the manav and prosecuted theft against him. And he was sentenced to a year's jail. Now the manav came to understand that he was very much cheated with the family members of Swati, he put a lot of emphasis on it, but due to the reach of the great people of Swati's father, nobody's talk was heard by anyone. Swati's father did not get any peace when the man got out of jail and cut off his sentence. Swati's father then raised the human being with his rented men. Because Swati's father did not want to get Swati again, because he wanted that manav beings should be killed forever. It was on the night of 25 November when Swatish's father's man took manav and took the manav to a secret place and killed the manav there and when he thought that this manav is dead. Then took manav and threw it into a river . At that time the manav was not dead, he was alive, his breath was still going on, on the same river at night, a fisherman was hitting the fish, the manav was trapped in his trap. When the fisherman got manav wounded, he took the manav with him and treated him. By which manav was cured some time One day manav meets to Swati and Swati said that you should marry me and come to my house and live with me. on this manav said that I will not marry now. I have now decided to take a renounce material life. Because I have learned that non-individuals do not have a heart. And whoever has the heart does not feel uneasy.

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