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      A life secret is a true mystery. If this is the star of life somewhere from the end of the sky, then it is coming from there. A few times that he got on this earth to keep it alive. This is a self-narrative of the same conflict of the soul which has been struggling with the body.


      Rishi Lopamudra says in the first mantra of the first division of Rigveda, Sukta 179, and divides life into three parts. In the early years of life, I have followed the life of day and night in the early hours of life, with great reverence and devotion in the rays of the sun and have followed with hard work and hard work. The Celibacy Ashram is basically the hardest of austerities and labour Celibacy. There is no relation with erudition as laziness. After the intense penance and labour of these early years, I am in my youth at this time, such a person will come into life when a state will harm the beauty of the body and weaken the young state. Therefore, it is only that state of puberty, but surely, powerful men receive wives, they give birth to themselves only through those wives. And the form of a son is born of itself.


तद्धि जायाया जायात्वं यदस्यां जायते पुनः। इसलिये जाया को जाय कहते है।


     Which is surely matching to the fulfilment of its debt, which has done his full care in his celibacy? Ritual knowledge has been attempted to attain the true knowledge of the Vedas of the Orthodox Vedas. It is useless to think of becoming a householder by reaching the end of knowledge. Therefore, now the life of the entire life should start, i.e., at the young age, the wives surely agree with the powerful husbands. In this way give birth to your offspring by doing your dynasty.


     Now in August, it is said that all the Gods who are able to do the labour of peace are the available men for peace. The person who is not working is not his good friend. Thus, by protecting with all the gods while working for labour and for the sake of our husbands, wisely conquer all the enemies who have been competing with them. Through labour alone, we will be able to defeat our sex and anger by becoming energized. In this life, we will surely win the struggle for 100 years. If we run together, we will attack these enemies. In fact, mutual co-ordination of husband-wife is fundamental to the success of life travel. If they are not coordinated, their powers are wasted, and not only in vain are they engaged in displaying each other. On such occasions, it is a victim of anger.


    August Rishi says in the next mantra that this sex is the main part of the household, where the sex itself is trapped in itself and completely destroys man. So, I get the sex done only that one who praises is received. The sex of the one who praises the Lord remains sacred. I get my self-restraining sex. Spartan men use this sex only to further their generation. This sex is not against religion. This sex has originated from the viewpoint of this people, but it has also happened from a panoramic viewpoint that is not visible from the eyes. The purpose of this sex is not only the advancement of this people, but it has been received by keeping the curiosity of the other side in view. In this way, a happy-minded wife who is not able to get a sexy soul, the powerful man who has lost the A happy-minded wife who vanishes the bad name is definitely determined. It is favourable to me, I am not a sexual human, but it is also above the power of sex. I am a liar, and then it is also a stalk. But if the husband is patient and his wife is not patient, and then if there is no coordination of this kind, then the wife of the patient who is humbling in knowledge is not interested in the knowledge, the wife with the pleasure of being filled with sorrow, weeping for her fate, weeping her husband it goes away. The husband makes the complaint very soon, so the husband’s wife’s patience in the household is absolutely essential. If both are patient then the house becomes heaven. Otherwise, it becomes a cause of sadness and anxiety by becoming a hell.  Rigveda 1.179.4

