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such dirty and slut thinking the brain.

 such dirty and slut thinking the brain.

    This meditation, yoga, samadhi, and nothing is love which has been defined in newer new forms over time. The person whom we all see as love is the work which is made of desire, behind which there is a creation of energy, whose session is the nirvana of a beautiful civilized society. And when it gets unruly. So it does not recognize anyone, it exists all its limitations. That is, the sima breaks the way in which the tsunami occurs in the ocean. So the people living on the seashore and the city destroy the state. The way the Earth is warming the atmosphere, the Earth's atmosphere is heated. By which many kinds of creatures have disappeared forever. And due to which the diseases of this human being are also present in the name of the number of microscopic and baric Dysfunction. The treatment is not in this world, how many new diseases are there. The one who does not have the knowledge of the scientists, whom he keeps in the list of Incurable. The reason for all these distortions is uncontrollable work. Which is now impossible to control. Because earlier work was controlled in ancient times? But at one time it was such a wind blowing from the West that human beings can be happy with the freedom of work. Whose chief Sigmund Freud is considered. The air has spread in almost all the countries today, which has been spread by major countries of the world, due to the overwhelming majority of ill-treated diseases such as adds and cancer have become in the countries of total embarrassment. Due to the fact that drugs smugglers are making huge money in the name of medicine. Medicines do not eliminate any disease, though it increases the disease to this level which ends with the body. All this has become due to love being lost.


         If there was no bitter talk of giving figures, then it would be very difficult to say that there has been a lot of mischief in the 'sex workers' in western countries. As a result of this misfortune, there has been a terrible environment of anger, anxiety, misery, famine, scandal, dissatisfaction and anger and social life in the personal life of the people, the awkwardness, arrogance, and hostility of casteism. A small proof is that 60 people behind 100 people in the wealthy nation like America have to take a pill to get sleep, people are relieved of the burden of brain tension and anxiety, and also trust their wife. Cannot divide what time he divorces and leave home.


