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Truth is very dangerous we do not live with it

 Truth is very dangerous we do not live with it


      I am very troubled by the sorrows of this world. I do not have the desire to live here now. I have made this world so much sad. I have lost, I want to die. At every step I have experienced grief and distress. I am very sorry for the condition of myself. Why did he come into this world? This world is not for us. Everything here is weighed by putting money on the floor. 

     And my friend does not have money. I could not be anyone, everyone gets very quick against us. I’m tired of being fatigued, I think all this world lies and a voice. Why is this happening to me? There are some reasons behind this. Why is this world behind me? Why do you want to kill me? Everyone hates me Although I love everyone, but I do not see my love. Why have all the paths of this world closed for me? I have become so old, weak, oppressed, driven by the move. Am I born here only in this world to die with awe, helplessness, humiliation and suffering and die every day? None of my people have happened in this world, no family, no family, no friend, nor any discipline, every person hate me, every person humiliates me. Today it has reached Which I thought was my last place. 

    For a very long time, because everywhere I had been rejected. Losing from everywhere and taking the arrows here. Now I have been rejected and humiliated from here also. For me, there is no solution in this world. I am not even so right. That could kill my own self, because I had been terribly humiliated many times before, too. But could not kill myself. However, he kept on scolding all those insults and grief and continued to choke, that in the future all things will be improved. But I am a very kind of man. Our future only brings sadness to our hearts. I am very humiliated to show my face to the people. I have been sick for a long time. Despite such treatment, the disease was not cured. This disease has become illusory. Yet, the pain which has been afflicted by this disease and the kind of torture that is being given to me is not bad. Because of which I am also doing treatment, but there is no benefit from treatment. This disease is also troubling me. For many years, this disease has robbed me of all kinds. I have become poor. 

     I now work to teach children in a housing college. Here the boys misinterpret our simplicity and insult me. First used to do only with words. In exchange for raising our hands today, the boys also raised their hand over me. That means that when the person killed me, that child even beat me with my hand. There were also many children there, some of whom came and saved us. After that the child came to our rooms and apologized to me also and said that I was wrong. But can I stand in front of those children in front of the head as I stood up and raised my head? I am very proud of myself. I do not understand anything What should I do? What other teachers, who are our colleagues in addition to children, would have thought about us? What kind of teacher is this that the children are being killed, and it is not worthy of punishing children? I cannot raise the courage to speak to all the children and teachers who are my colleagues. That is why I want to leave this work too. If I do this, then I have no other place other than this, where I can go and I can live. 

     A lot of effort can be given to the residence of someone living. But there cannot be any money left over. Here, I get some money for living. So, I have some kind of expenses and treatment. If I leave this task then fill in a huge big grief and sink into the world. I have experienced this before, that I did not have much money left over and I was very upset and sad. This work was the only one that helped me out. All of my own people were trying to kill me. And all had left me with my wife, my parents, my brothers, all the rosters, all friends were against me. I had to face a lot of difficulty in removing myself from his trap. When I got this job all of them started doing a good deal with me. And now if I leave this work then where do I have to fix? I cannot understand anything. I am not able to find myself in the situation of making any kind of decision. After all what else is going to happen to me? I think that my heart trembles only after thinking. I’m feeling very anxious myself. How can I live in this world like this when the world is my enemy?

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