My society makes me the foolish man of the illiterate type of education I read. So, no one listens to my sayings. And I do not live here with peace in the world, I keep complaining to the world. This is absolutely true. I know this about how I used to do my laziness and wasteful work, and in the quest for transient cultural pleasures, I set fire to my eternal happiness and joy. Now when I prepared my own balefire and sat on it myself, it sat down. I do not have much power now. That I could separate myself from balefire. Now I am not going to suffer from the unbearable pain of burning it. I am not able to liberate myself from the lacquer by doing my action. My strengths and weaknesses have grabbed me in such a way that like the sun’s light prevents the clouds from being in the sky, and that light does not let the earth come on. His anti-power is what we call the cloud. The whole life cries while roaming. The way in which a river is tied and its water is stopped. The way the cage is locked to a lion, without any effort to do it, he makes the millions effort. But the lion cannot escape from the pizzeria. There is no such light in life as it is seen only on the side of the deep dark valley. It is my desire that you should lose yourself in some unknown deep unknown mysterious place, where there is no desire to live or not to die. There is no such thing at all. But this too is not possible for me because he dies my enemy in the present world, and he keeps the secret information from all our secret. None of my kingdoms is hidden from him. Today, the world exists around us today. Because this world did not come to me. As no great poetic man has said that this world has not worked for me. Or else I myself have not been the work of any of this world and my friends. I’ve been completely useless. I have no use in this world, nor is this world proved to be of any kind of work. In this way, there is no connection with this world. I like the speed in which the sound of the world’s groans comes in the groin. In which I hear the spiritual sounds Other than that, I feel tired and without taste. There is no juice, no I am experiencing happiness from any work, nor am I being irritated with anyone. I am able to find myself alone in the face. Why is this happening to me, am I being mad? Or my brain is not working. Why do not I see my benefit? Why is not it coming to me in this world? This world, while all of us are enjoying it all here. I also tried to enjoy I did not enjoy myself in revenge I must have laid the foundation stone of the apocalypse itself, above which the palace of my life stands today. The one who is falling apart is falling down The way the castle of a sand which does not make it late, nor does it deteriorate nor worsen. Something like this is happening with us here too. My heart is drowning, my heart is moving out of my heart. Looking at my failures and my inability, I am wondering what I did all this, did I do all this myself? I am not dependent on myself, I am feeling very fearful and horror of myself. Or anyone else in my room lives in me. Who works with me in contrast to my wish? Whose advantage, happiness and joy itself is. He does not share with me and the affliction of the world is a result of humiliation and worldly stupid acts full of karma, he gives on our heads. There is breath in this matter. I have experienced that somebody else who has power over me and very powerful is exactly the same as myself, but I do not have anybody. He resides in my body secretly, I remember how happy he was when he appeared in my heart. This is only one or two times He was doing something like that from me. As he is the master of my life, I understood him as divine, my heart was sitting at that time. For a time, I became very scared. That’s what’s speaking from inside of me. Because he had the power in his voice, he said what he said just like me but he was different from me. Since I know myself, it never happened that I have answered only two forms from within me. After that I tried to talk to him many times but I could not succeed. Because he comes by his own will and goes with his own will. And he talks very briefly. It is the word form which suddenly appears inside us. The truth which he said is proving to us. He revealed my inability to me. I said that I am capable, but I know this after a long time. That he is going to see the phenomenon of our earthquake. While I am not able to see myself too well, where can I see my future? Which can take some good steps for our future. He is very merciful to us. He has graciously extended us to the limit of my life for some time. When he appeared in me, he said that you are useless for me, I will kill you. I said that I am working as a bungalow but this is my weakness that I could not make her work. I could not even get myself to work for myself. So how can I become the work of that divine? He has just said that he will kill me. And this He is killing me every day doing the work. There is no loss of injury or injury to anyone. But I am experiencing every and every hardship given by him and him. He can also say that this is the result of your actions while I am not ready to accept it. Since I have known myself since the beginning, I am not free in karma. It has reached a very big place like a man like us who has entered our world through a microscopic and secretive technique. And he uses our life. He is not divine, because others are compassionate and justified. When a person who came in my interview in my time, is selfish and compassion is inferior. From which we cannot wish for any mercy or justice. He has also occupied our outer nature. I have this experience that I am not afraid only, the sky, water, sunlight, air, water also become fearful to me. And it always frightens at night. I have not experienced this only with my huge family, which is thousands of people, and other people have also experienced it. As it is being terrorized and horrifying that the incident is being done by some fine machine. He takes control of our mind. There is a power that is used by only rich country or very rich people. Which can be used to spread the earthquakes, floods, or seven waves of such winds in any area, which can be exercised after any effect in any area or any large group of that area. It has been used extensively to frighten me and my family, my relatives and my society. There is such a terrorist who does not want people to make truth and knowledge available. The whole group of people who have done the same thing is completely killed and made plans to take over the property of their own. And working on it. On the people of our family, people of our village, people of our families, by using microscopic machines like this on our sect of people. All of them are being murdered and do so with so much hygiene that the administration does not get any evidence of it. It will not only be used in my life or my family or society, but it will be used on all those who are engaged in the work of truth and sincerity. All those who have been murdered in a society in some ways have also been murdered. I have survived many times with the influence of my own divine powers. But the one, who is our enemy, is coming to end us at any cost. Their traps are very big. Governments under the world under their rule. They consider themselves divine. Many types terribly kill people and kill them.

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