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Moonlit arm

Moonlit arm


Edison Marshall is an American writer, has traveled to Asian countries and studied the social and cultural life of those countries. The story presented is from their 'Love Stories of India' story collection.


James Carpenter got me onboard. The ship was going from New York to Geneva. On that night there was a fancy dress program on the ship. James came to the show as a member of the Roman Parliament. She had wrapped a white sheet of her bed, but her body was something that she seemed to be a member of the Roman Parliament. He got the first prize.


When the ship reached Geneva, I found some necessary things. I did not talk much to James But it became known that he was going to India. He has a college degree and he will work as Life Insurance in Calcutta. His American company has spent the road. I knew a lot about Calcutta. I had an idea of the celebrations of Viceroy's Sir. But I was scared that just like a fair-minded young man like James, whose eyes have not come to the brightness of glaucoma-how to succeed there! He was not even experienced. Neither a girl came leaving behind. Neither came nor promised a girl. Because American girls did not get to her intellectual level. Because of her studies, she did not get enough time to pay attention to the girls.


So, the next morning James took all his luggage and went on an Italian ship that was going to Bombay. His company had given the first-class ticket so that he could have a good relationship with well-known people on the way.


There were also many Hindus on that Italian ship which was going back to Europe after spending summer. One of them was also a Maharaja. All were gathered at dinner ... one of them was a foreign cinema star, one of the captains of Bengal Lancers. There was a commerce and there were all those who had given positions and titles to the British.


When James saw King Bakrathan, he did not believe that Hindustani Maharaja could be such. They were wearing tweed suit ... they were laden with diamonds or they were clothed with gold. James thought it would be Maharaja for the name ... everything else would be under the control of the British. Surprisingly, it was only by looking at the color of the Maharaja. He was also white with the British and thought that this Maharaja would be the donor of any English English semen because he could not think that any Indian could be so fair.


There were some ministers, servants, secretaries, with the Maharaja. He also had a queen, a boy and a girl. The girl was studying in France. She used to sit on the deck with her daughter-in-law. When James first saw the princess, he was amazed. He could not believe that there could be such a beautiful girl in India. I was surprised to find James. He does not know that the eyes of Hindustani girls also shock people of old age like us. They are even more shining than the eyes of the angels ... I wonder if James could not see this beauty. Hindustani princesses have arms and hands are so soft and silky that their comparison is impossible. Moonlight's left ... That's what can be said.


Seeing the princess, Jm could not stop her. He made three-fours of decks that could talk ... but it may not have been considered as decency to introduce themselves to Hindustani girls themselves. James thought it right.


On dinner, she was sixteen-year-old, lean-thin, inexhaustible beautiful, silver-haired princess. But after a while, he disappeared. Just once James got his sight and he was stunned. There was no such tide ever seen on the sight of an American girl.


James went straight to the list of travelers It was known that the name of Princess is Lira Kiranpala.


Dinner and dance were finished, but James was not able to sleep. He went upstairs to the deck ... where the cabin of the Maharaja was. The light was coming from a cabin but nothing was showing in it. He stood up to breathe that the light was extinguished. He was returning after desperation that she was bathed in moonlight in the form of a sheer girl, appeared to be seen ... her breath stopped being stopped when she saw that she was a princess. Before James is in shape and able to see the reality, the princess herself spoke, sorry, I could not come before ... you waited for me, this is very much!


"I am not able to believe ..." James said in a similar manner.


"What is your name?" The princess asked.


"James Carpenter ..." James said, "You can call me a gym."


By saying "Jim Saab", he smiled, "Would you like to know my name?"


'' Lira! That's not ... I know, "James said.


The time was very short. Both of them spoke quickly. James told everything about himself and, on the go, Princess Lira said, "You look like Krishna ..."


James had heard Krishna's name ... but he did not understand much. He was thinking that Lira said, "You do not want to meet me now, try to see or recognize me, understand ... If you have expressed anything then there can be a disaster!"


"What kind of lira ..."


"You will not understand ... You are the heart of the saints, and you people do not hesitate to sacrifice the living people," said Lira.


'Sacrifice! What are you saying Lira, I'm Christian ... what do we have to sacrifice? "James stammered.


