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Yajurveda 1.1-15

Yajurveda 1.1-15

1. ओ३म् इ॒षे त्वो॒र्जे त्वा॑ वा॒यव॑ स्थ दे॒वो वः॑ सवि॒ता प्रार्प॑यतु॒ श्रेष्ठ॑तमाय॒ कर्मण॒ऽआप्या॑यध्वमघ्नया॒ऽइन्द्रा॑य भा॒गम्प्र॒जाव॑तीरनमी॒वाऽय॒क्ष्मा मा व॑स्तेनऽईशत॒ माघꣳश सो ध्रु॒वाऽअ॒स्मिन॒ गोप॑तौ स्यात ब॒ह्वीर्यज॑मानस्य प॒शून्पा॒हि।।

O, Lord, we resort to Thee for the supply of foodstuffs and vigour. May the Creator, the fountain of happiness and knowledge, inspire us for the performance of noblest deeds with our organs? May the cows, which should never be killed, be healthy and strong? For the attainment of prosperity and wealth, may the cows be full of calves, free from consumption and other diseases. Maya thief and a sinner are never born amongst us. May the lord of land and cattle be in constant and full possession of these? May you protect the cattle, wealth and progeny of the virtuous soul?

Manoj pandey founder of GVB The University of Veda 9305008616

2. ओ३म् वसोः॑ प॒वित्र॑मसि॒ द्यौर॑सि पृथि॒व्य॒सि मात॒रिश्व॑नो घ॒र्मो॒ऽसि । वि॒श्वधा॑ऽअसि । प॒र॒मेण॒ धाम्ना॒ दृꣳहस्व॒ मा ह्वा॒र्मा ते॑ य॒ज्ञप॑तिर्ह्वार्षीत्।। २।।

Yajna acts as purifier, makes explicit, true and perfect knowledge, spread in space through the rays of the sun, purifies the air, is the mainstay of the universe, and also adds to our comfort through its exalted office. It behaves us all the learned and their followers not to give up the performance of yajnas.

Manoj pandey founder of Gyan Vigayn Brhamgyan 9305008616

3. ओ३म् वसोः॑ प॒वित्र॑मसि श॒तधा॑रं॒ वसोः॑ प॒वित्र॑मसि स॒हस्त्रधारम् । दे॒वस्त्वा॑ सवि॒ता पु॑नातु॒ वसोः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ण श॒तधा॑रेण सु॒प्वा काम॑धुक्षः ।। ३।।

The yajna of the Great Lord is the supporter of innumerable worlds and purifies us all. May the Self-Effulgent Lord, lead us aright on the path of virtue. May He purify us through the store of true knowledge and all sciences contained in the Vedas, and elevating selfless deeds? O ye men which branches of true knowledge do ye want to comprehend?

4. ओ३म् सा वि॒श्वायुः॒ सा वि॒श्वकर्मा॒ सा वि॒श्वधा॑याः । इन्द्र॑स्य त्वा भा॒ग सोमे॒नात॑नच्मि॒ विष्णो॑ ह॒व्यꣳरक्ष ।। ४।।

Vedas are the true source of knowledge and their study enables us to enjoy the full span of life. They contain the detailed instructions concerning various duties. May we through His grace be firmly convinced of the utility of industrial achievements, and may He, the Omnipresent Lord protect our yajnas and the knowledge and means thereof.

5. ओ३म् अग्ने॑ व्रतपते व्र॒तं च॑रिष्यामि॒ तच्छ॑केयं॒ तन्मे॑ राध्यताम् । इ॒दम॒हमनृ॑ता स॒त्यमुपै॑मि ।। ५ ।।

O God, the Lord of Vows, I will observe the vow. May I have strength for that. Pray grant me success in the fulfilment of my vow. I take the vow of renouncing untruth an embracing truth.