    Now this flow has started to touch this country gradually. Lack of the character and childhood characterization of the children has had a bad effect on health, the disorderly attitude of social life is growing rapidly. All the brightness and self-esteem of the inheritance are being destroyed. The children are becoming infected with infertility complexes from a small stage. Today's young man is so full of self-worthlessness that he cannot express himself well. It is the responsibility of pro-erotic philosophers such as Freud - who has influenced western countries in the name of psychology and from that point of view, the storm is now increasing in this country too. Marx gave priority to economic needs, which became a target of the lives of people - 'money' Freud made people a criminal of lust by giving the principle of 'favored happiness'. If the mental analysis of today's human beings can be found then the image of God, soul, knowledge, education, love, behavior, respect, hospitality, harmony, cooperation, public reform and transcendental virtuosity etc. has not touched them (1) Money and (2) work pleasures These two goals are now left. In the body where there are many such instruments installed in the body, which help in attaining this life and supernatural pleasures, there have been compositions of those glands, from which the sequence of creation does not stop. Continuous pace and life here but it also has its own limit, the courage to break it will be said to be the betrayal of yourself, society and God. Freud's statement is that 'Man is born from work only', it is the nature of nature, so the more who can fulfil its desires, it is equally happy. Even if the marriage restrictions have to be violated for the satisfaction of lust, it is not a crime. Freud writes that in the mind of the little child, the desire to set up a relationship with his mother (the Oedipus complex) and the daughter's own father (Electra complexes) awakens. The son wants to meet his mother, but when he sees that his father has already assumed this place, then he begins to develop hatred and malice towards his father. Hatred and malice often become so fierce that they think of the point of killing their fathers, in the same way when they are deprived of working relationships with their mother, then develop a sense of self-worthiness inside them. It seems to be Freud has considered this kind of self-inferiority in the development of personality and in the path of civilization, and has expressed the belief that if the fulfilment of 'work-lust' is completely cleaned, then the peak point of human civilization and culture Can reach. Freud does not believe that such an idea arises only in people of abnormal (i.e. some extraordinary ones), but they consider it to be narmal ie instinctual instinct. This kind of sexual attraction in the absurd child is not just ridiculous but very ridiculous. In India, there is so much purity in the people Not even coming in. If there was instinctive grief for parents and mother, Shravan Kumar did not rotate his parents on shoulders. Rama turned down the talk of Dasharath and started talking about the state of war in Ayodhya. The oppressive ruler like Duryodhana was as much a devotee of his parents, as should be an ideal child. For Bharat Kumar, there was no barrier in the forest but he was like his mother's worship gods. Expressing the reality of this little theory of Freud, Shri Elcha Chand Joshi writes - "Freud was the first son of his sweetheart Amelia Freud. Amelia's husband, Jacob Freud, had this second marriage. When Freud was born, Amelia's age was 21 years old, and the mother also has great affection for her first child, Freud was an innate, talented and intense child. Not surprisingly, in this mind of the priceless boy, awakened intense sexual desire in a very small state towards his affectionate and beautiful mother. Freud was also of curiosity and jealous nature. The father used to scold him many times, so it can be natural for a father to have a maltreatment. It seems to be the common weakness of the same ritual of your life, Freud assumed a universal principle, and he was focusing his lifetime for proving the truth. The simple speed of human life is going downward, so he got supporters and see, 'Freud's sex' has tied up all Western society in its horoscope. Napoleon did not even attract women to work until the age of 25. If Newton had sex abuse in his mind, he would have tried to get his intellectual skills to know the secrets of creation rather than to get the unlimited work-pleasure. Bhishma and Hanuman may be bound by the pledge, but Newton had no difficulty in front of it. The innate talents have not only been downward but have also been rising upwards and people are enjoying more pleasure than their work-pleasures. In our country, work-lust has been considered as a major obstacle in the realization of true and eternal happiness. Ramkrishna Param Hans, being married and living like a yogi, always used to live happily. Swami Rami tirtha and Lord Buddha had even abandoned the virgin wives for scandal pleasures. Maharishi Dayanand became Brahmachari Even after Mahatma Gandhi had control of lust after 36 years of age, even then the fountain of happiness was flowing in his life, then what can be done to recognize the 'work-pleasures of the main life happiness and goal' . By making 'Rattas' upward, the gleeful power of happiness, happiness and joy, has been praised by the yoga scriptures and it has been told that it has been increased more than the ever-lasting pleasure. Sex attraction leads to transient pleasures, this kind of fulfilment may get partial pleasure, but later it is the evil of body and soul. The thoughts and actions of a human being all go downward, in individual and social life, the squid and the nuisance arise, whose discussions have been in the first rows. Even today, who had cut a hole in the corner, he went on a lotus flower until the illusion evening. In the beauty and fragrance of lotus, the mind of the illusion grew so much that the night had passed, the scattered petals of the flower came in the shape of a bud. The bhummra remained closed and stopped. Waiting for the night, if you want the illusion, then that bud has pierced several other times and many times come out in the night and then goes inside, but he himself goes to a petal of a bud. In the morning, when the sun rises on the flower, the petals started again, and the bumblebee went out in the same way. Seeing this, Sant Dnyaneshwar said to his disciples - You saw This form of love is understandable. Devotion is not a new quality, it is a form of love. When we begin to love God, the lavish feeling takes place in the divine power, in the divine power, everywhere, the ultimate choice takes shape, this is called devotion. Lord nirvikalpa and lover savikalopa become united, duality bhav also becomes untainted. This is what the scientist has said in the same way - 'Liquid Prartha Ekaika Manso Bhagavadekatma Roopa Sawypal Vrittibbhaktari' Prem 'is a very broad word. It is used to mean God-love and world love to deviant desires. Humans of Nimrakoti have just assumed it means sex acts. From him, he loves Chintan, his attachment to relatives, relatives and relatives with a higher standard category. Some wise men also call the sadhana of art, literature, music, knowledge science, etc. as love. But in reality none of them is worth saying 'love'. All these come in the bounds of selfishness, whereas true love is the main part of Paramarth. If you want peace, strength and power then hold on to your conscience. You can deceive the whole world, but who can throw away your soul. If you get the consent of conscience in every work, then the path of discrimination will not be destroyed. Even if opposed to the whole world, if you can follow your conscience then no one can stop you from attaining success. When a person starts to understand his own unique person and considers himself the best in the character, then his spiritual fall occurs. The great person has always gone alone and alone because of this loneliness towards the mother Are there. The people alone have done the greatest works of the world on their own. They have received their own inspiration only. They are always cheerful with their own inner happiness. They never expected to wipe off the other. In private instances, he did not see the support. Loneliness is the ultimate truth of life. But being frustrated with loneliness, discouragement, discouraged or disappointed with duties is the biggest sin. Loneliness is a means of developing the great powers hidden in your personal internal state. Depending on you, you search for your highest powers. that death of such dirty and slut thinking the brain.

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