He smiled. James thought that his talk was not right, or he did not understand his meaning, but there was an impending crisis. necessary Still, he said, "Try to meet ..." Lira went away. On the second day, she could say so, "Jm sir, the law of English is very fuzzy. By reaching India, you will know what is the fate of loving a Hindustani girl. "And she went away," Good bye! "" But I will wait tomorrow too! It is not goodbye, "James said and stood alone. Then Lira did not come. When the ship reached Port Said, Lira appeared. The passenger port of James's cabin had landed in Saeed. I got very lonely at night. James told him that he could not live without him. If Lira permits, then she will talk to the king that she wants to marry Lira. "Hish," Lira kept her fingers on her lips. Then the quote, "The time is very short ... just seven days! We will reach the shores of India ... and then we will never meet. "James kept watching him. He felt the hot breath of Lira and, as everything had happened in the dream, he brought Lira in its empty cabin. They also stayed in the cabin and loved the remaining nights. The last night Lira's eyes were tears. He was distraught in James's arms. He quietly said goodbye and had accepted it too. But Lira was also aware that her father could not believe her boyfriend and try to meet on reaching India ... Therefore, she thought, now it would be better to tell everything. She got out of her arms and sat down and said in a very sad voice, "Sir, jam! Now let me tell you ... my husband has been selected. It is the kingdom of Shandor, the state of our kingdom! Age fifty years Two queens have left, because they could not give him the child. Now I need that state to give a child ... "" Oh lira, what are you saying ..., "James sat down holding the forehead. Lira took her head from her shoulder -" Sad Do not be a jo sir This is not a great misfortune ... we have spent three or four nights - they have enough to keep the whole life bright ... my husband, who has heard, is very generous. I have read in the West ... '' '' So will we really be able to meet now? '' James was drowned in his misery. '' Now, never be born in this birth! The combination of my honeymoon is ready ... Suhag's ..., '' It is said to be a little laughing, and then quote, this is the end of our union. And then jam sahib ... one day you will forget me even while staying with your master ... '' '' I will forget! Yes! "James said." Maybe both of us will not be able to forget each other ... in this life, or perhaps in all the births ... perhaps will be forgotten when the Brahma will stop dreaming ... When the creation will end. Well ..., "Lira took a deep breath and said," Jm sir, you will never try to meet me! "" For your sake ... "" Somewhere a word about our meeting Did not hear ... Because Jim Sahib, this will endanger your life, "Lira said." I promise Lira, I will write you a letter, I will not recognize, I will not meet, I will never say anything to anyone ..., "James said with a heavy heart." And if you ever If you go through the state of father or husband, then you will not get to any station in these states ..., "Lira warns, then after being overwhelmed with love, you are mine ... By then, till the time of Brahma Do not stop dreaming ... and I am yours ... "And momentarily, Lira got up and went away. Swapnapri-si! Several years have elapsed. James Carpenter continued his work in Calcutta He also had great successes. But I do not know why James always realized that his marriage with Lira would not be concealed. Lira's marriage was piqued with the Maharaja of Shandur. The noise was all around. Among the celebrations that were held in the state, the people of Calcutta had joined and brought the news of eulogy. James just listened to everything. But in July of the same year there was such a chance that James had to go through his work towards north-eastern India. His train cut off a part of Shandur state. Once before, she had passed through this train and this way ... and she kept her very modest. He did not touch the outside of the compartment, because he wanted to get out of reaching the British Raj's land. The car was going on. James was changing his clothes so that he could sleep comfortably so that the car stopped at a small station in Shandur State. And knocked on his door. Fearful when he opened the door, he saw that a Bengali Babu was asking for a ticket in Hindustani. He came in and inquired. The car stopped for a minute and stopped. As soon as James got some nature, he saw that the Bengali pistol was standing and saying: 'Sir, sit on the seat. There is no need to scream and shout. "James sat down like a stone's stone. He asked, "What do you want?" The pistol man said, "I do not want anything. I am fulfilling the boss's orders. I have been ordered to take you off the next station in Shandor-State. Bus. "And after ten minutes the train stopped at another dark station. Four men came in the box while they stopped and James was taken off with luggage. On the second day, James found himself in a comfortable room. It seemed as if it was the second palace of the Maharaja. He was fully appreciated and after breakfast, when he was left alone in that room, a fifty-year-old man, who looked like a king, came to that room. James her respect Sit down, sit down and say, "Sir, sit down!" Maharaja said, "I am the King of Shandor ... do not panic ..." "But why have I been brought here like this?" James asked. "The matter is a bit delicate!" The Maharaja said, "But what is the use of it even after roaming?" The simple thing is that James Sahib, this is my last hope which is the third marriage I have ever had! That the kingdom of Shandor will get an heir. If I die without a son, then this state will go to my half-brothers, even the British government does not want to. ... A few months ago my news spread across the state as electricity that the Queen Lira was pregnant! But with all this information all my dreams got scattered, because the doctors taking care of the Queen Lira had told that this pregnancy is before marriage! "" What can I know? Why are you telling me all this? "James said." James, do not try to be made! I just want to know the truth, which only you can tell. I know that Princess Lira on the ship and you used to meet! "The Maharaja said." I do not know anything! "James responded directly. The Maharaja said to his anger," You lie. ! "" I am telling the truth! "James tilmilakar said." If the truth does not come in front of me, then your body will be taken from the boat! Understand! "" Actually, I do not know anything! "James's face was faint but he was firm." I give up till tomorrow morning, if you accept the truth then you have given your life Will go. If you will not approve, there is no other end than death, understand it! "Maharaja called out from the room. There was a rage that a maid came in the room of James. He pointed to James coming back quietly. What did James do There was nothing better than death. Passing through the streets, in the room where he entered, Lira was lying on a gilded bed. His newborn baby was sleeping in the same bed. "Jm Saheb!" Lira said in the eyes of James. "No, Queen, I am a prisoner whom the king has captured for Babat." James said. Say, "Slow speech prisoner, otherwise my child will wake up!" Queen quote. And standing by bathing with sweat, James also experienced in his entire heartlessness that Lira was as close to him as it was today, even when he In his arms Was not. '' I said or why he has been brought? '' James's strange. '' Do I know the prisoner! But I can say so much that I can not do anything for you! "Queen Lira said. And James quickly understood that this marriage is formed by the Maharaja that he will melt to obey his crimes. He was thinking that the Maharaja entered the room and said, "James Sahib, you have not been brought here for a flawlessness ... even after coming here, you did not let the secret of your child be opened, it was only an English sahib Could. Because this is the scandal of the English. Now I have no doubt that this child is yours. "The Maharaja took a deep breath and then said with astonishment," But this kingdom will not go to my stepbrothers, I will never accept it! That's why this child will take my name and become a prince! "James did not have any words. He was standing like a body. "James Sahib!" Maharaja said, "You will have to give an undertaking that you will never try to know the Queen Lira and the descendant of this kingdom Prince Rajkumar. You will never come in their way! ... "On this condition, you can be free. Jams shook their eyes, bowed and bowed in acceptance." Okay! Then James Sahib, you are free. I am also sad for you, I have a sense of compassion towards you too ... and I salute you too! "And in the second moment, James left the room after seeing Lira and the child without seeing it.

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