6. ओ३म् कस्त्वा॑ युनक्ति॒ स त्वा॑ युनक्ति॒ कस्मै॑ त्वा युनक्ति॒ तस्मै॑ त्वा युनक्ति। कर्म॑णे वां॒ वेषा॑य वाम् ।। ६।।

Who prompts you to do good deeds ? It is He, the Great Lord Who guides us on the path of virtue. Why does He do so? For the performance of noble, virtuous deeds and the fulfillment of the vow of leading a truthful life. The Lord enjoins the workers and their organizers, the teacher and the taught to be constantly engaged in doing good deeds and achieving fine qualities and true knowledge,

7. ओ३म् प्रत्यु॑ष्ट॒ꣳरक्षः॒ प्रत्यु॑ष्टा॒ऽअरा॑तयो॒ निष्ट॑प्त॒ꣳ रक्षो॒ निष्ट॑प्ता॒ऽअरा॑तयः ।। उ॒र्वन्तरि॑क्ष॒मन्वे॑मि ।। ७।।

May we root out the evil tendencies of the wicked, the unsympathetic and uncharitable exploiters of humanity? May we take to task the disturbers of peace, and expose the wicked? May we thus get many an opportunity of attaining to prosperity and bliss?

8. ओ३म् धूर॑सि॒ धूर्व॒ धूर्व॑न्त॒ धूर्व॒ तं योऽस्मान धूर्वति॒ तं धूर्व॒ यं व॒यं धूर्वा॑मः। देवाना॑मसि॒ वह्नितम॒ꣳ सस्त्नि॑तमं॒ पप्रि॑तमं॒ जुष्ट॑तमं देव॒हूत॑मम् ।। ८।।

O Lord, Thou art the dispeller of vices. May Thou punish – the wicked? May Thou deal with the vicious that put the sages to trouble? May Thou inspire the sinful with noble thought, which we, too, encourage? To do noble deeds. We worship Thee, the Giver of happiness and knowledge to the learned, purifier of them, the Promulgator of learning and joy in the universe, and worthy of adoration by the religious minded devotees and the wise.

9. ओ३म् अह्रु॑तमसि हवि॒र्धानं॒ दृꣳहस्व॒ मा ह्वा॒र्मा ते॑ यज्ञप॑तिर्ह्वार्षीत् । विष्णु॑स्त्वा क्रमतामु॒रु वाता॒याप॑हत॒ꣳरक्षो॒ यच्छ॑न्तां॒ पञ्च॑ ।। ९।।

O Ye men, increase the store of goods acquired by honest and fair means to be used in the service of humanity. May your life, be constantly dedicated to this principle. May the spiritually minded people, also, not give up this humanitarian work? May your lives be constantly consecrated to the performance of five daily duties? The heat of the sun destroys dirt and fragrance, and draws substances consigned to fire, in their atomic form for the purification of air.

10. ओ३म् दे॒वस्य॑ त्वा सवि॒तुः प्रस॒वेऽश्विनो॑र्बा॒हुभ्यां॑ पू॒ष्णो हस्ता॑भ्याम् । अ॒ग्नये॒ जुष्टं॑ गृह्राम्य॒ग्नीषोमा॑भ्यां जुष्टं॑ गृह्णामि ।। १०।।

In this universe created by the All Effulgent God, I realize the power and influence of the sun and moon feel the inhalation and exhalation of life-giving breath, appreciate the efforts made by the votaries of knowledge for mastering science of electricity. I follow the researches made by the learned in the applications of water and fire.

11. ओ३म् भू॒ताय॑ त्वा॒ नारा॑तये॒ स्व॒रभि॒विख्येषं॒ दृꣳहन्तां॒ दुर्य्याः पृथि॒व्यामु॒र्वन्तरि॑क्षमन्वे॑मि पृथि॒व्यास्त्वा॒ नाभौ॑ सादया॒म्यदित्याऽउ॒पस्थेऽग्ने ह॒व्यꣳ र॒क्ष ।। ११ ।।

I resort to agriculture and craft for removing poverty and ministering happiness to all. May I feel joy in my domestic life? May our houses be sufficiently commodious, airy, fully comfortable, and built in the middle of an open space? May our life be in conformity with Vedic teachings? O Lord we pray unto Thee to preserve and protect whatever gives us happiness.

