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#251: Limitations are nothing more than artificial boundaries that we create to feel safe. Remember, you can do anything!

#252: Wake with gratitude, work with joy, live with integrity, play with gusto and insomnia will never be a problem.

#253: You don't have the ability to change the wind, but you get to choose how to trim your sails.

#254: Never, ever give up on your dreams. Never, ever!

#255: It is your attitude that will determine your altitude in life. Confidence and optimism will take you to the top of the mountain.

#256: We have a finite amount of time, so the more we worry, the less time we have to dream. For me, I think I'd rather dream.

#257: The most important person to love, is YOU. Once you do that, it's easier to love everyone else.

#258: For the next hour--disconnect. Rather than being available to the world--realize that you ARE the world.

#259: Happiness is something that happens from a choice within, rather than from circumstance outside of ourselves.

#260: Nothing eliminates pain and diculty in our life faster than a greater purpose.

#261: Dream incessantly, Believe completely, Act daily, Risk intuitively, Celebrate continually.

#262: Kindness and love will conquer fear and illusion any day. #263: May peace and understanding be yours in this moment. #264: Nothing is greater than LOVE. Spread some today.
#265: For every thought you have today, unseen forces will line up to make it happen for you, so, think good thoughts.

#266: A positive attitude can overcome a negative situation.

#267: Do something special to inspire someone else today, and chances are, it will touch your life too.

#268: For all things, for all reasons, express your gratitude.

#269: Miracles first show up as baby steps of possibility.

#270: When we learn to label challenging situations or problems as fascinating rather then frustrating, something shifts within that allows the solution to reveal itself.

#271: Everyday, if we find someone who's having a bad day and send them some love, we just might change the world.

#272: When you're able to look at the world as cooperative rather then competitive, everything changes and there is enough for everyone.

#273: The worst things that ever happen to us are the stories we tell ourselves. Misery comes only from believing our thinking.

#274: Believe that you can do it, for when you believe, doors will open unto you.

#275: When you feel sad or stuck, remember your life can change in the flash of a moment, and perhaps that moment is now.

#276: The gift of oneself is the greatest thing we can give. Be present.

#277: Send a blessing today to the person in your life who you'd least want to bless--and see what happens. Love is always the answer.

#278: If you are worthy of the breath of life, you are worthy of all else. Let it in.

#279: When we think with no limits, we allow God to show us a bigger, better dream of possibility.

#280: Live simply, love deeply and know your own inner wisdom.

#281: The only thing that makes a good day dierent from a bad day, Is simply our perception. #282: Follow your heart--not your fears. Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. #283: To achieve success, attitude is more important than assets, aptitude, age or anything else. #284: Just the fear of failure--not failure itself--has the ability to stop greatness in its tracks.
#285: It's easy to show kindness and love others when you first love yourself.

#286: Live your life with no regrets. Bless the past and let it go.

#287: Sometimes we forget who we are. Remember--you are an infinite being with unlimited possibility.

#288: Our strength and resilience are always in direct proportion to our level of adversity.

#289: The fear of the storm is always worse than the storm itself.

#290: If you must follow something rather than lead, let it be your own bliss.

#291: Dream big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day.

#292: Your life will improve exponentially when you improve the life of another.

#293: Believing that you lack abundance is like a fish believing that it lacks water. You are abundance.

#294: As we grow, the obstacles in our path shrink in proportion, so that what once appeared as a boulder becomes a mere stepping stone.

#295: Follow your passion, listen to your dreams, believe in yourself and all good things will come your way.

#296: The fastest way to get from fear to abundance is by a shortcut called gratitude.

#297: Rather than asking, "What's the worst that could happen?", instead, ask yourself, "What's the BEST that could happen?"

#298: Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Simple, easy.

#299: When everything we do comes from a place of love rather than fear, we will have achieved peace on Earth.

#300: Your taking a deep breath doesn't diminish my air supply any more than your success prevents mine. We are abundance.

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