12. ओ३म् प॒वित्रे॑ स्थो वैष्ण॒व्यौ॒ सवि॒तुर्वः॑ प्रस॒व उत्पुना॒म्यच्छि॑द्रेण प॒वित्रे॑ण॒ सूर्य्यस्य र॒श्मिभिः॑ ।। देवी॑रापोऽअग्रेगुवोऽअग्रेपु॒वोग्र॑ऽइ॒मम॒द्य य॒ज्ञं न॑यताग्रे॑ यज्ञप॑तिꣳ सु॒धातुं॑ य॒ज्ञप॑तिन्देव॒युवम् ।। १२ ।।

O learned persons, just as in this world created by God, inhaling and exhaling breaths are purified by the faultless and pure rays of the sun, just as charming and beautiful waters, which run to the ocean and go up in the atmosphere and nourish medicines, are purified by these rays, so do ye perform Homa with pure substances. I always promote this yajna, and sanctify the worshipper with pure mind and strong body, the worshipper full of learning and noble qualities.

13. ओ३म् यु॒ष्माऽइन्द्रो॑ऽवृणीत वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ यू॒यमिन्द्र॑मवृणीध्व वृत्र॒तूर्ये॒ प्रोक्षि॑ता स्थ । अ॒ग्नये त्वा॒ जुष्टं॒ म्प्रोक्षा॑म्य॒ग्नीषोमा॑भ्यां त्वा॒ जुष्टं॒ प्रोक्षा॑मि । दैव्या॑य कर्म॑णे शुन्धध्वन्देवय॒ज्यायै॒ यद्वोऽशु॑द्धा पराज॒ध्नुरि॒दं व॒स्तच्छु॑न्धामि ।। १३।।

O performers of yajnas, as the sun receives the aforesaid waters and the air to dispel clouds, and absorbs them for the fast moving clouds, hence ye should always perform yajnas. We all should perform agreeable yajnas, for the attainment of God, for noble acts, for the acquisition of fine virtues and for temporal and spiritual advancement. With the aid of yajnas purify all substances and human beings. Yajnas will remove all your physical and mental defects. I, the Revealer of the Veda, advance this purificatory act of yours.

14. ओ३म् शर्मा॒स्यव॑धूत॒ꣳ रक्षोऽव॑धूता॒ऽअरा॑त॒योऽदित्या॒स्त्वग॑सि॒ प्रति॒ त्वादि॑तिर्वेत्तु । अद्रि॑रसि वानस्प॒त्यो ग्रावा॑सि पृ॒थुबु॑ध्नः॒ प्रति॒ त्वादि॑त्या॒स्त्वग्वे॑त्तु ।। १४।।

May your house be comfortable? It should afford no shelter to the wicked and the uncharitable. May your house serve on as skin of the Earth? May all persons acquire such a house through the grace of God? Clouds receive moisture from forests, reside in the vast space, and receive water from air. May God impart you this knowledge of clouds and building houses. May the learned understand the building of houses, which serve as skin of the earth?

15. ओ३म् अ॒ग्नेस्त॒नूर॑सि वा॒चो वि॒सर्ज॑नं देववी॑तये त्वा गृह्णामि बृहद्ग्रा॑वासि वानस्प॒त्यः सऽइदं देवेभ्यो॑ ह॒विः श॑मीष्व सु॒शमि॑ शमीष्व । हवि॑ष्कृ॒देहि॑ हवि॑ष्कृ॒देहि॑ ।। १५।।

O yajna, thou art the body of the fire. Thou art performed with the recitation of Vedic verses; I perform thee for the acquisition of noble qualities. Thou art a great cloud, the fosterer of herbs, Cleanse this oblation, the assuager of mental pain, for the happiness of the learned Cleanse it well. Those who read and teach the Vedas become acquainted with the Vedic lore, inspiring us for the performance of yajnas.

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